The Big Government Suckers Hall of Fame

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Check out the 1,001+ members of The Big Government Suckers Hall of Fame. As many have said, it’s not against the law to be stupid—and being an idiot seems to be a requirement for today’s members of the Deep State and the DC swamp.

The entire DC swamp is made up of idiots or what we in the Midwest would call, really, really stupid people. Sadly, too many city and state government people are also really, really stupid people. This list not only includes politicians, most of whom could never make it in the real world of business or life, but also bureaucrats, judges, court jesters, military people, lobbyists, hangers-on, and other denizens of city, state, and federal governments. — David Walker, author, The Let’s Go Brandon Manifesto

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So let’s be clear: This is a list of idiots, really stupid people, and DC swampers responsible for some incredibly insane actions.

These people are, in the words of one journalist, Moronic, insipid, inconsequential, insignificant, indefatigably insane, and irrelevant.

We start by calling them what they are. They are all snowflakes. And cowards. And idiots. And losers. — K.O.

No punishment has ever stirred the soul. These people with power today are, in many ways, just as artificial as the A.I. systems they wish to build for our maintenance. They fear free thought, so they criminalize dissent as “hate.” They fear free speech, so they make sure that only some people can be heard. They fear free will, so they build more elaborate prisons to keep us under their control. — J.B. Shurk, columnist, American Thinker

God bless all the misguided people and organizations on this list. Bless them every day. Let us pray for them every day.

God bless Adam Abbate
God bless Paul Abbate
God bless Melina Abdullah
God bless Joyce Aboussie
God bless Stacey Abrams
God bless the ACLU
God bless Humberto Acosta
God bless Anna Adams
God bless Jasper Adams
God bless Lily Adams
God bless Wally Adeyemo
God bless the ADL
God bless Jeremy Adler
God bless Karen Agnifilo
God bless Cisco Aguilar
God bless Pete Aguilar
God bless Marc Aidinoff
God bless the AILA
God bless Anthony Albanese
God bless Madeleine Albright
God bless Joshua Alcorn
God bless Joyce Alene
God bless Ché Alexander
God bless Michelle Alexander
God bless Nejwa Ali
God bless the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
God bless Charles Allen
God bless Colin Allred
God bless Miguel Almaguer
God bless Angela Alsobrooks
God bless Justin Amash
God bless Andrew Amer
God bless the American Booksellers Association
God bless the American Economic Liberties Project
God bless the American Library Association
God bless Amnesty Inter/national
God bless the Analyst Institute
God bless Herman Andaya
God bless Amy Anderson
God bless Jessica Anderson
God bless Kristian Anderson
God bless Steven M. Anderson
God bless Tania Fernandes Anderson
God bless Jorgan K. Andrews
God bless Matt Angle
God bless the Animal Rebellion
God bless the Annenberg Public Policy Center
God bless Konstantine Anthony
God bless the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
God bless Antifa
God bless Steven D’Antuono
God bless John Anzalone
God bless Arabella Advisors
God bless Alan Arakawa
God bless Devon Archer
God bless Jacinda Ardern
God bless Willie Armstrong
God bless Jenna Arnold
God bless Ricardo Arroyo
God bless John Arundel
God bless Reza Aslan
God bless the ATF
God bless Claire Atkin
God bless Daryl Atkinson
God bless the Atlantic Council
God bless David Atlins
God bless Gabriel Attal
God bless Attorney Generals
God bless Jake Auchincloss
God bless Leslie Aun
God bless Lloyd Austin
God bless Brian Auten
God bless Authentic Campaigns
God bless Arsen Avakov
God bless Avalanche Insights
God bless David Axelrod
God bless Cindy Axne
God bless Amaris Ayala
God bless Whit Ayres
God bless Richard Azzopardi

Let’s be honest: All politicians embellish, manipulate facts, employ doublespeak, or flat-out lie. Some less, some far more, but across-the-board honesty is not the coin of the realm of politics. — Mike Miller, columnist, RedState

God bless David Badash
God bless Emily Baden
God bless Andrew Bailey
God bless Charlie Bailey
God bless Nikitra Bailey
God bless Chiraag Bains
God bless Sheila Bair
God bless Charles Baker
God bless Dean Baker
God bless Gilbert Baker
God bless J.J. Balaban
God bless Tammy Baldwin
God bless Becca Balint
God bless Richard Balzano
God bless Sam Bankman-Fried
God bless Brad Bannon
God bless Manish Bapna
God bless Nanette Barragán
God bless Ehud Barak
God bless Ras Baraka
God bless Jenna Barbee
God bless Megan Barbero
God bless Kurt Bardella
God bless Mustafa Barghouti
God bless Mandela Barnes
God bless Jeremy Barr
God bless Michael Barr
God bless William Barr
God bless Nanette Barragán
God bless Bruce Bartlett
God bless Jeff Bartos
God bless Jeremy Bash
God bless John Bass
God bless Ian Bassin
God bless Andrew Bates
God bless Bob Bauer
God bless Chris Baugh
God bless Julien Bayou
God bless Bean LLC
God bless Joyce Beatty
God bless Xavier Becerra
God bless Diana Becton
God bless Kate Bedingfield
God bless Frank Bednar
God bless Paul Begala
God bless Aaron Belkin
God bless Steve Bell
God bless Wesley Bell
God bless Michael Beller
God bless Shenna Bellows
God bless Ruth Ben-Ghiat
God bless Joel Benenson
God bless Michael Bennet
God bless Matt Bennett
God bless Dana Berchman
God bless Ariana Berengaut
God bless Ami Berger
God bless Berggruen Institute
God bless Anthony Bernal
God bless Jared Bernstein
God bless Scott Berrier
God bless Monica Bertagnolli
God bless Michael Beschloss
God bless Jaime Herrero Beutler
God bless Austin Beutner
God bless Max Bever
God bless Don Beyer
God bless Jeff Bezos
God bless Preet Bharara
God bless Alessandra Biaggi
God bless Buta Biberaj
God bless Hunter Biden
God bless Jill Biden
God bless Joe Biden
God bless the Biden Crime Family
God bless Stephen Biegun
God bless Andrew Birge
God bless Fatih Birol
God bless Noah Bishoff
God bless Sanford Bishop
God bless Vaughn Frederick Bishop
God bless Neal Bisno
God bless Maher Bitar
God bless Charnelle Bjelkengren
God bless Reed Blakemore
God bless Michael Blakey
God bless Yaba Blay
God bless Sara Blazevic
God bless Adam Blickstein
God bless Antony Blinken
God bless Josh Block
God bless Michael Bloomberg
God bless Earl Blumenauer
God bless Richard Blumenthal
God bless James Boasberg
God bless David Boies
God bless John Bolton
God bless Dexter Bond
God bless Joseph Bongiovanni
God bless Geraldo Bonilla-Chavez
God bless Mike Bonin
God bless Ron Bonjean
God bless Robert Bonta
God bless Kathy Boockvar
God bless Charles Booker
God bless Cory Booker
God bless Quincy Booth
God bless Stewart Boss
God bless Tom Bossert
God bless Quinton Bostic
God bless Raphael Bostic
God bless Shmuley Boteach
God bless Keisha Lance Bottoms
God bless Lily Bou
God bless Chesa Boudin
God bless Roy Boulos
God bless Julie Bourgeois
God bless Heather Boushey
God bless Viktor Bout
God bless Thomas C. Bowen
God bless Erskine Bowles
God bless Jamaal Bowman
God bless Michelle Bowman
God bless Muriel Bowser
God bless Spencer Boyer
God bless Lindsey Boylan
God bless Brendan Boyle
God bless Kevin Boyle
God bless Brian Boynton
God bless Bill Bradley
God bless Neil Bradley
God bless Alvin Bragg
God bless Lael Brainard
God bless Jay Bratt
God bless Donna Brazile
God bless the Bread & Roses Community Fund
God bless London Nicole Breed
God bless Ian Bremmer
God bless John Brennan
God bless the Brennan Center for Justice
God bless Stephen Breyer
God bless Khiara Bridges
God bless Anthony Brindisi
God bless Douglas Brinkley
God bless Sam Brinton
God bless Vanessa Brito
God bless David Brock
God bless the Brookings Institute
God bless Rosa Brooks
God bless Chiquita Brooks-LaSure
God bless Sharon Weston Broome
God bless Bill Browder
God bless Kate Brown
God bless LaTosha Brown
God bless Quintez Brown
God bless Sherrod Brown
God bless Shirley Brown
God bless Willie Brown
God bless Abby Broyles
God bless Brett Bruen
God bless Eric Bruskin
God bless Isaac Bryan
God bless David Buckley
God bless Raymond Buckley
God bless Robert Bullard
God bless Steve Bullock
God bless Chris Bunny
God bless Eileen O’Neill Burke
God bless William Burns
God bless Richard Burr
God bless Bill Burton
God bless Dawn Burton
God bless Joe Buscaino
God bless Cori Bush
God bless George W. Bush
God bless Jeb Bush
God bless the Business Roundtable
God bless Cheri Bustos
God bless Chasten Buttigieg
God bless Pete Buttigieg
God bless Janelle Bynum

