The Fake News Idiots Hall of Fame

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Check out the 1,001 plus members of The Fake News Idiots Hall of Fame. As many have said, it’s not against the law to be stupid—and being an idiot seems to be a requirement for today’s so-called journalists doing their journalisming. That idiot requirement seems to also apply to many of the useless idiot commentators featured on TV. — David Walker

It is a real shame that so many journalists, online sites, and media commentators are idiots—more than 1,001 plus on this list already! Or, as Joe Biden says, “The press is the smartest group of people in town.” That, of course, means the entire DC swamp is made up of idiots or, what we in the Midwest would call, really, really stupid people.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

These people are, in the words of one journalist, Moronic, insipid, inconsequential, insignificant, indefatigably insane, and irrelevant. They are all members of the Dopey Media Talking Head Olympics.

We start by calling them what they are. They are all snowflakes. And cowards. And idiots. And losers. — K.O.

Although it might be that these people are not idiots, are not insane, and are not really really stupid, but are simply naïve. They believe what each other has written, as if that were the gospel, as if what they write is truth, when it is often baseless claims and false narratives. They are, as one commentator noted, “elitist, egotistical media figures.” Or liberal lapdog media sock puppets. The TV hosts are whiny, unfunny, woke scolds.

God bless all the people and organizations on this list. Keep them in your prayers.

God bless ABC News
God bless Ramy Abdul
God bless Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
God bless Yvonne Abraham
God bless Dan Abrams
Gpd bless Stephanie Abrams
God bless Seth Abramson
God bless Leslie Abravanel
God bless Kat Abu
God bless Yasmeen Abutaleb
God bless Joel Achenbach
God bless Michael Aciman
God bless Bruce Ackerman
God bless Spencer Ackerman
God bless Jim Acosta
God bless Bill Adair
God bless Peter Adams
God bless AFP Fact Check
God bless Kaveh Lotfolah Afrasiabi
God bless Dennis Aftergut
God bless Agence France-Presse
God bless Julia Ainsley
God bless Decca Aitkenhead
God bless Davey Alba
God bless Monica Alba
God bless Teresa Albano
God bless Tim Alberta
God bless Yamiche Alcindor
God bless Hamed Aleaziz
God bless Jacqueline Alemany
God bless Joyce Alene
God bless Dan Alexander
God bless Peter Alexander
God bless Fernando Alfonso III
God bless Idrees Ali
God bless Wajahat Ali
God bless Yashar Ali
God bless Amy Alkon
God bless All Things Considered
God bless Mike Allen
God bless Ashley Allison
God bless Bobby Allyn
God bless Miguel Almaguer
God bless Lux Alptraum
God bless Angela Alsobrooks
God bless Charlotte Alter
God bless Eric Alterman
God bless Priscilla Alvarez
God bless Fernand Amandi
God bless Christiane Amanpour
God bless Dan Amara
God bless Aïda Amer
God bless American Independent fake newspaper
God bless Steven M. Anderson
God bless Sulome Anderson
God bless Jose Andino
God bless Dakin Andone.
God bless Sofia Andrade
God bless Jorgan K. Andrews
God bless Andscape
God bless the Annenberg Public Policy Center
God bless Carl Anthony
God bless W. James Antle III
God bless John Anzalone
God bless AP News
God bless Jason Appelbaum
God bless Anne Applebaum
God bless Binyamin Applebaum
God bless Michael Arceneoux
God bless Devon Archer
God bless Daniel Arkin
God bless William Arkin
God bless Hub Arkush
God bless Jenna Arnold
God bless Isaac Arnsdorf
God bless Lorenzo Arvanitis
God bless Emma Ashford
God bless Reza Aslan
God bless Associated Press
God bless the Associated Press Stylebook
God bless
the Atlanta Journal Constitution
God bless the Atlantic magazine
God bless Karen Attiah
God bless Kylie Atwood
God bless Austin Statesman
God bless Michael Avenatti
God bless John Avlon
God bless Axel Springer
God bless David Axelrod
God bless Jim Axelrod
God bless Axios

How come we have a raft of journalists facing a clutch of documents exposing rampant collusion between a major social platform and government power players to silence public discourse, and they strive to minimize the import rather than explore the details? It is because they were involved in the process. The machinations to control narratives involve many cogs, and the journalists were working in tandem here to manipulate discourse. — Brad Slager, columnist, RedState

