spiritual quotation

Glenn Beck on God

Glenn Beck: On God

The real problem in America is not political. It is spiritual. — Glenn Beck, radio talk show host You cannot reach someone’s head without capturing their heart. And no one is going to capture anybody’s heart through violence. — Glenn Beck, radio talk show host You must be a beacon of light in a very […]

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Christine Kloser on Waking Up

Christine Kloser: On Waking Up to the Truth

There’s a call echoing around the world. I hear it in my backyard. I hear it in the voices of friends, clients, and colleagues across the world. I hear it in the headlines. I hear it in shouts, in whispers… and in the silence. (And I hear it in the meows of our awesome new […]

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Nisargadatta Maharaj on ending fear

Nisargadatta Maharaj: On Ending Fear

Once you realize that all comes from within, that the world in which you live is not projected onto you, but by you, your fear comes to an end. — Nisargadatta Maharaj

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