The left has devolved into intolerant, inflexible, illogical, hateful, misguided, ill-informed, un-American, hypocritical, menacing, callous, ignorant, narrow-minded and, at times, blatantly fascistic behavior and rhetoric. — Brandon Straka, co-founder, Walkaway Campaign

God bless Montserrat Caballero
God bless Mary Beth Cahill
God bless Deborah Caldwell-Stone
God bless Pete Callahan
God bless Craig Callaway
God bless Joe Calvello
God bless the Campaign for Accountability
God bless Cheryl Campbell
God bless Karla Campbell
God bless Aileen Cannon
God bless Mauro Cantalamessa
God bless LaToya Cantrell
God bless Maria Cantwell
God bless Mike Capuano
God bless Salud Carbajal
God bless Ben Cardin
God bless Al Cardinas
God bless Miguel Cardona
God bless Andrea Cardenas
God bless Jesus Cardenas
God bless David Cariens
God bless John P. Carlin
God bless Jeff Carlton
God bless Chris Carney
God bless Jay Carney
God bless Michael Carpenter
God bless Tom Carper
God bless Wendy Carrillo
God bless Gladys Carrion
God bless Andre Carson
God bless Gabrielle Carteris
God bless Matt Cartwright
God bless Angelo Carusone
God bless James Carville
God bless Greg Casar
God bless Mike Casca
God bless Bob Casey, Jr.
God bless Bill Cassidy
God bless Renny Rueda Castañeda
God bless Sean Casten
God bless Jane Castor
God bless Joaquin Castro
God bless John Anthony Castro
God bless Julián Castro
God bless Catalist
God bless Cathedral of Hope
God bless Gabriella Cázares-Kelly
God bless CCDH
God bless the CDC
God bless Gil Cedillo
God bless the CEFC
God bless the Center for a New American Security
God bless the Center for American Progress
God bless the Center for Countering Digital Hate
God bless the Center for Disease Control
God bless the Center for Popular Democracy
God bless Greg Cesar
God bless Elvis Chan
God bless Elaine Chao
God bless Leigh Chapman
God bless Maria Chappelle-Nadal
God bless Derek Chauvin
God bless Kimberly Cheatle
God bless Erwin Chemerinsky
God bless Edward Chen
God bless Liz Cheney
God bless Andrei Cherny
God bless Joyce Chester
God bless Elizabeth Chew
God bless Shou Zi Chew
God bless the Chicago Teachers Unions
God bless J. Michelle Childs
God bless the China Center for Globalization
God bless Sarafina Chitika
God bless Hannah Cho
God bless Rohit Chopra
God bless Catherine Christian
God bless Chris Christie
God bless Jane Chung
God bless Kathy Chung
God bless Tanya Chutkan
God bless Eric Ciaramella
God bless Nick Ciarelli
God bless Caroline Ciccone
God bless David Cicilline
God bless Pat Cipollone
God bless the CISA
God bless Suzanne Citere
God bless the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
God bless James Clapper
God bless Richard Clarida
God bless Catherine Clark
God bless Chrissy Clark
God bless Christopher Clark
God bless Kristen Clarke
God bless Yvette Clarke
God bless Kyle Clayton
God bless Emanuel Cleaver
God bless Nick Clegg
God bless Nathan Click
God bless Kevin Clinesmith
God bless Bill Clinton
God bless Chelsea Clinton
God bless Hillary Clinton
God bless CO2 Coalition
God bless Dan Coats
God bless Chloe Cockburn
God bless CodePink
God bless Orla Coghlan
God bless David Cohen
God bless Mandy Cohen
God bless Michael Cohen
God bless Robbie Cohen
God bless Zac Cohen
God bless Matthew Colangelo
God bless Christopher Cole
God bless Bonnie Watson Coleman
God bless Anthony Coley
God bless Alison Collins
God bless Francis Collins
God bless Susan Collins
God bless Tom Collins
God bless Rosemary Collyer
God bless Wendy Colmore
God bless Color of Change
God bless Ashley Comans
God bless James Comey
God bless the Community Antiracism Education Initiative
God bless Casey Conley
God bless Jeff Connaughton
God bless Gerry Connolly
God bless Heather Conroy
God bless Peter Conti-Brown
God bless Rudolph Contreras
God bless George Conway
God bless Kara Cook
God bless Chris Coons
God bless Christopher R. Cooper
God bless John Cooper
God bless Jon Cooper
God bless Roy Cooper
God bless Taikein Cooper
God bless Krysten Copeland
God bless Matt Corridoni
God bless Sabina Covo
God bless Spencer Cox
God bless Steve Cox
God bless the CPD Action Fund
God bless Angie Craig
God bless Robert Creamer
God bless Pau Crego
God bless Kimberlé Crenshaw
God bless CREW
God bless Kato Crews
God bless Deanne Criswell
God bless Charlie Crist
God bless Jonathan Crock
God bless Jasmine Crockett
God bless Ameshia Cross
God bless Chass Cross
God bless Jason Crow
God bless Michael Crow
God bless Joe Crowley
God bless Henry Cuellar
God bless Michael Cuffee
God bless Lauren Culbertson
God bless Cal Cunningham
God bless Joe Cunningham
God bless Nikcole Cunningham
God bless Andrew Cuomo