God bless David Badash
God bless Rachel Bade
God bless Charlie Bailey
God bless Jason Bailey
God bless Addy Baird
God bless Mike Baker
God bless Peter Baker
God bless Sam Baker
God bless Lolita Baldor
God bless Brooke Baldwin
God bless Molly Ball
God bless Rebecca Ballhaus
God bless Michael Balsamo
God bless Dan Balz
God bless Dean Baquet
God bless Mark Barabak
God bless Justin Baragona
God bless Michael Barbaro
God bless Kurt Bardella
God bless Ross Barkan
God bless Mike Barnacle
God bless Fred Barnes
God bless Julian Barnes
God bless Ethan Baron
God bless Kevin Baron
God bless Michael Barone
God bless Cameron Barr
God bless Jeremy Barr
God bless Devlin Barrett
God bless Josh Barro
God bless Chris Barron
God bless Laura Barrón-López
God bless Drew Barrymore
God bless Amanda Bartlett
God bless Dana Bash
God bless Jeremy Bash
God bless Andrew Bates
God bless Valerie Bauman
God bless the Bay Area News Group
God bless Emily Bazelon
God bless the BBC News
God bless Zack Beauchamp
God bless Andrew Beaujon
God bless Tom Beaumont
God bless Olivia Beavers
God bless Bob Beckel
God bless Amanda Becker
God bless Jo Becker
God bless Richard Beckman
God bless Paul Begala
God bless Bryan Behar
God bless Joy Behar
God bless Peter Beinart
God bless Martin Belam
God bless Ryan Bell
God bless Michael Beller
God bless Haley BeMiller
God bless Jennifer Bendery
God bless Steve Benen
God bless Ruth Ben-Ghiat
God bless Steve Bennen
God bless Katie Benner
God bless Brian Bennett
God bless James Bennett
God bless Jessica Bennett
God bless Kate Bennett
God bless Ken Bensinger
God bless Guy Benson
God bless Thor Benson
God bless Alexis Benveniste
God bless Sharri Berg
God bless Peter Bergen
God bless Bonnie Berkowitz
God bless Jennifer Berkshire
God bless Noah Berlatsky
God bless Ari Berman
God bless John Berman
God bless Judy Berman
God bless Tara Siegel Bernard
God bless Kimberly Bernhardt
God bless Jonathan Bernstein
God bless Natasha Bertrand
God bless Michael Beschloss
God bless Steven Beschloss
God bless Jeff Bezos
God bless Abha Bhattari
God bless Joan Biscupic
God bless Indiana “Frosk” Black
God bless Riley Black
God bless Victor Blackwell
God bless Jayson Blair
God bless Aaron Blake
God bless John Blake
God bless Adrian Blanco
God bless Reuven Blau
God bless Adam Blickstein
God bless Wolf Blitzer
God bless Bloomberg News
God bless Charles Blow
God bless Dani Blum
God bless Noah Blum
God bless Alex Blumberg
God bless John Blumenthal
God bless Paul Blumenthal
God bless Igor Bobic
God bless Karl Bode
God bless Eric Boehlert
God bless Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs
God bless Dieter Bohn
God bless Kate Bolduan
God bless John Bolton
God bless Nathan Bomey
God bless Lisa Bonos
God bless Brakkton Booker
God bless Gloria Borger
God bless Julian Borger
God bless Ryan Bort
God bless the Boston Globe
God bless Jamelle Bouie
God bless Bridget Bowman
God bless Keith Boykin
God bless Jennifer Finney Boylan
God bless Laura Bradley
God bless Matt Bradley
God bless Eric Bradner
God bless Walker Bragman
God bless Jessica Brandt
God bless Rita Braver
God bless Donna Brazile
God bless Shannon Bream
God bless Ian Bremmer
God bless David Brennan
God bless John Brennan
God bless Margaret Brennan
God bless Ann Brenoff
God bless John Bresnahan
God bless Contessa Brewer
God bless Khiara Bridges
God bless Steven Brill
God bless Doug Brinkley
God bless Luke Broadwater
God bless David Brock
God bless Sam Brodey
God bless Richard Brookheiser
God bless David Brooks
God bless Rosa Brooks
God bless Bill Browder
God bless Carrie Budoff Brown
God bless Charles M. Brown
God bless Courtenay Brown
God bless Hayes Brown
God bless Pamela Brown
God bless Tina Brown
God bless Ed Browne
God bless Kellen Browning
God bless Ronald Brownstein
God bless Mary Bruce
God bless Frank Bruni
God bless Mika Brzezinski
God bless Jonathan Bucks
God bless Demian Bulwa
God bless The Bulwark
God bless Philip Bump
God bless Sonny Bunch
God bless Curtis Bunn
God bless Kelly Burch
God bless Julie Burchill
God bless Timothy Burke
God bless Nina Burleigh
God bless Kay Burley
God bless Alex Burns
God bless Dasha Burns
God bless Katelyn Burns
God bless Ken Burns
God bless Max Burns
God bless Tobias Burns
God bless Sarah Burris
God bless Business Insider
God bless BusinessWeek
God bless Anthea Butler
God bless Paul Butler
God bless Kelsey Butler
God bless Sally Buzbee
God bless BuzzFeed
God bless Dylan Byers
God bless Andre Byik

Because we have a bunch of hack communist goon soviet media people, they were like “uh, we don’t really know; the laptop could be Russian disinformation,” because they are pathetic disgusting filth. — Dan Bongino, host, The Dan Bongino Show

Download a free PDF of this book here: The 2020 Election Coup: How the Democrats and Their Allies Stole the 2020 Presidential Election by David Walker

Free download for the next 10 days — 415-page book full of details on how the Democrats and their allies stole the 2020 presidential election by completely wiping out a Trump landslide!

For more from David Walker, check out his Locals community here:

God bless Christopher Cadelago
God bless Massimo Calabresi
God bless Craig Calcaterra
God bless Camille Caldera
God bless Michael Calderone
God bless Paul Callan
God bless Rukmini Callimachi
God bless Aaron Calvin
God bless Carl Cameron
God bless Alisyn Camerota
God bless Josh Campbell
God bless Danielle Campoamor
God bless the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
God bless Nick Cannon
God bless Jonathan Capehart
God bless Capital B News
God bless Craig Caplan
God bless Marc Caputo
God bless Alejandra Caraballo
God bless Richelle Carey
God bless Will Carless
God bless Gretchen Carlson
God bless Greg Carlstrom
God bless TImothy Carney
God bless Amanda Carpenter
God bless Adrian Carrasquillo
God bless E. Jean Carroll
God bless Bill Carter
God bless Graydon Carter
God bless the Cartoon Network
God bless Jay Caruso
God bless Angelo Carusone
God bless Ben Casselman
God bless John Cassidy
God bless Stephen Castle
God bless Julián Castro
God bless Terry Castleman
God bless Henri Cauvin
God bless Neil Cavuto
God bless Heather Caygle
God bless the CBC
God bless CBS MoneyWatch
God bless CBS News
God bless CBS Sunday Morning
God bless CBS This Morning
God bless the Center for Public Integrity
God bless Bob Cesca
God bless Annie Chabel
God bless Janaki Chadha
God bless Jonathan Chait
God bless Morgan Chalfant
God bless David Chalian
God bless Virginia Chamlee
God bless Matthew Chance
God bless Leonie Chao-Fong
God bless Edith Chapin
God bless Ben Chapman
God bless Peter Charalambous
God bless Mona Charen
God bless Muriel Chase
God bless Rabia Chaudry
God bless Kyle Chayka
God bless Check My Ads
God bless George Cheeks
God bless Erwin Chemerinsky
God bless Kyle Cheney
God bless the Chicago Tribune
God bless the China Center for Globalization
God bless Sarafina Chitika
God bless Joseph Choi
God bless Catherine Christian
God bless Tommy Christopher
God bless Andrea Long Chu
God bless Charlene Chua
God bless Abrar Ahmad Chughtal
God bless Chris Cillizza
God bless Eric Ciaramella
God bless Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews
God bless Adam Ciralski
God bless Nick Cirone
God bless Nicholas Clairmont
God bless CNBC
God bless CNBC News
God bless CNN
God bless CNN This Morning
God bless Jane Coaston
God bless Laura Coates (rudely talks over her guests very loudly)
God bless Jelani Cobb
God bless Emily Cochrane
God bless Tom Coffey
God bless Devan Coggan
God bless Brian Tyler Cohen
God bless Marshall Cohen
God bless Richard Cohen
God bless Roger Cohen
God bless Nate Cohn
God bless Stephen Colbert
God bless Devan Cole
God bless Samantha Cole
God bless Joanna Coles
God bless Steve Coll
God bless Atyia Collins
God bless Ben Collins
God bless Gail Collins
God bless Kaitlin Collins
God bless Keith Collins
God bless Stephen Collinson
God bless Zack Colman
God bless Columbia Journalism Review
God bless James Comey
God bless Josh Comers
God bless Chelsea Conaboy
God bless Joe Concha
God bless Cesar Conde
God bless Nicholas Confessore
God bless Matthew Conlen
God bless Jeff Connaughton
God bless Tracy Connor
God bless Adam Conover
God bless Martinez Contreras
God bless The Convo Couch
God bless Grace Cook
God bless Charles C.W. Cooke
God bless Cook Political Report
God bless Anderson Cooper
God bless Helen Cooper
God bless Ryan Cooper
God bless McKay Coppins
God bless Nick Corasanti
God bless Sylvie Corbet
God bless James Corden
God bless Nancy Cordes
God bless Kevin Corke
God bless Michael Corkery
God bless Lindsey Cormack
God bless Michael Cornfield
God bless Eric Cortellessa
God bless Robert Costa
God bless Tom Costello
God bless Ann Coulter
God bless Katie Couric
God bless Courier Newsroom
God bless Richard Cowan
God bless Jeff Cox
God bless Joseph Cox
God bless Stan Cox
God bless Jim Cramer
God bless Ruby Cramer
God bless Alenea Cremen
God bless Kimberlé Crenshaw
God bless Rob Crilly
God bless Liz Crisp
God bless Tiffany Cross
God bless Country Music Television (CMT)
God bless Lindsay Crouse
God bless Gordon Crovitz
God bless Lenika Cruz
God bless the CTV
God bless Mark Cuban
God bless Eduardo Cuevasi
God bless William Cummings
God bless Brittany Cunningham
God bless Chris Cuomo
God bless S.E. Cupp
God bless Monique Curet
God bless Madison Czopek

