Donald Trump quote

This is a difficult time for our country, but do not lose heart or lose hope because, by the time we celebrate next Thanksgiving, our nation will be well on its way to being stronger, safer, more prosperous, and greater than ever before. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

Donald Trump: On Never Losing Hope

This is a difficult time for our country, but do not lose heart or lose hope because, by the time we celebrate next Thanksgiving, our nation will be well on its way to being stronger, safer, more prosperous, and greater than ever before. — Donald Trump, U.S. president All of these mistakes that Joe Biden […]

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Donald Trump on Babies

Donald Trump: On the Majesty of God’s Creation

When we see the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of God’s creation. — Donald Trump, U.S. president God bless all babies, including those in the womb, those which have been aborted, and those who have not been aborted.

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