God bless Deltan Dallagnol
God bless Richard Daley
God bless Rebecca Dallet
God bless Melissa Dalton
God bless Olivia Dalton
God bless Mark Daly
God bless Steven D’Anduano
God bless Laura Daniel-Davis
God bless Abena Darkeh
God bless Adam Darrah
God bless Jennifer Daskal
God bless Shai Davidai
God bless Sharice Davids
God bless Susan Davies
God bless Ricky Davila
God bless Lanny Davis
God bless Moe Davis
God bless Josh Dawsey
God bless Howard Dean
God bless Madeleine Dean
God bless Diane Deans
God bless Raymond Dearie
God bless Bill de Blasio
God bless Monsieree de Castro
God bless Karen Decker
God bless Brian Deese
God bless Peter DeFazio
God bless Suzy DeFrancis
God bless Laura Dehmlow
God bless John Delaney
God bless Rosa DeLauro
God bless Suzan Delbene
God bless Kevin DeLeon
God bless Stuart Delery
God bless Antonio Delgado
God bless Manolo De Los Santos
God bless Susan Del Percio
God bless Demand Justice
God bless Chen Deming
God bless the Democracy Defense Coalition
God bless the Democracy Integrity Project
God bless Democracy Works
God bless Nicole Demont
God bless Demos
God bless Martin E. Dempsey
God bless Pat Dennis
God bless Charlie Dent
God bless David DePape
God bless the Department of Homeland Security, U.S.
God bless the Department of Justice, U.S.
God bless Melissa DeRosa
God bless Nick DeSiato
God bless Steven M. Dettelbach
God bless Elizabeth Deutsch
God bless Mike DeWine
God bless Manny Diaz
God bless Mario Diaz-Balart
God bless Andre Dickens
God bless Jennifer O’Malley Dillon
God bless R.C. Di Mezzo
God bless Kim Dine
God bless Debbie Dingell
God bless Jeffrey Dinowitz
God bless Renée DiResta
God bless Jeff Disantis.
God bless Dash Dobrofsky
God bless Ryan D. Doerfler
God bless Lloyd Doggett
God bless Sarah Dohl
God bless Charles Dolan
God bless Christopher Donahue
God bless Gongwen Dong
God bless David Doniger
God bless Mike Donilon
God bless Christine Donohue
God bless Thomas Donohue
God bless Joan Donovan
God bless Jack Dorsey
God bless Ryan Dorsey
God bless J.J. Dossett
God bless Jo Anna Dossett
God bless Kevin Dougherty
God bless Matthew Dowd
God bless Mike Doyle
God bless Emily Drabinski
God bless Michael Drebeen
God bless David Dreyer
God bless Steve Driehaus
God bless Fentrice Driskell
God bless Tara Dublin
God bless Linda Dubo
God bless Doug Ducey
God bless T.J. Ducklo
God bless Tammy Duckworth
God bless Arne Duncan
God bless Joseph Dunford
God bless Anita Dunn
God bless Harry Dunn
God bless Carey Dunne
God bless Dick Durbin
God bless John Durham
God bless Jenny Durkan
God bless Daryle Durnell
God bless Scott Dworkin
God bless Charlotte A. Dye

God bless Anita Earls
God bless Josh Earnest
God bless Paul Eaton
God bless Marcelo Ebrard
God bless Maria Echaveste
God bless Paul Edmondson
God bless Keith Edwards
God bless Phil Ehr
God bless Paul Ehrlich
God bless Norman Eisen
God bless Marc Elias
God bless Keith Ellison
God bless Adam Elmahrek
God bless Adrienne Elrod
God bless Ari Emanuel
God bless Ezekiel Emanuel
God bless Rahm Emanuel
God bless the Emerson Collective
God bless Douglas Emhoff
God bless David Emmel
God bless Mitch Englander
God bless John Engler
God bless Ray Epps
God bless John Erickson
God bless Veronica Escobar
God bless Anna Eshoo
God bless Anna Eskamani
God bless Adriano Espaillat
God bless Mark Esper
God bless Elizabeth Esty
God bless William Evanina
God bless Marcus Evans
God bless Tony Evers
God bless Everytown for Gun Safety
God belss John Ewing
God bless David Ezra

God bless Shawn Fain
God bless Fair and Just Prosecution
God bless Fair Fight
God bless Brian Fallon
God bless Michael Fanone
God bless Alyssa Farah
God bless Majid Dastjani Farahani
God bless Evelyn Farkas
God bless Gary Farmer
God bless Louis Farrakhan
God bless Zia Faruqui
God bless Anthony Fauci
God bless the FBI
God bless the FDA
God bless James J. Fedderman
God bless the Federal Bureau of Investigation
God bless Feds United for Peace
God bless Eric Feigl-Ding
God bless Dianne Feinstein
God bless Bob Ferguson
God bless Dylan Fernandes
God bless Barbara Ferrer
God bless David Ferriero
God bless Christian Ferry
God bless Gisele Fetterman
God bless John Fetterman
God bless Mike Feuer
God bless Fight Back Table
God bless Frank Figliuzzi
God bless Christina Figueres
God bless Ron Filipkowski
God bless Mark Finchem
God bless Jon Finer
God bless Larry Fink
God bless Leigh Finke
God bless Amanda Finney
God bless Karen Finney
God bless Anne Finucane
God bless Deb Fisher
God bless Brian Fitzpatrick
God bless Rob Flaherty
God bless Jeff Flake
God bless Jeff Fleming
God bless Lizzie Fletcher
God bless Nathan Fletcher
God bless Jason Flom
God bless Andrea Flores
God bless Schenelle Flores
God bless Michèle Flournoy
God bless Tina Flournoy
God bless Alex Floyd
God bless John S. Flynn
God bless Robin Folsom
God bless Alexander Fomin
God bless Adrian Fontes
God bless the Food & Drug Administration
God bless Doug Ford
God bless Sarah Ford
God bless Forward Justice
God bless Scott Foval
God bless Amy Goldman Fowler
God bless Kim Foxx
God bless Leslie Frane
God bless Adam Frankel
God bless Dan Frankel
God bless Al Franken
God bless Mike Franken
God bless Chip Franklin
God bless Felicia Franklin
God bless Tony Fratto
God bless Caroline Fredrickson
God bless Barry Freedman
God bless Bess Freedman
God bless the Freedom from Religion Foundation
God bless Louis Freeh
God bless Christina Alexandra Freeland
God bless Chrystia Freeland
God bless Karen Freeman
God bless James French
God bless Christina Freundlich
God bless Charles Fried
God bless Nikki Fried
God bless Brandon Friedman
God bless David Friedman
God bless Adam Frisch
God bless Emma Fritzdotter
God bless Maxwell Alejandro Frost
God bless Jordan Fuchs
God bless Frank Fuda
God bless Marcia Fudge
God bless Francis Fukuyama
God bless Quentin Fulks
God bless Roslyn Fuller
God bless Jason Furman
God bless Fusion GPS

God bless Tulsi Gabbard
God bless Jesse Gabriel
God bless Ed Gainey
God bless Reed Galen
God bless Anita Gall
God bless Sean Gallagher
God bless Ruben Gallego
God bless William Galston
God bless Galvanize Climate Solutions
God bless Douglas Gansler
God bless John Garamendi
God bless Eric Garcetti
God bless Chuy García
God bless Elba Garcia
God bless Jesús “Chuy” García
God bless Robert Garcia
God bless Sylvia Garcia
God bless Sonia Gardener
God bless Caleb Gardner
God bless Kim Gardner
God bless Leslie Abrams Gardner
God bless Merrick Garland
God bless Christopher Garrett
God bless Ernest Garrett
God bless George Gascón
God bless Patrick Gaspard
God bless Molly Gaston
God bless Bill Gates
God bless Stacy Davis Gates
God bless Claudine Gay
God bless Kyle Evans Gay
God bless GDI
God bless Lee Gelernt
God bless Gary Gensler
God bless Janel George
God bless Kristalina Georgieva
God bless Suzy George
God bless Dick Gephardt
God bless David Gergen
God bless Joëlle Gergis
God bless Michael Gerhardt
God bless Mike Gerson
God bless Glenn Gerstell
God bless Wanda Geter-Pataky
God bless Golriz Ghahraman
God bless Robert Gibbs
God bless Patricia Giggans
God bless Garlin Gilchrist
God bless Sam Gilford
God bless Kirsten Gillibrand
God bless James Gilligan
God bless Andrew Gillum
God bless Cleavon Gilman
God bless Carlos Gimenez
God bless David Gins
God bless Mike Gipson
God bless Eddie Glaude, Jr.
God bless Elizabeth Gleicher
God bless the Global Disinformation Index
God bless the Global Engagement Center
God bless the Global Impact Social Welfare Fund
God bless Todd Gloria
God bless Stephen Goepfert
God bless Jared Golden
God bless Daniel Goldman
God bless Jack Goldsmith
God bless Steven Goldstein
God bless Jimmy Gomez
God bless Nikkie Gomez-Whaley
God bless Aquilino Gonell
God bless Anthony Gonzalez
God bless Juan Gonzalez
God bless Kristen Gonzalez
God bless Lorena Gonzalez (Fletcher)
God bless Vincente Gonzalez
God bless Ryan Goodman
God bless Regina Goodwin
God bless Sue Gordon.
God bless Al Gore
God bless Jamie Gorelick
God bless James Gorman
God bless Josh Gotbaum
God bless Josh Gottheimer
God bless Scott Gottlieb
God bless Nick Gradisar
God bless Kate Childs Graham
God bless Lindsey Graham
God bless Nancy Lee Grahn
God bless Jennifer Granholm
God bless Adam Grant
God bless David Grannis
God bless Mike Gravel
God bless Matthew Graves
God bless Adam Gray
God bless Nick Gray
God bless Adam Green
God bless Al Green
God bless Josh Green
God bless Karen Greenaway
God bless Leah Greenberg
God bless Jonathan Greenblatt
God bless William Greenlee
God bless Greenpeace
God bless Ronnie Greer
God bless Elizabeth Gregory
God bless Roger Gregory
God bless Roger L. Gregory
God bless Robert Grenier
God bless Gurbir Grewal
God bless Greylock Partners
God bless Alyssa Farah Griffin
God bless Raúl Grijalva
God bless Michelle Lujan Grisham
God bless Stephanie Grisham
God bless Jena Griswold
God bless Lauren Groh-Wargo
God bless Meghan Groob
God bless Steve Grove
God bless Linda Guadino
God bless Anthony Guglielmi
God bless Andrew Gunn
God bless Vanita Gupta
God bless Deepti Gurdasani
God bless Jimmy Gurulé
God bless António Guterres
God bless Myra Gutin
God bless Amy Gutmann
God bless Fred Guttenberg
God bless Mike Gwin