The dutiful left-wing sock-puppet media continues to fly wingman for “the big guy,” while Hunter lives carefree in the White House and “doesn’t” leave bags of cocaine strewn around the Executive Mansion. Not a bad gig if you can get it—for either liar. — Mike Miller, columnist, RedState

God bless The Daily Beast
God bless Daily Kos
God bless Daily Mail
God bless Daily Poster
God bless Daniel Dale
God bless Dallas Observer
God bless Olivia Dalton
God bless Kyle Daly
God bless Igor Danchenko
God bless Eugene Daniels
God bless Oliver Darcy
God bless S.V. Date
God bless John Daniel Davidson
God bless Paul Davies
God bless Ricky Davila
God bless Aaron Davis
God bless Hannah Pearl Davis
God bless Julia Davis
God bless Linsey Davis
God bless Patrick Davis
God bless Josh Dawsey
God bless DC Comics
God bless Deadline
God bless Deadspin
God bless Tyrone Dean
God bless Gabriel Debenedetti
God bless Mike DeBonis
God bless Peter Debruge
God bless Julie DeCaro
God bless Defense One
God bless Ellen DeGeneres
God bless Arthur Delaney
God bless Jason Delgado
God bless Lisa DePaulo
God bless Susan Del Percio
God bless Chen Deming
God bless Karoun Demirjian
God bless Jerusalem Demsas
God bless Katie den Daas
God bless Steven Dennis
God bless Daniel DePetris
God bless Lydia DePillis
God bless Deseret News
God bless Stacia Philips Deshishku
God bless Andrew Desiderio
God bless Lisa Desjardins
God bless Donny Deutsch
God bless Chauncey DeVega
God bless Dan Diamond
God bless Elizabeth Dias
God bless Adriana Diaz
God bless Jaclyn Diaz
God bless Jose Diaz-Balart
God bless Mark DiCamillo
God bless John Dickerson
God bless E.J. Dickson
God bless Leslie Dickstein
God bless Die Welt
God bless Ken Dilanian
God bless Christiana Dillard
God bless R.C. Di Mezzo
God bless Dani DiPlacido
God bless
God bless The Dispatch
God bless Matt Dixon
God bless Dash Dobrofsky
God bless Ryan D. Doerfler
God bless Tony Dokoupil
God bless Susan Dominus
God bless Camila Domonoske
God bless Sam Donaldson
God bless Jimmy Dore
God bless Matt Dornic
God bless Ross Douthat
God bless Edward-Isaac Dovere
God bless Jennifer Beam Dowd
God bless Matthew Dowd
God bless Maureen Dowd
God bless Leonard Downie Jr.
God bless Renzo Downey
God bless Erica Downs
God bless Glennon Doyle
God bless Katherine Doyle
God bless Kimberly Dozier
God bless Ari Drennen
God bless Emily Dreyfuss
God bless Tara Dublin
God bless Alan Duke
God bless Devin Duke
God bless Jericka Duncan
God bless Isabelle Durso
God bless Vlad Duthiers
God bless Petula Dvorak
God bless Scott Dworkin
God bless Elizabeth Dwoskin
God bless Taylor Dysart
God bless Michael Eric Dyson

The AP proved again why we despise the liberal media; they just can’t seem to stop the bootlicking for the Democrats. — Nick Arama, columnist, RedState

God bless E! News
God bless The Economist
God bless Eric Eddings
God bless Catie Edmondson
God bless Mohamad El Chamaa
God bless Randall Eliason
God bless Elle magazine
God bless Philip Elliott
God bless Sarah Ellison
God bless Juliet Ellperin
God bless Adam Elmahrek
God bless Adrienne Elrod
God bless Graham Elwood
God bless Sydney Ember
God bless Caitlin Emma
God bless Amy Entelis
God bless Harry Enten
God bless Adam Entous
God bless Mitchell Epner
God bless Jennifer Epstein
God bless Reid J. Epstein
God bless Steven Erlanger
God bless Mariah Espada
God bless ESPN
God bless Adam Clark Estes
God bless Burgess Everett
God bless Dan Evon
God bless Andrew Exum
God bless Eye on America

God bless David Faber
God bless Jordan Fabian
God bless Face the Nation
God bless Facebook fact checkers
God bless Facebook Journalism Project
God bless
God bless Facts First USA
God bless Ana Faguy
God bless Rob Faherty
God bless William Falk
God bless Jimmy Fallon
God bless Nicholas Fandos
God bless Alyssa Farah
God bless Paul Farhi
God bless Robert Farley
God bless Fast Company magazine
God bless Anthony Fauci
God bless Katheriine Faulders
God bless Harris Faulkner
God bless Jon Favreau
God bless Darryl Fears
God bless Andrew Feinberg
God bless David Feldman
God bless Kiera Feldman
God bless James Fell
God bless Gabe Fernandez
God bless Luis Ferré-Sadurní
God bless Susan Ferrechio
God bless Becky Ferreira
God bless Sarah Ferris
God bless Alan Feuer
God bless Alex Field
God bless Daniel Fienberg
God bless Frank Figliuzzi
God bless Ron Filipkowski
God bless Dexter Filkins
God bless The Financial Times
God bless Gary Fineout
God bless Jimmy Finkelstein
God bless Amanda Finney
God bless Karen Finney
God bless Francesca Fiorentini
God bless First Draft News
God bless Shannon Firth
God bless Ford Fischer
God bless Sara Fischer
God bless Warren Fiske
God bless David Fisman
God bless Caitlin Flanagan
God bless Christopher Flavelle
God bless Matt Flegenheimer
God bless Brian Flood
God bless Rosa Flores
God bless Florida Politics
God bless Steve Florio
God bless Franklin Foer
God bless Rick Folbaum
God bless Elise Foley
God bless Katherine Ellen Foley
God bless David Folkenflik
God bless Clare Foran
God bless Forbes magazine
God bless Ashley Ford
God bless Foreign Policy magazine
God bless Sarah Fortinsky
God bless Fortune magazine
God bless Daniel Foster
God bless Ben Fox
God bless Mary Ann Fox
God bless Fox Nation
God bless Fox News
God bless Rachel Fradette
God bless Lisa Respers France
God bless Melissa Francis
God bless Al Franken
God bless Terrence Fraser
God bless David Freedlander
God bless Andrew Freedman
God bless Chrystia Freeland
God bless Mike Freeman
God bless David French
God bless Sheera Frenkel
God bless Conor Friedersdorf
God bless Dan Friedman
God bless Thomas Friedman
God bless Dan Froomkin
God bless Alexandra Frost
God bless David Frum
God bless Jenna Fryer
God bless Bryan Fuller
God bless Matt Fuller
God bless Daniel Funke

God bless Trip Gabriel
God bless David Gailen
God bless G. Daniela Galarza
God bless Suzanne Gamboa
God bless Jamie Gangel
God bless Megan Garber
God bless Eric Michael Garcia
God bless Lulu Garcia-Navarro
God bless Akayla Gardner
God bless Amy Gardner
God bless Christopher Gardner
God bless Eriq Gardner
God bless Rochelle Garner
God bless Laurie Garrett
God bless Major Garrett
God bless Joey Garrison
God bless Mara Gay
God bless GDI
God bless Willie Geist
God bless Barton Gellman
God bless Ben Geman
God bless Joe Geraghty
God bless David Gergen
God bless Eric Geron
God bless Michael Gerson
God bless Matthew Gertz
God bless Masha Gessen
God bless David Gilbert
God bless Sara Gilbert
God bless Sophie Gilbert
God bless Jack Gillum
God bless Steven Ginsberg
God bless Anand Giridharadas
God bless Gizmodo
God bless Glamour magazine
God bless Susan Glasser
God bless Eddie Glaude, Jr.
God bless Global Alliance for Responsible Media
God bless Global Disinformation Index
God bless Global Times
God bless Katie Glueck
God bless Renea Goddard
God bless Elaine Godfrey
God bless Kim Godwin
God bless Ed Goeas
God bless Drew Goins
God bless Ashley Gold
God bless Judy Gold
God bless Jonah Goldberg
God bless Michelle Goldberg
God bless Nicholas Goldberg
God bless Noah Goldberg
God bless Whoopi Goldberg
God bless Tim Golden
God bless Olivia Goldhill
God bless Shane Goldmacher
God bless Adam Goldman
God bless Lea Goldman
God bless Jack Goldsmith
God bless Dana Goldstein
God bless Matthew Goldstein
God bless Tom Goldstein
God bless James Goldston
God bless Allison Gollust
God bless Bianna Golodryga
God bless Good Information Foundation
God bless Good Morning America
God bless Jeff Goodell
God bless Nicole Goodkind
God bless Ryan Goodman
God bless Google News Initiative
God bless Ruth Emrys Gordon
God bless Emily Gould
God bless Céline Gounder
God bless GQ magazine
God bless Denise Grady
God bless Garrett M. Graff
God bless David Graham
God bless Nancy Lee Grahn
God bless Adam Grant
God bless Annie Grayer
God bless Nathan Grayson
God bless Dominic Green
God bless Joshua Green
God bless Nicoletta Green
God bless Jon Greenberg
God bless Stan Greenberg
God bless Trish Greenhalgh
God bless Glenn Greenwald
God bless Christina Greer
God bless Evan Greer
God bless Alyssa Farah Griffin
God bless Jennifer Griffin
God bless John Griffin
God bless Kyle Griffin
God bless Erin Griffith
God bless Martin Griffiths
God bless Ryan Grim
God bless Lautaro Grinspan
God bless Claudia Grisales
God bless Stephanie Grisham
God bless Jessica Grose
God bless Courtney Gross
God bless Grant Gross
God bless Daniel Grossman
God bless Steve Grove
God bless Bill Grueskin
God bless Michael Grynbaum
God bless The Guardian
God bless Jean Guerrero
God bless Alex Guillén
God bless Andrew Gunn
God bless Sanjay Gupta
God bless Vin Gupta
God bless Hugo Gurdon
God bless Rachel Gutman
God bless Jessica Guynn
God bless Mike Gwin

We’re in a time when trust in the press is at an all-time low. … That’s not going to change anytime soon, mainly because partisan reporters at mainstream media outlets have in general shown a deliberate unwillingness to drop their political stripes and simply report the news straight down the line. — Stacey Matthews, columnist, RedState

God bless Matthew Haag
God bless Garrett Haake
God bless Jennifer Haberkorn
God bless Heather Haddon
God bless Joe Hagan
God bless Errin Haines
God bless Sara Haines
God bless Harriet Hall
God bless Steve Hall
God bless Katie Halper
God bless John Haltiwanger
God bless Tom Hamburger
God bless Jody Hamilton
God bless Angie Han
God bless Suzee Han
God bless Chelsea Handler
God bless Nikole Hannah-Jones
God bless Hannah Reloaded
God bless Rick Hansen
God bless Jennifer Hansler
God bless Nayyera Haq
God bless Yuval Noah Harari
God bless Michael Hardy
God bless Poppy Harlow
God bless Amy Harmon
God bless Harper’s Magazine
God bless Shaun Harper
God bless John F. Harris
God bless Mary Harris
God bless Shane Harris
God bless Melissa Harris-Perry
God bless Michael Harrison
God bless Margaret Hartmann
God bless Thom Hartmann
God bless Anemona Hartocollis
God bless John Harvey
God bless Drew Harwell
God bless John Harwood
God bless Mehdi Hasan
God bless Jennifer Hassan
God bless Steven Hassan
God bless Angela Haupt
God bless Nicholas Hautmann
God bless Chris Hayes
God bless Steve Hayes
God bless Patrick Healy
God bless Chantal Hebert
God bless Gina Heeb
God bless Jeet Heer
God bless Monica Heese
God bless Virginia Heffernan
God bless Emily Heil
God bless John Heilemann
God bless Madeline Heim
God bless Rosalind Helderman
God bless Chris Helman
God bless Laura Helmuth
God bless Phil Helsel
God bless Nia-Malika Henderson
God bless Paul Henderson
God bless Susan Hennessey
God bless Molly Hennessy-Fiske
God bless Jeremy Herb
God bless Stuart Heritage
God bless Steve Herman
God bless Peter Hermann
God bless Salvador Hernandez
God bless Astead Herndon
God bless Catherine Herridge
God bless Chris Herstam
God bless Monica Hesse
God bless Ted Hesson
God bless Marc Hetherington
God bless Hugh Hewitt
God bless Soliman Hijjy
God bless The Hill
God bless Erica Hill
God bless Fiona Hill
God bless Jemele Hill
God bless The Hill
God bless Vaughn Hillyard
God bless Michael Hiltzik
God bless Jackson Hinkle
God bless Lauren Hirsch
God bless Arya Hodjat
God bless Emily Hoeven
God bless Claire Hoffman
God bless Dustin Hoffman, for his portrayals in Wag the Dog and All the President’s Men
God bless Liz Hoffman
God bless Hillary Hoffower
God bless James Hohmann
God bless Angie Drobnic Holan
God bless Hollywood Reporter
God bless Elizabeth Holmes
God bless T.J. Holmes
God bless Lester Holt
God bless Nicole Hong
God bless Elie Honig
God bless Kelly Hooper
God bless Margaret Hoover
God bless Scott Horsley
God bless Sunny Hostin
God bless Peter Hotez
God bless Richard Horton
God bless Blake Hounshell
God bless Houston Chronicle
God bless Tiffany Hsu
God bless Shawn Hubler
God bless Caitlin Huey-Burns
God bless Huffington Post
God bless Hilary Hughes
God bless Wang Huiyao
God bless Carl Hulse
God bless Edward Humes
God bless Kasie Hunt
God bless Rex Huppke
God bless Brendan Hurley
God bless Emma Hurt
God bless Jeremy Hutchison
God bless Daisy Hutton