God bless Sawyer Hackett
God bless Janice Hahn
God bless Stephen Hahn
God bless Avril Haines
God bless Christopher Hale
God bless Stephen L. Hall
God bless Steve Hall
God bless James Hallinan
God bless Brennon Ham
God bless John Hamasaki
God bless Lee Hamilton
God bless Stephanie Stahl Hamilton
God bless Drew Hammill
God bless Patrick Hanlon
God bless Justin Hansford
God bless Yuval Noah Harari
God bless Josh Harder
God bless Marie Harf
God bless Jane Harmon
God bless Bruce Harrell
God bless Kent Harrington
God bless Clayton Harris III
God bless Doreen Harris
God bless Julie Straus Harris
God bless Kamala Harris
God bless Meena Harris
God bless Melissa Harris-Perry
God bless Dawn Harrison
God bless Deidre Harrison
God bless Jamie Harrison
God bless Craig Hart
God bless Rita Hart
God bless Will Haskell
God bless Gina Haspel
God bless Maggie Hassan
God bless Steven Hassan
God bless Kevin Hayden
God bless Michael Hayden
God bless Jahana Hayes
God bless Meghan Hays
God bless Leslye Headland
God bless Maura Healey
God bless Erin Healy
God bless Carl Heastie
God bless Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid
God bless Martin Heinrich
God bless Chanelle Helm
God bless Paul Henderson
God bless Susan Hennessey
God bless Mary Kay Henry
God bless Shawn Henry
God bless Alma Hernández
God bless Karla Hernández-Mats
God bless Tiffany Henyard
God bless Ron Herrera
God bless Jamie Herrera-Beutler
God bless Karen Herrmann
God bless Jessica Hertz
God bless Brittany Hertzog
God bless Marc Hetherington
God bless Jason Hickel
God bless John Hickenlooper
God bless Mary Cate Hickman
God bless Carri Hicks
God bless Kathleen Hicks
God bless Fiona Hill
God bless Katie Hill
God bless Tom Hill
God bless Jim Himes
God bless Derek Hines
God bless Peter Hines
God bless Jackson Hinkle
God bless Mazie Hirono
God bless Lauren Hitt
God bless David Hittner
God bless Dale Ho
God bless Katie Hobbs
God bless Kathy Hochul
God bless David Hochschild
God bless Amos Hochstein
God bless Jevin Hodge
God bless Daniel Hodges
God bless Melissa Hodgman
God bless Reid Hoffman
God bless Cynthia Hogan
God bless Larry Hogan
God bless David Hogg
God bless Chris Holden
God bless Eric Holder
God bless Douglas Holtz-Eakin
God bless Francesca Hong
God bless Russel Honore
God bless Hopewell Fund
God bless Jennifer Horn
God bless Michael Horowitz
God bless Steven Horsford
God bless Michelle Howard
God bless Ben Howe
God bless Jenna Howell
God bless Elaine Howle
God bless Douglas Hoye
God bless Steny Hoyer
God bless John W. Huber
God bless Gerry Hudson
God bless Katy Huff
God bless Wang Huiyao
God bless Jose Huizar
God bless Clark Humphrey
God bless Christine Hunschofsky
God bless Megan Hunt
God bless Vivian Hunt
God bless Max Huntsman
God bless Robert Hur
God bless Sarah Hurwitz
God bless Cassidy Hutchinson

God bless Sherrilyn Ifill
God bless the Illinois State Police
God bless Indivisible
God bless Sara Innamorato
God bless Jay Inslee
God bless the Institute for Policy Studies
God bless the Institute for the Study of War
God bless the Integrity First for America (IFA)
God bless the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
God bless IntoAction
God bless Paul Irving
God bless Steven Isenberg
God bless Alex Isenstadt
God bless David Ismay
God bless Steve Israel

God bless Mark Jablonowski
God bless Sara Jablonski
God bless Owen Jackman
God bless Chris D. Jackson
God bless Janice Jackson
God bless Jeff Jackson
God bless Ketanji Brown Jackson
God bless Roberta Jackson
God bless Chris Jacobs
God bless Rick Jacobs
God bless Sara Jacobs
God bless Letitia James
God bless Nandini Jammi
God bless Nina Jankowicz
God bless Scott Jarrett
God bless Brandon Jarvis
God bless Pramila Jayapal
God bless Karine Jean-Pierre
God bless Jill Collen Jefferson
God bless Hakeem Jeffries
God bless Hasan Jeffries
God bless Jeremiah Jeffries
God bless Salena Jegede
God bless Katherine Jellison
God bless Clay Jenkins|
God bless Marina Jenkins
God bless Kathy Jennings
God bless Kelly Jensen
God bless Adam Jentleson
God bless Bruce Jentleson
God bless Ashish Jha
God bless Ye Jiangming
God bless Xi Jinping
God bless Laurene Powell Jobs
God bless Rodney L. Joffe
God bless Brandon Johnson
God bless Carole Johnson
God bless Corey Johnson
God bless Eddie Johnson
God bless Gloria Johnson
God bless Jason Johnson
God bless Jeh Johnson
God bless LaTonya Johnson
God bless Mike Johnson
God bless Tae D. Johnson
God bless Mike Johnston
God bless David Jolly
God bless Mélanie Joly
God bless Burt Jones
God bless Daniel Jones
God bless Emanuel Jones
God bless Justin Jones
God bless Megan Jones
God bless Mondaire Jones
God bless Rebekah Jones
God bless Sheinelle Jones
God bless Shevrin Jones
God bless Van Jones
God bless Kristin Jordan
God bless Věra Jourová
God bless Maura Judkis
God bless Quinta Jurecic
God bless Kyle Jurek
God bless Tom Jurgens
God bless Just Stop Oil