God bless Bob Iger
God bless David Ignatius
God bless Sean Illing
God bless The Independent
God bless Dave Ingram
God bless Earl Ingram
God bless Ron Insana
God bless Insider News
God bless Intelligencer
God bless The Intercept
God bless International Fact-Checking Network
God bless International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
God bless Julia Ioffe
God bless Umair Irfan
God bless Neil Irwin
God bless Mike Isaac
God bless Alex Isenstadt
God bless John Ismay
God bless Laura Italiano
God bless Colby Itkowitz
God bless Danielle Ivory
God bless Seema Iyer

American journalism in recent years has sunk to shocking new lows, and this drivel is just another example of malpractice. It also shows the mainstream media’s absolute obsession with Jan. 6 even though the rest of the world has moved on. — Bob Hoge, columnist, RedState

God bless Mark Jablonowski
God bless Hallie Jackson
God bless Jenn Jackson
God bless Phillip Jackson
God bless Jacobin magazine
God bless Andrew Jacobs
God bless Jennifer Jacobs
God bless Sam Jacobs
God bless Louis Jacobson
God bless Cheri Jacobus
God bless Mary Jacoby
God bless Alexandra Jaffe
God bless Logan Jaffe
God bless Bradd Jaffy
God bless Naveed Jamali
God bless Meg James
God bless Peter Jamison
God bless Nandini Jammi
God bless Nina Jankowicz
God bless Chris Jansing
God bless Karine Jean-Pierre
God bless Hakeem Jefferson
God bless Jill Collen Jefferson
God bless Rosie Jempson
God bless Sarah Jeong
God bless Mitch Jeserich
God bless Julia Jester
God bless Kathryn Jezer-Morton
God bless Ashish Jha
God bless Hemal Jhaveri
God bless Zaid Jilani
God bless Robert Jimison
God bless Joe Johns
God bless Adam H. Johnson
God bless Cynthia A. Johnson
God bless Dennis Johnson
God bless Jason Johnson
God bless Julia Johnson
God bless Martenzie Johnson
God bless Susan Johnson
God bless Caitlin Johnstone
God bless Mikel Jollett
God bless David Jolly
God bless Brea Jones
God bless Catherine Areu Jones
God bless Ja’han Jones
God bless Lawrence Jones
God bless Radhika Jones
God bless Rebekah Jones
God bless Sarah Jones
God bless Tom Jones
God bless Van Jones
God bless Molly Jong-Fast
God bless Cameron Joseph
God bless Maura Judkis
God bless Mark Judson
God bless Junior Scholastic magazine
God bless Quinta Jurecic

God bless Marisa Kabas
God bless Boris Kachka
God bless Andrew Kaczynski
God bless Robert Kagan
God bless Daria Kaleniuk
God bless Matt Kaminski
God bless Paul Kane
God bless Zolan Kanno-Youngs
God bless Kansas City Star
God bless Jodi Kantor
God bless Erin Aubrey Kaplan
God bless Sarah Kaplan
God bless Sahil Kapur
God bless Brian Karem
God bless Annie Karni
God bless Marisa M. Kashino
God bless Ana Kasparian
God bless Alex Kasprak
God bless Neal Katyal
God bless Sammy Katz
God bless Tony Katz
God bless Katty Kay
God bless Randi Kaye
God bless Juliette Kayyem
God bless Andrew Keh
God bless Brianna Keilar
God bless Tamara Keith
God bless Heather Kelly
God bless Kate Kelly
God bless Kim Kelly
God bless Mary Louise Kelly
God bless Ilan Kelman
God bless Sarah Kendzior
God bless Philip Kennicott
God bless Rebecca Kern
God bless Tom Kertscher
God bless Glenn Kessler
God bless Matthew Keys
God bless Christina Amira Khalil
God bless Ankush Khardori
God bless Shay Khatiri
God bless Neeraj Khemlan
God bless Stef W. Kight
God bless Jason Kilar
God bless Ed Kilgore
God bless Nike Killion
God bless Seung Min Kim
God bless Soyoung Kim
God bless Jimmy Kimmel
God bless Emma Kinery
God bless Gayle King
God bless John King
God bless Maya King
God bless Pamela King
God bless Peter King
God bless Adam Kinzinger
God bless James Kirchick
God bless Danica Kirka
God bless David Kirkpatrick
God bless Glenn Kirschner
God bless Brian Klaas
God bless Mary Ellen Klas
God bless Miles Klee
God bless Eric Kleefeld
God bless Betsy Klein
God bless Ethan Klein
God bless Ezra Klein
God bless Marci Klein
God bless Naomi Klein
God bless Philip Klein
God bless Rich Klein
God bless Sarah Kliff
God bless Ken Klippenstein
God bless Alex Knapp
God bless Ellen Knickmeyer
God bless Hannah Knowles
God bless Sheila Kohanteb
God bless Justin Kollar
God bless Nomiki Konst
God bless Tal Kopan
God bless Ted Koppel
God bless Natasha Korecki
God bless Steve Kornacki
God bless Karen Kornbluh
God bless Meryl Kornfield
God bless Gregory Korte
God bless Alison Kosik
God bless Michelle Kosinski
God bless KQED radio
God bless Scott Kraft
God bless Charlie Kraiger
God bless Andrew Kramer
God bless Michael Kranish
God bless Jason Kravarik
God bless Jack Krawczyk
God bless Daniel Kreps
God bless Liz Kreutz
God bless Gregory Krieg
God bless Bonnie Kristian
God bless Nicolas Kristof
God bless Bill Kristol
God bless Andy Kroll
God bless Paul Krugman
God bless Michael Kruse
God bless KTVU-TV
God bless Courtney Kube
God bless Jackie Kucinich
God bless Chenjerai Kumanyika
God bless Michael Kunzelman
God bless Danielle Kurtzleben
God bless Rachel Kurzius
God bless Rebecca Kutler

You [fake news media] don’t care about the facts… you’ll cover the lie, you’ll spread it all over the world over and over and over again. And that is how fake news is spread. — Kari Lake, news anchor at KSAZ-TV and candidate for Arizona governor

God bless Marisa Lagos
God bless Kyung Lah
God bless Jake Lahut
God bless Celinda Lake
God bless Sandee Lamotte
God bless Lancet medical journal
God bless Jamie Landers
God bless Mark Landler
God bless Randall Lane
God bless Brent Lang
God bless Gary Langer
God bless John Lansing
God bless Richard Lardner
God bless LA Progressive
God bless Jonathan Larsen
God bless Las Vegas Sun
God bless Jonathan Last
God bless Late Night with Stephen Colbert
God bless Matt Lauer
God bless Lawfare Blog
God bless Andrea Lawful-Sanders
God bless Jill Lawless
God bless Andrew Lawrence
God bless D. Lawrence
God bless Jill Lawrence
God bless Jeff Lawson
God bless Nathan Layne
God bless David Lazarus
God bless Lead Stories
God bless Stuart Leavenworth
God bless Dan Leavitt
God bless David Leavitt
God bless Dan Le Batard
God bless Josh Lederman
God bless Bandy Lee
God bless Isaac Lee
God bless M.J. Lee
God bless Matt Lee
God bless Judd Legum
God bless Evan Lehmann
God bless Mark Leibovich
God bless Megan Lebowitz
God bless Jonathon Lemire
God bless Don Lemon
God bless Jason Lemon
God bless Alex Lemonides
God bless Lenfest Institute for Journalism
God bless Lyz Lenz
God bless Jenny Leonard
God bless Kimberly Leonard
God bless Carol Leonnig
God bless David Leonhardt
God bless Lisa Lerer
God bless Eric Levai
God bless Dan Levine
God bless Hannah Levintova
God bless Ross Levitt
God bless Eric Levitz
God bless John Scott Lewinski
God bless Monica Lewinsky
God bless Matt Lewis
God bless Philip Lewis
God bless Sophie Lewis
God bless Mia Libby
God bless Kobi Libii
God bless Chris Licht
God bless Matthew Lieber
God bless Jordan Liles
God bless Naomi Lim
God bless Cristiano Lima
God bless Summer Lin
God bless Devon Link
God bless Damon Linker
God bless Annie Linskey
God bless Daniel Lippman
God bless Deborah E. Lipstadt
God bless Adam Liptak
God bless Adam Liptak (intentionally duplicated)
God bless Kevin Liptak
God bless Eric Lipton
God bless Charles Lister
God bless Laura Litvan
God bless Catherine Liu
God bless Ryan Lizza
God bless Tom LoBianco
God bless L’Obs
God bless Local Report
God bless Joe Lockhart
God bless Devi Lockwood
God bless Colleen Long
God bless Heather Long
God bless Chloe-Lee Longhetti
God bless Emma Loop
God bless German Lopez
God bless Kathryn Jean Lopez
God bless Taylor Lorenz
God bless Paola Loriggio
God bless Los Angeles Times
God bless Berkeley Lovelace Jr.
God bless Jon Lovett
God bless Tiana Lowe
God bless Hugo Lowell
God bless Wesley Lowery
God bless Richard Lowry
God bless Edward Luce
God bless Lilia Luciano
God bless Clarence Lusane
God bless Belinda Luscombe
God bless Brittany Luse
God bless Courtney Lyle
God bless Michael Lyle
God bless Travis Lyles

Is there any integrity in media anymore? Is there any intellectual honesty among those people or, for that matter, their viewers? All those people who have consumed and repeated every lie they have been told for nearly a generation should all be really, really angry by now. — Jeff Lewis, columnist, American Thinker