God bless Michael Kades
God bless Elena Kagan
God bless Colin Kahl
God bless Tim Kaine
God bless Daria Kaleniuk
God bless Lewis Kaplan
God bless Roberta Kaplan
God bless Khalid Kamau
God bless Christopher Kang
God bless Rachel Kargas
God bless Jill Karofsky
God bless John Kasich
God bless Sue Kass
God bless John Katko
God bless Neal Katyal
God bless Rita Katz
God bless Jeffrey Katzenberg
God bless Juliette Kayyem
God bless Katherine Kealoha
God bless Louis Kealoha
God bless Tom Kean
God bless Bettye Kearse
God bless Cody Keenan
God bless Tim Keller
God bless John Kelly
God bless Mark Kelly
God bless Tim Kelly
God bless Brian Kemp
God bless Joe Kennedy
God bless Kathleen Kennedy
God bless Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
God bless Thomas Kennedy
God bless George Kent
God bless Malcolm Kenyatta
God bless John Kerry
God bless Eric Kessler
God bless Jim Kessler
God bless Zalmay Khalilzad
God bless Lina Khan
God bless Ro Khanna
God bless Ankush Kharpori
God bless Joe Kiani
God bless Michael Kikukawa
God bless Dan Kildee
God bless Andy Kim
God bless Young Kim
God bless Ron Kind
God bless Candy Mundon King
God bless Heather King
God bless Adam Kinzinger
God bless John Kirby
God bless William Kirby
God bless Ron Kirk
God bless Ann Kirkpatrick
God bless Glenn Kirschner
God bless Ron Klain
God bless Jennifer Klein
God bless the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Project
God bless Amy Klobuchar
God bless Nicole Klein Knight
God bless Lucy Koh
God bless Alan Kohler
God bless Gary Kokalari
God bless Paul Kolbe
God bless Colleen Kollar-Kotelly
God bless Nathaniel Koloc
God bless Nomiki Konst
God bless Sally Kornbluth
God bless Rohini Kosoglu
God bless Alex Kotch
God bless Eleni Kounalakis
God bless Larry Kramer
God bless Caroline Krass
God bless Ed Krassenstein
God bless Larry Krassner
God bless Chris Krebs
God bless Howard Krein
God bless Anthony Michael Kreis
God bless James Joseph Kroeger
God bless Leondra Kruger
God bless Mike Kubzansky
God bless Sheila Kuehl
God bless María Teresa Kumar
God bless Hillary Kunins
God bless Torsten Kunze
God bless Daniel Kurtzer
God bless Pyotr Kurzin

God bless Jean-Pierre Lacroix
God bless Linda Lake
God bless Conor Lamb
God bless David Lametti
God bless Eric Lander
God bless Joshua Lane
God bless Lucy Lang
God bless Kendra Lara
God bless Marc Lasry
God bless Last Generation
God bless George Latimer
God bless Sergei Lavrov
God bless Lawfare Blog
God bless Will Lawrence
God bless Allegra Lawrence-Hardy
God bless Al Lawson
God bless Terra Lawson-Remer
God bless the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
God bless David Lazarus
God bless Philippe Lazzarini
God bless Patrick Leahy
God bless Andrew Leavitt
God bless Justin Lecea
God bless Bandy Lee
God bless Barbara Lee
God bless Cicia Lee
God bless Eumi Lee
God bless Sheila Jackson Lee
God bless Summer Lee
God bless Susie Lee
God bless Thomas Leek
God bless Max Lefeld
God bless Amanda Lefton
God bless Judd Legum
God bless Mary Lemanski
God bless Steffi Lemke
God bless Sarah Lenti
God bless Terry Lenzner
God bless Nate Lerner
God bless Letzte Generation
God bless Debra Lev
God bless Adam Levin
God bless Brian Levin
God bless Ezra Levin
God bless Mike Levin
God bless Mark D. Levine
God bless Suzi Levine
God bless Jessica Levinson
God bless Jacob Lew
God bless Patricia Day Lewis
God bless Thomas Liddy
God bless Wilma Liebman
God bless Andy Liepman
God bless Lori Lightfoot
God bless Andrew Lim
God bless Zach Lincoln
God bless Dara Lindenbaum
God bless Chris Line
God bless Amanda Litman
God bless Harry Litman
God bless Robert Litterman
God bless Living United for Change
God bless Joe Lockhart
God bless Emily Loeb
God bless Zoe Lofgren
God bless Clara Long
God bless Valarie Long
God bless Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
God bless Christy Lopez
God bless Gabriela López
God bless April Lorenzen
God bless the Los Angeles County Teachers Unions
God bless Evan Low
God bless Abbe Lowell
God bless Louise Lucas
God bless Gal Luft
God bless Ben Ray Luján
God bless Luminate
God bless Elaine Luria
God bless Douglas Lute
God bless Loretta Lynch
God bless Stephen Lynch

God bless Scott MacFarlane
God bless Doug MacGregor
God bless Alexander Mackler
God bless Emmanuel Macron
God bless Mike Madrid
God bless Liz Magill
God bless Joe Maguire
God bless Jemilah Mahmood
God bless Anna Makanju
God bless Andrew Makridis
God bless Nancy Maldonado
God bless Tom Malinowski
God bless Thierry Malleret
God bless Robert Malley
God bless Nicole Malliotakis
God bless Tamika Mallory
God bless Sean Patrick Maloney
God bless Joe Manchin
God bless Lisa Mandel
God bless Adeel Mangi
God bless Jim Manleya
God bless Anu Mantila
God bless M. Kaleo Manuel
God bless Brook Manville
God bless Robin Dunn Marcos
God bless Rosario Marin
God bless Christine Marinoni
God bless Renatto Mariotti
God bless Ed Markey
God bless Ronald Marks
God bless Alex Marquardt
God bless Jeanne Marrazzo
God bless Eneida Martinez
God bless Nury Martinez
God bless Rudy Martinez
God bless Greg Mason
God bless Alyssa Mastromonaco
God bless Earl Matthews
God bless Krystal Matthews
God bless Jim Mattis
God bless Helaina Matza
God bless Steve Maviglio
God bless Bree Maxwell
God bless Rachel May
God bless Kris Mayes
God bless Alejandro Mayorkas
God bless Mariana Mazzucato
God bless Ben McAdams
God bless Lucy McBath
God bless Mark McBride
God bless Andrew McCabe
God bless Cindy McCain
God bless Gina McCarthy
God bless Kevin McCarthy
God bless Ryan McCarthy
God bless Claire McCaskill
God bless Michael McCaul Sr.
God bless Stanley McChrystal
God bless Jennifer McClellan
God bless Betty McCollum
God bless Mitch McConnell
God bless James McConville
God bless Mary McCord
God bless Terri McCullough
God bless Ronna McDaniel
God bless Denis McDonough
God bless Sean McElwee
God bless Charles McGonigal, Charlie McGonigal
God bless Tara McGowan
God bless Margaret McGreal
God bless Brett McGurk
God bless Jeff McKay
God bless Martha McKenna
God bless Catherine McKenney
God bless Brian McKeon
God bless Mark McKinnon
God bless Evan McMullin
God bless Jerry McNerney
God bless Barb McQuade
God bless Nicholas McQuaid
God bless William H. McRaven
God bless Amber McReynolds
God bless Martha McSally
God bless Greg Mecher
God bless Media Matters
God bless Jon Meacham
God bless Tracey Meares
God bless Carol Meehan
God bless Gregory Meeks
God bless Dmitri Mehlhorn
God bless Amit Mehta
God bless Jojo Mehta
God bless Peter Meijer
God bless Brett Meiselas
God bless Michelle Meiselas
God bless Mark Mellman
God bless Andrij Melnyk
God bless Phil Mendelson
God bless Dois Meissner
God bless Marco Mendicino
God bless Robert Menendez
God bless Grace Meng
God bless Juan Merchan
God bless Loren Merchan
God bless Stephen Merelman
God bless Robin M. Meriweather
God bless Wayne Messam
God bless Jim Messina
God bless Mi Familia Vota
God bless Elex Michaelson
God bless Mark Middleton
God bless Zorka Milin
God bless Aaron David Miller
God bless Jason Miller
God bless Joshua Miller
God bless Matthew Miller
God bless Patrick Miller
God bless Sarah Miller
God bless Troy Miller
God bless Mark Milley
God bless Aisha Mills
God bless Dave Min
God bless Stephanie Minor
God bless Glenn Mitcham
God bless Maurice Mitchell
God bless Nicole Mitchell
God bless John Mitnick
God bless MITRE
God bless Faauuga Moliga
God bless Lisa Monaco
God bless Ernest Moniz
God bless Carlos Monje
God bless Paul Monroe
God bless Dacey Montoya
God bless Danielle Moodie-Mills
God bless Jeenah Moon
God bless Gwen Moore
God bless Minyon Moore
God bless Patrick Moore
God bless Russell Moore
God bless Wes Moore
God bless Kelly Moran
God bless More in Common
God bless More Perfect Union
God bless Mike Morell
God bless Pablo Moreno
God bless Barry Morgan
God bless Jack Morgan
God bless John Morgan
God bless Jonathan Morgan
God bless Robert Moses
God bless Dustin Moskovitz
God bless Maxine Most
God bless Seth Moulton
God bless Ammar Moussa
God bless
God bless Erik Moya-Delgado
God bless Samuel Moyn
God bless Brian Moynihan
God bless Frank Mrvan
God bless Philip Mudd
God bless Robert Mueller
God bless Mick Mulvaney
God bless Holger Münch
God bless Mandy Mundy
God bless Kevin Munoz
God bless James Murdoch
God bless Kathryn Murdoch
God bless Lisa Murkowski
God bless Chris Murphy
God bless Matt Murphy
God bless Phil Murphy
God bless Stephanie Murphy
God bless Melissa Murray
God bless Vivek Murthy
God bless Cecily Myart-Cruz
God bless Tim Mynett

d bless David Nabarro
God bless Brianne Nadeau
God bless George Nader
God bless Jerry Nadler
God bless Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali
God bless Emile Nakhleh
God bless Malcolm Nance
God bless the National Association of State Election Directors
God bless the National Endowment for Democracy
God bless the National Fair Housing Alliance
God bless the National Lawyers Guild
God bless the National School Boards Association
God bless the Natural Resources Defense Council
God bless the NED
God bless Joe Neguse
God bless Bob Neller
God bless Bill Nelson
God bless Joe Nelson
God bless Dana Nessel
God bless the Net -Zero Banking Alliance
God bless Anne Neuberger
God bless Elizabeth Neumann
God bless the New Venture Capital Fund
God bless the New York City Teachers Unions
God bless Dan Newhouse
God bless Kai Newkirk
God bless David Newman
God bless Marie Newman
God bless Gavin Newsom
God bless Hawk Newsome
God bless Thu Nguyen
God bless the NAIAD.
God bless Tom Nichols
God bless the NIH.
God bless the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
God bless Cynthia Nixon
God bless No Labels
God bless Ronald Noble
God bless Kristen Nordlund
God bless The North Fund
God bless Ralph Northam
God bless Victoria Nuland
God bless the NZBA

God bless Barack Obama
God bless Michelle Obama
God bless Luke O’Brien
God bless Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
God bless Occupy Democrats
God bless Cheryl O’Connor
God bless Kevin O’Connor
God bless Mitch O’Farrell
God bless Tom O’Halleran
God bless Brian O’Hara
God bless Bruce Ohr
God bless Nellie Ohr
God bless Nancy Okail
God bless Ann O’Leary
God bless Matthew Olsen
God bless Debbie O’Malley
God bless Ilhan Omar
God bless Saule Omarova
God bless Abrar Omeish
God bless Pierre Omidyar
God bless Eric O’Neill
God bless the Open Society Foundation
God bless Naomi Oreskes
God bless Beto O’Rourke
God bless Morgan Ortagus
God bless Tori Osborn
God bless Gerald O’Shea
God bless Jon Ossoff
God bless Michael Osterholm
God bless Terry O’Sullivan
God bless Valerie Biden Owens

God bless Alex Padilla
God bless Lisa Page
God bless Tyler Pager
God bless Byung Pak
God bless Frank Pallone, Jr.
God bless H.D. Palmer
God bless Leo Panetta
God bless Lesa Pamplin
God bless Chris Pappas
God bless Martha Parham
God bless Thomas Parker
God bless Adam Parkhomenko
God bless Renee Parsons
God bless Harry Pascal
God bless Bill Pascrell Jr.
God bless Vedant Patel
God bless Deval Patrick
God bless Wanda Patten
God bless Breon Peace
God bless Peace Over Violence
God bless Morris Pearl
God bless Justin Pearson
God bless Marsha Pechman
God bless Bryce Pedicini
God bless John Pelletier
God bless Nancy Pelosi
God bless Mary Peltola
God bless Solomon Pena
God bless Braden Pence
God bless Angela Peoples
God bless Joseph Percoco
God bless Tom Perez
God bless Dana Perkins
God bless Perkins Coie
God bless William Perry
God bless Tim Persico
God bless Gary Peters
God bless Scott Peters
God bless Zac Petkanas
God Bless Jack Petocz
God bless David Petraeus
God bless Daniel Pfeiffer
God bless J. Peter Pham
God bless Dean Phillips
God bless Sundar Pichai
God bless Hester Pierce
God bless Shelby Pierson
God bless Chellie Pingree
God bless Erika Pinheiro
God bless Daniel Pink
God bless Brooke Pinto
God bless Jess Piper
God bless Nick Pisciottano
God bless Robert Pitman
God bless Yogananda Pittman
God bless Planned Parenthood
God bless Stacey Plaskett
God bless Mark Pocan
God bless Jessie Pocock
God bless John Podesta
God bless Tony Podesta
God bless Mike Podhorzer
God bless J.B. Poersch
God bless Jared Polis
God bless Karyn Polito
God bless Marc Polymeropoulos
God bless Mark Pomerantz
God bless Billy Porter
God bless Jalina Porter
God bless Katie Porter
God bless Lorena Portillo
God bless Natalie Portman
God bless Rob Portman
God bless Adam Posen
God bless Colin Powell
God bless Kirsten Powers
God bless Anoop Prasad
God bless Toni Preckwinkle
God bless Elizabeth Prelogar
God bless Jeffrey Prescott
God bless Ayanna Pressley
God bless Cia Price
God bless John Wiley Price
God bless Ned Price
God bless Pamela Price
God bless David Priess
God bless Bill Priestap
God bless Richard Primus
God bless Erik S. Pitchal
God bless J.B. Pritzker
God bless Progressive Change Campaign Committee,
God bless ProgressNow
God bless Janet Protasiewicz
God bless Protect Democracy
God bless Protect the Results
God bless Peter Pry
God bless Jen Psaki
God bless Public Health Scotland
God bless Kristopher Purcell
God bless Ranjeev Puri
God bless Pallavi Purkayastha
God bless Vladimir Putin
God bless Geoffrey Pyatt
God bless Elizabeth Pyden
God bless Hasan Pyker
God bless Mike Pyle

God bless Quadrivium
God bless Mike Quigley
God bless Natalie Quillian
God bless Laura Quinn
God bless Pat Quinn