God bless Rakeen Mabud
God bless William MacAskill
God bless Katie MacBride
God bless Scott MacFarlane
God bless Alec MacGillis
God bless C. Raina MacIntyre
God bless David Mack
God bless Juliet Macur
God bless Monique Madan
God bless Dave Madden
God bless Joe Madison
God bless Rachel Maddow
God bless Gerard Magliocca
God bless Aamer Madhani
God bless Alex Mahadevan
God bless Arwa Mahdawi
God bless Bill Maher
God bless Katherine Maher
God bless Sapna Maheshwari
God bless Bill Mahoney
God bless Charlie Mahtesian
God bless Mike Males
God bless Nia Malika-Henderson
God bless Suzanne Malveaux
God bless Julia Manchester
God bless Apoorva Mandavilli
God bless Dan Mangan
God bless The Manila Times
God bless Pablo Manriquez
God bless Maplight
God bless Andrew Marantz
God bless Meg Marco
God bless Amanda Marcotte
God bless Ruth Marcus
God bless Grant Marek
God bless Drew Magary
God bless Renato Mariotti
God bless David Mark
God bless Lachlan Markay
God bless Patrick Marley
God bless Alex Marquardt
God bless Miguel Marquez
God bless Erin Marquis
God bless Josh Marshall
God bless Abby Martin
God bless Jonathan Martin
God bless Michel Martin
God bless Roland Martin
God bless Allison Martinez
God bless Angie Martinez
God bless Marvel Comics
God bless Ginny Marvini
God bless Paris Marx
God bless Nick Maslow
God bless Anthony Mason
God bless Gary Mason
God bless Yousef Masoud
God bless Anna Massoglia
God bless Kim Masters
God bless David Mastio
God bless Christopher Mathias
God bless Joel Mathis
God bless Chris Matthews
God bless Susan Matthews
God bless Phil Mattingly
God bless Scott Maxwell
God bless Zerlina Maxwell
God bless Jane Mayer
God bless Steven Mazie
God bless Patricia Mazzei
God bless Mark Mazzetti
God bless Michael McAuliff
God bless Matt McBradley
God bless Meghan McCain
God bless Alexi McCammond
God bless Andrew C. McCarthy
God bless Bill McCarthy
God bless Ryan McCarthy
God bless Tom McCarthy
God bless Anthony McCartney
God bless Claire McCaskill
God bless Grant McCool
God bless Blake McCoy
God bless Jessica McCreight
God bless Ronna McDaniel
God bless Amanda McDougall
God bless Candace McDuffie
God bless Robert McFadden
God bless Scott McFarlane
God bless Kaylee McGhee
God bless Olivia McGiff
God bless Margaret Harding McGill
God bless Tara McGowan
God bless Titania McGrath
God bless Meridith McGraw
God bless Mike McIntire
God bless Jamie McIntyre
God bless Jesse McKinley
God bless Mark McKinnon
God bless Dan McLaughlin
God bless Robert McLean
God bless Paul McLeod
God bless Wendy McMahon
God bless Evan McMorris-Santoro
God bless Evan McMurry
God bless Donald McNeil Jr.
God bless Lindsey McPherson
God bless Barb McQuade
God bless Jon Meacham
God bless Med Page Today
God bless Media Matters
God bless Mediaite
God bless Mediawell
God bless Derek Medina
God bless Marina Medvin
God bless James Gordon Meek
God bless Meet the Press
God bless Dmitri Mehlhorn
God bless Barry Meier
God bless Travis Meier
God bless Brett Meiselas
God bless Michelle Meiselas
God bless Ari Melber
God bless Pilar Melendez
God bless Norman Merchant
God bless Mercury Project
God bless Anna Merlan
God bless Jeremy Merrill
God bless Sarah Mervosh
God bless The Messenger
God bless Graham Messick
God bless Jim Messina
God bless Katie Mettler
God bless Miami Herald
God bless Elex Michaelson
God bless Jay Michaelson
God bless Michigan Live
God bless Dana Milbank
God bless Military Times
God bless John Miller
God bless Justin Miller
God bless Matthew Miller
God bless Myles Miller
God bless Rann Miller
God bless Tim Miller
God bless Zeke Miller
God bless Ian Millhiser
God bless Aisha Mills
God bless Andy Mills
God bless Janice Min
God bless Gabriela Miranda
God bless Nick Miroff
God bless Arnon Mishkin
God bless Tanvi Misra
God bless Mike Missanelli
God bless Andrea Mitchell
God bless Lincoln Mitchell
God bless MITRE
God bless Alex Moe
God bless Ayman Mohyeldin
God bless Jennifer Molina
God bless Steven Monacelli
God bless George Monbiot
God bless La Monde
God bless Domenico Montanaro
God bless Blake Montgomery
God bless Lori Montgomery
God bless Philip Montgomery
God bless Camilo Montoya-Galvez
God bless Danielle Moodie-Mills
God bless Michael Moore
God bless Terry Moran
God bless Carol Morello
God bless David Morgan
God bless lanie Morgan
God bless Jonathan Morgan
God bless Terry Morgan
God bless Gretchen Morgenson
God bless Morning Edition
God bless Morning Joe
God bless G. Eliott Morris
God bless Loveday Morris
God bless Mother Jones magazine
God bless Markos Moulitsas
God bless Yascha Mounk
God bless Bill Moyers
God bless Samuel Moyn
God bless Colin Moynihan
God bless Ngofeen Mputubwele
God bless Mary Mrad
God bless MSNBC
God bless David Muir
God bless Kat Downs Mulder
God bless Mick Mulvaney
God bless James Murdoch
God bless Ana Lucía Murillo
God bless Esme Murphy
God bless Jason Murray
God bless Mark Murray
God bless Melissa Murray
God bless Patrick Murray
God bless Sara Murray
God bless Shona Murray
God bless Natalie Musumeci
God bless Ally Mutnick
God bless Steven Lee Myers
God bless Elie Mystal

God bless Adam Nagourney
God bless Ellen Nakashima
God bless Malcolm Nance
God bless Irene Nasser
God bless Hannah Natanson
God bless The Nation
God bless National Public Radio
God bless National Review
God bless Kelsey Naubauner
God bless Anika Navaroli
God bless Ana Navarro
God bless Brian Naylor
God bless Alexander Nazaryan
God bless NBC News
God bless Matt Negrin
God bless Nicholas Nehamas
God bless Sophia Nelson
God bless Santul Nerkar
God bless Neue Zurcher Zeitung
God bless New England Journal of Medicine
God bless New Republic magazine
God bless New York Times
God bless New York magazine
God bless New Yorker magazine
God bless Annalee Newitz
God bless NewsGuard
God bless Newsweek magazine
God bless Leon Neyfakh
God bless Alfred Ng
God bless Emily Ngo
God bless Andy Nguyen
God bless Jack Nicas
God bless Peter Nicholas
God bless Hans Nichols
God bless Tom Nichols
God bless Amerlia Nierenberg
God bless Bob Nightengale
God bless Sarah Maslin Nir
God bless Fenit Nirappil
God bless Timothy Noah
God bless Ryan Nobels
God bless Christopher Nolan
God bless Jonathan Nolan
God bless Jay Nordlinger
God bless Janai Norman
God bless Anna North
God bless Hannah Northey
God bless Tom Norton
God bless NPR
God bless Emily Nussbaum
God bless Olivia Nuzzi

Journalism used to be a profession that brought the elite to the level of the average man by keeping them in check. Now, journalism itself is elitism, and they lord their access and supposed expertise over their audience. — Joe Cunningham, senior editor, RedState

God bless Dean Obeidallah
God bless Timothy O’Brien
God bless Occupy Democrats Network
God bless Melissa Ochoa
God bless Debra OConnell
God bless Kelly O’Donnell
God bless Lawrence O’Donnell
God bless Pablo O’Hana
God bless Ed O’Keefe
God bless Gloria Oladipo
God bless Olivia Olander
God bless Keith Olbermann
God bless Dickens Olewe
God bless James Oliphant
God bless David Oliver
God bless Alice Miranda Ollstein
God bless Molly Olmstead
God bless Henry Olsen
God bless Matthew Olsen
God bless Ijeoma Oluo
God bless Geoffrey Ondieki
God bless Eric O’Neill
God bless OpenNews Source
God bless Will Oremus
God bless Orlando Sentinel
God bless Ben Orner
God bless Ciara O’Rourke
God bless Emily Oster
God bless Scott Ostler
God bless Donie O’Sullivan
God bless Holly Otterbein