God bless Brad Raffensperger
God bless Zara Rahim
God bless K. Sabeel Rahman
God bless Gina Raimondo
God bless Jenifer Rajkumar
God bless Edi Rama
God bless Bharat Ramamurti
God bless Nithya Raman
God bless Charles Ramsey
God bless Rand Corporation
God bless Allison Randall
God bless Jamie Raskin
God bless Sarah Raskin
God bless Steven Rattner
God bless Mike Rawlings
God bless Misty Rebik
God bless Bruce Reed
God bless Jack Reed
God bless Tom Reed
God bless Matthew Reeves
God bless Michael Regan
God bless Scheherazade Rehman
God bless Robert Reich
God bless Carlyn Reichel
God bless Aaron Reichlin-Melnick
God bless Ramsey Reid
God bless Bruce Reinhart
God bless Dana Remus
God bless Resource Center Matamoros
God bless Art Reyes III
God bless Ron Reynolds
God bless Satya Rhodes-Conway
God bless Steve Ricchetti
God bless Kathleen Rice
God bless Susan Rice
God bless Tom Rice
God bless Benoit Richard
God bless Emily Richardson
God bless Steven Richetti
God bless Cedric Richmond
God bless Mark Ridley-Thomas
God bless Maury Riggan
God bless Denver Riggleman
God bless Ellen Ribaudo
God bless Robert Rivas
God bless Omar RIvero
God bless John Roberts
God bless Grant Robertson
God bless Mimi Rocah
God bless Lisa Blunt Rochester
God bless Jennifer Rodgers
God bless Rachel Rodman
God bless Julie Chávez Rodriguez
God bless Alissandra Rodriguez-Murray
God bless Judith Rogers
God bless Mike Rogers
God bless Rachael Rollins
God bless Lissy Romanov
God bless Gloria Romero
God bless Mitt Romney
God bless Hillary Ronen
God bless James Roosevelt Jr.
God bless Debi Rose
God bless Max Rose
God bless Hilary Rosen
God bless Sandy Rosenberg
God bless Simon Rosenberg
God bless Rod Rosenstein
God bless Nicholas John Roske
God bless Barbara Ross
God bless Deborah Ross
God bless Jo Ross-Barrett
God bless Yoel Roth
God bless Cecilia Rouse
God bless Karl Rove
God bless Caleb Rowden
God bless Chip Roy
God bless James Rubin
God bless Kathryn Ruemmler
God bless Richard Ruffner
God bless Run for Something
God bless Benjamin Rundell
God bless Rosemary Rung
God bless John Russell
God bless Bill Russo
God bless Mark Rutte
God bless Paul Ryan
God bless Tim Ryan
God bless Patrick Ryder

God bless Lindsay Sabadosa
God bless Rocio Saenz
God bless Ya’ra Saks
God bless Javier Salazar
God bless Julia Salazar
God bless Maria Elvira Salazar
God bless Robert Salesses
God bless Abigail Salisbury
God bless Ian Sams
God bless Diederik Samsom
God bless the San Francisco Teachers Unions
God bless Jill Sanborn
God bless Bernie Sanders
God bless Symone Sanders
God bless Mark Sanford
God bless Samuel Vilchez Santiago
God bless John Sandweg
God bless Natasha Sarin
God bless Linda Sarsour
God bless Ben Sasse
God bless Daraka Satcher
God bless Shivanthi Sathanandan
God bless David Satterfield
God bless Richard Sauber
God bless Sean Savett
God bless Naomi Savin
God bless Diane Savino
God bless Kshama Sawant
God bless David Scanlan
God bless Paul Schabas
God bless Kori Schake
God bless Jan Schakowsky
God bless Steve Schale
God bless Adam Schiff
God bless Eric Schmidt
God bless Mike Schmidt
God bless Steve Schmidt
God bless Hillary Scholten
God bless Olaf Scholz
God bless Kurt Schrader
God bless Kim Schrier
God bless Debbie Wasserman Schultz
God bless Eric Schultz
God bless Korbein Schultz
God bless Gus Schumacher
God bless Chuck Schumer
God bless Klaus Martin Schwab
God bless Nikki Schwab
God bless Arnold Schwarzenegger
God bless Eric Schwerin
God bless Ben Scott
God bless Brandon Scott
God bless Don Scott
God bless MacKenzie Scott
God bless Matt Scully
God bless Dan Seals
God bless Antjuan Seawright
God bless the Second Circuit Court of Appeals
God bless Ned Segal
God bless Eric Segall
God bless Ty Seidule
God bless the SEIU
God bless Alex Seitz-Wald
God bless Stuart Seldowitz
God bless Bakari Sellers
God bless Naita Semaj-Williams
God bless the Service Employees International Union
God bless Jeff Sessions
God bless Joe Sestak
God bless Terri Sewell
God bless Minouche Shafik
God bless Jeanne Shaheen
God bless Faiz Shakir
God bless Nicole Shanahan
God bless Thom Shanker
God bless Josh Shapiro
God bless Nick Shapiro
God bless Patrick Sharkey
God bless Al Sharpton
God bless Frank Sharry
God bless Walter Shaub
God bless Kate Shaw
God bless Nabeel Shah
God bless Cody Shearer
God bless Howard Shelanski
God bless Anat Shenker-Osorio
God bless Amar Shergill
God bless Mikie Sherrill
God bless Michael Sherwin
God bless Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall
God bless Colleen Joy Shogan
God bless Salad Shooter
God bless Marc Short
God bless Adrianne Shropshire
God bless Matt Shuham
God bless Liz Shuler
God bless Rahamim Shy
God bless Ayisha Siddiqa
God bless Sierra Club
God bless Radoslaw Sikorski
God bless Laura Silber
God bless Jorge Silva
God bless Robert Silver
God bless Steve Simeonidis
God bless Emilie Simons
God bless Glenn Simpson
God bless Brian Sims
God bless Kyrsten Sinema
God bless Daleep Singh
God bless John Sipher
God bless Tyler Sirois
God bless Amy Siskind
God bless Steve Sisolak
God bless the Sixteen Thirty Fund
God bless SKDK
God bless James Skoufis
God bless Audrey Skwierawski
God bless Chip Slaven
God bless Andy Slavitt
God bless Jeremy Slevin
God bless Elissa Slotkin
God bless Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
God bless Smartmatic
God bless Vaclav Smil
God bless Adam Smith
God bless Ben Smith
God bless Chris Smith
God bless Greg Smith
God bless Jack Smith
God bless Lis Smith
God bless Pamela A. Smith
God bless Tina Smith
God bless Tristan Snell
God bless Lee Snodgrass
God bless Rick Snyder
God bless Robin Snyder
God bless Timothy Snyder
God bless Gigi Sohn
God bless the Solonian Democracy Institute
God bless Stephen Somma
God bless Gordon Sondland
God bless Alexander Soros
God bless George Soros
God bless Hugo Soto-Martínez
God bless Sonia Sotomayer
God bless the Southern Poverty Law Center
God bless Abigail Spanberger
God bless Jackie Speier
God bless Richard Spencer
God bless Gene Sperling
God bless Sean Spicer
God bless Neil Sroka
God bless Debbie Stabenow
God bless Nelini Stamp
God bless Don Stapley
God bless Kate Starbird
God bless State Energy UK Ltd.
God bless James Stavridis
God bless Wylie Stecklow
God bless Christopher Steele
God bless Michael Steele
God bless Tirien Steinbach
God bless Joshua Steinglass
God bless Richard Stengel
God bless George Stephanopoulos
God bless Blake Stephens
God bless Gary Stern
God bless Ron Steslow
God bless Ed Stetzer
God bless Haley Stevens
God bless Stuart Stevens
God bless Tom Steyer
God bless Jewns Stoltenberg
God bless Andy Stone
God bless Roger Stone
God bless Tracy Stone-Manning
God bless Paul Strauss
God bless Peter Strzok
God bless Jonathan Su
God bless Julie Su
God bless an Sullivan
God bless Jake Sullivan
God bless Larry Summers
God bless Rishi Sunak
God bless Steven Sund
God bless the Sunrise Movement
God bless Tom Suozzi
God bless Scott Surovell
God bless Eric Swalwell

God bless Antonio Taguba
God bless Katherine Tai
God bless Mark Takano
God bless Strobe Talbott
God bless Neera Tanden
God bless Dan Tangherlini
God bless Sheng Tao
God bless Greg Tarbell
God bless Jessica Tarlov
God bless Enrique Tarrio
God bless Dyjuan Tatro
God bless Joel Taub
God bless Miles Taylor
God bless the Tech Transparency Project (TTP)
God bless John Tefft
God bless Ruy Teixera
God bless Robert Telles
God bless Diana Teran
God bless David Terry
God bless Jon Tester
God bless Shirley Tetter
God bless Timothy Thibault
God bless Elizabeth Thiel
God bless Third Way
God bless Linda Thomas-Greenfield
God bless Alex Thompson
God bless Bennie Thompson
God bless Peter Thompson
God bless Michael Thorning
God bless Tammy Kupperman Thorp
God bless Greta Thunberg
God bless John Thune
God bless Tony Thurmond
God bless David Thurston
God bless Cui Tiankai
God bless the Tides Center
God bless Jeff Tiedrich
God bless Sue Tiernan
God bless Rex Tillerson
God bless Jeff Timmer
God bless Frans Timmermans
God bless Dina Titus
God bless Rashida Tlaib
God bless Lindsay Toczylowski
God bless Chuck Todd
God bless Kristian Denny Todd
God bless Annie Tomasini
God bless Adie Tomer
God bless Pat Toomey
God bless Leah Torres
God bless Ritchie Torres
God bless Raul Torrez
God bless Monica Tranel
God bless the Transition Integrity Project (so incredibly misnamed)
God bless Kelly Trautner
God bless Russ Travers
God bless Laurence Tribe
God bless Joe Trippi
God bless David Trone
God bless Olivia Troye
God bless Justin Pierre James Trudeau
God bless Richard Trumka
God bless Richard Trumka Jr.
God bless Donald Trump
God bless Michael Tubbs
God bless Derek Tucson
God bless Karen Tumlin
God bless Mark Tuohey
God bless David Turk
God bless Jonathan Turley
God bless Nina Turner
God bless Mark Tushnet
God bless Michael Tyler
God bless Tyre Extinguishers
God bless Steven Tyrrell

God bless the UAW
God bless Daniel Uhlfelder
God bless Mikhail Ulyanov
God bless Lauren Underwood
God bless Laura Unger
God bless Unite the Country
God bless the United Auto Workers
God bless the United Farm Workers
God bless the United Federation of Teachers
God bless the United Teachers of Los Angeles
God bless Fred Upton
God bless the U.S. Air Force
God bless the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
God bless the U.S. Navy
God bless the U.S. Supreme Court

God bless Luciana Vaccaro
God bless David Valadao
God bless Vanessa Valdivia
God bless Stephanie Valencia
God bless Tamillia Valenzuela
God bless Paul Vallas
God bless Christianne van der Wal
God bless Chris Van Hollen
God bless Aaron Van Langevelde
God bless Eric Van Nostrand
God bless Serge Varnay
God bless Yanis Varoufakis
God bless Gabe Vasquez
God bless Filemon Vela
God bless Jessica Velasquez
God bless Erion Veliaj
God bless Jeffrey Veltri
God bless David Vesledahl
God bless Margrethe Vestager
Gpd bless Veteran’s Affairs department
God bless Alexander Vindman
God bless Yevgeny Vindman
God bless Lorraine Voles
God bless Igor Volsky
God bless Ursula von der Leyen
God bless the Voter Protection Board
God bless the Voting Rights Lab
God bless Voto Latino

God bless Rob Walker
God bless Debra Steidel Wall
God bless Rachel Wallace
God bless Sara Wallace
God bless Brian Walsh
God bless Marty Walsh
God bless Reggie Walton
God bless Tim Walz
God bless Abby Wambach
God bless Zach Wamp
God bless Mark Warner
God bless Raphael Warnock
God bless Andrew Warren
God bless Elizabeth Warren
God bless Phil Washington
God bless Melissa Wasser
God bless Carlton Waterhouse
God bless Karen Waters
God bless Maxine Waters
God bless Adrienne Watson
God bless Alfred Watson
God bless Jim Watson
God bless Clint Watts
God bless Ron Waxman
God bless Seth Waxman
God bless John Weaver
God bless Dan Webb
God bless Shirley Weber
God bless Jinchao (Patrick) Wei
God bless Anthony Weiner
God bless Scott Weiner
God bless Randi Weingarten
God bless Tali Farhadian Weinstein
God bless Amani Wells-Onyioha
God bless Amy Weirich
God bless Wendy Weiser
God bless David Weiss
God bless Martin Weissgarber
God bless Andrew Weissmann
God bless Peter Welch
God bless Greg Werkheiser
God bless Cornel West
God bless Royce West
God bless Jennifer Wexton
God bless Jonah Wheeler
God bless Ted Wheeler
God bless Moira Whelan
God bless Thayne Whipple
God bless Stephen Whitburn
God bless David White
God bless Trayon White
God bless Sheldon Whitehouse
God bless John Whitley
God bless Gretchen Whitmer
God bless Jeffrey Wichman
God bless Buffy Wicks
God bless Susan Wild
God bless Winston Wiley
God bless Monty Wilkinson
God bless Nikema Williams
God bless Chris Williamson
God bless Marianne Williamson
God bless Fani Willis
God bless Frank Wilner
God bless Rick Wilson
God bless Ross Wilson
God bless Lauren Windsor
God bless Tom Winter
God bless Douglas Wise
God bless Benjamin Wittes
God bless Brandon Wolf
God bless Joe Wolf
God bless Lesley Wolf
God bless Naomi Wolf
God bless Tom Wolf
God bless Jackie Thu-Huong Wong
God bless Kristina Wong
God bless Nicole Wong
God bless Lin Wood
God bless Terrance Woodbury
God bless Brad Woodhouse
God bless Robert Work
God bless Christine Wormuth
God bless Brian Worrell
God bless Christopher Wray
God bless Glenn Wright
God bless Gene Wu
God bless Shan Wu
God bless Ron Wyden
God bless James Wynn

God bless Itzik Yahav
God bless Andrew Yang
God bless Keren Yarhi-Milo
God bless John Yarmuth
God bless Sally Yates
God bless Ann Marie Yastishock
God bless Arseny Yatseniuk
God bless Betty Yee
God bless Janet Yellen
God bless Anthony York
God bless Richard Young
God bless Shalanda Young
God bless Eugene Yu
God bless James E. Yurgealitis

God bless Mark Zaid
God bless Ali Zaidi
God bless Mark Zandi
God bless Kimberly Zapata
God bless Gaby Zavala
God bless Elizabeth Zentos
God bless Wenhang (Thomas) Zhao
God bless Xie Zhenhua
God bless Scott Ziegler
God bless Jeff Zients
God bless Rebecca Zimmerman
God bless Andrea Zinder
God bless Jennifer Zipps
God bless Herbie Ziskend
God bless Howard Zucker
God bless Mark Zuckerberg
God bless Mark Zwonitzer

And here is another 364 imbecilic Senate and House aides who are actively working for the DC Swamp and eagerly await their ascension into the Deep State: Democrat Senate and House Aides

God bless all the idiots on this list. May they have a good life outside of trying to rule over the rest of us deplorables.

I stopped compiling this list at 1,000 suckers. Otherwise, the list would quickly grow to more than 50,000 big government suckers. I really don’t have time to catalog all of them. I will probably make an exception for a few really incompetent political idiots. — David Walker, author of The 2020 Election Coup

As Joe Biden says, “The press is the smartest group of people in town.” Want to know more about the press? Check out The Fake News Idiots Hall of Fame.

Spies Who Lie - part of the Big Government Idiots Hall of Fame

Obama-Biden Era Scandals

Download a free PDF of this book here: The 2020 Election Coup: How the Democrats and Their Allies Stole the 2020 Presidential Election by David Walker –

Free download for the next 10 days — 414-page book full of details on how the Democrats and their allies stole the 2020 presidential election by completely wiping out a Trump landslide!God bless




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