God bless Julie Pace
God bless Tyler Pager
God bless David Paleologos
God  bless the Palestine Chronicle
God bless Anna Palmer
God bless Bethania Palmer
God bless Bill Palmer
God bless Palmer Report
God bless Tara Palmeri
God bless Jennifer Palmieri
God bless Mark Pantano
God bless Robert Pape
God bless Nick Jack Pappas
God bless Alice Park
God bless Ashley Parker
God bless Claire Parker
God bless Kathleen Parker
God bless MaryAlice Parks
God bless Heather Digby Parton
God bless Jon Passantino
God bless Christina Passariello
God bless Kasha Patel
God bless Vedant Patel
God bless James Patterson
God bless Dominic Patten
God bless Andrew Paul
God bless Pamela Paul
God bless Jane Pauley
God bless John Pavlovitz
God bless Ed Payne
God bless Christian Paz
God bless PBS
God bless PBS NewsHour
God bless Matt Pearce
God bless Sara Pearl
God bless Carolyn Peck
God bless Emily Peck
God bless Lauren Peikoff
God bless Cody Pelletier
God bless Scott Pelley
God bless Mark Penn
God bless Pennsylvania Independent fake newspaper
God bless Steve Peoples
God bless People’s Daily
God bless Andrew Perez
God bless Evan Perez
God bless Chad Pergram
God bless Rick Perlstein
God bless Ted Perry
God bless Nicole Lyn Pesce
God bless Jeremy Peters
God bless Chase Peterson-Withorn
God bless Alexandra Petri
God bless Zachary Petrizzo
God bless Natalia Mehlman Petrzela
God bless Shannon Pettypiece
God bless Dan Pfeiffer
God bless Katie Phang
God bless Philadelphia Inquirer
God bless Abby Phillip
God bless Carron J. Phillips
God bless Mark Phillips
God bless Matt Phillips
God bless Stacey Plaskett
God bless Jessica Mason Pieklo
God bless Michael Pietsch
God bless Hasan Piker
God bless James Pindell
God bless Daniel Pink
God bless Sruthi Pinnamaneni
God bless Nico Pitney
God bless Marina Pitofsky
God bless Mary Jo Pitzl
God bless Liz Plank
God bless Playboy magazine
God bless Brad Plumer
God bless Jake Plunkett
God bless Katelyn Polantz
God bless Lydia Polgreen
God bless Caroline Polisi
God bless Politico
God bless PolitiFact
God bless Marc Polymeropoulos
God bless Ramesh Ponnuru
God bless Exavier Pope
God bless Michael Lee Pope
God bless Nik Popli
God bless Nathaniel Popper
God bless Popular Information
God bless Billy Porter
God bless Portland Oregonian
God bless Richard Porton
God bless Lis Power
God bless Kirsten Powers
God bless Poynter Institute for Media Studies
God bless Vinay Prasad
God bless Chad Prather
God bless
God bless Joe Price
God bless Dan Primack
God bless Jaime Primak
God bless The Progressive Soapbox
God bless ProPublica
God bless Janet Protasiewicz
God bless Ben Protess
God bless Heidi Przybyla
God bless Jen Psaki
God bless Psychology Today
God bless Public Broadcasting System
God bless Puck News
God bless Pallavi Purkayastha
God bless Samantha Putterman
God bless Hasan Pyker

God bless Linda Qiu
God bless the Quad-City Times
God bless Quddus
God bless Quds News Network
God bless James Queally
God bless Ben Quinn
God bless Chris Quinn
God bless Carl Quintanilla
God bless Anne Quito

Download a free PDF of this book here: The 2020 Election Coup: How the Democrats and Their Allies Stole the 2020 Presidential Election by David Walker

Free download for the next 10 days — 410-page book full of details on how the Democrats and their allies stole the 2020 presidential election by completely wiping out a Trump landslide!

For more from David Walker, check out his Locals community here:

God bless Roni Caryn Rabin
God bless Morgan Radford
God bless Nazanin Rafsanjani
God bless Khaleda Rahman
God bless Adeel Raja
God bless Manu Raju
God bless Nathaniel Rakich
God bless Nikki McCann Ramirez
God bless Jorge Ramos
God bless Paola Ramos
God bless Catherine Rampell
God bless Roberta Rampton
God bless Charles Ramsey
God bless Asha Rangappa
God bless Samir Rao
God bless Nicolas Rapold
God bless Alan Rappeport
God bless William Rashbaum
God bless Qasim Rashid
God bless Dan Rather
God bless Jonathan Rauch
God bless Real Time with Bill Maher
God bless Reason magazine
God bless The Recount
God bless Robert Redford, for his portrayals in All the President’s Men and Up Close & Personal
God bless Brad Reed
God bless Gail Reed
God bless Ashley Reese
God bless Joy Reid
God bless Paula Reid
God bless Tim Reid
God bless Caroline Reilly
God bless Ryan Reilly
God bless Jonathan Reiner
God bless Rob Reiner
God bless Lindsey Reiser
God bless Reliable Sources
God bless David Remnick
God bless Jarrett Renshaw
God bless Lee Respers
God bless Maria Ressa
God bless Maeve Reston
God bless Reuters
God bless Rewire News Group
God bless Raul A. Reyes
God bless Yacob Reyes
God bless David Rhodes
God bless Heather Cox Richardson
God bless Alanna Durkin Richer
God bless Richmond Times-Dispatch
God bless Matt Richtel
God bless Scott Ridder
God bless J.M. Rieger
God bless Wilson Ring
God bless Mekita Rivas
God bless Geraldo Rivera
God bless Nicolás Rivero
God bless Dan Rivoli
God bless Alex Roarty
God bless Amy Robach
God bless Rebecca Robbins
God bless Campbell Robertson
God bless Katie Robertson
God bless Eugene Robinson
God bless Julia Rock
God bless Jennifer Rodgers
God bless Katie Rogers
God bless Sarah Rogers
God bless Tessa Berenson Rogers
God bless Josh Rogin
God bless Roll  Call
God bless Rolling Stone magazine
God bless Rolling Stone magazine (duplicated intentionally)
God bless Luiz Romero
God bless Tony Romm
God bless Stephen Romond
God bless Kevin Roose
God bless The Root
God bless Charlie Rose
God bless Hilary Rosen
God bless Jacob Rosen
God bless Carol Rosenberg
God bless Jon Rosenberg
God bless Matthew Rosenberg
God bless Scott Rosenberg
God bless Brian Rosenwald
God bless Paul Rosenzweig
God bless Brian Ross
God bless Kimberly Ross
God bless David Roth
God bless Sammy Roth
God bless Yoel Roth
God bless David Rothkopf
God bless Noah Rothman
God bless Mike Rothschild
God bless Philip Rotner
God bless Lipi Roy
God bless Jacob Rubashkin
God bless Lisa Rubin
God bless Olivia Rubin
God bless Dana Rubinstein
God bless Philip Rucker
God bless Shari Rudavsky
God bless Jay Ruderman
God bless Christopher Rugaber
God bless Stephanie Ruhle
God bless Aaron Rupar
God bless Jim Rutenberg
God bless Carolyn Ryan
God bless Erin Gloria Ryan
God bless Fred Ryan
God bless Patrick Ryder

When reporters are getting really loud, or they’re starting to ask crazy questions, I just slow down my pace, and I talk very quietly, and I treat them like I’m an orderly sometimes in an insane asylum. — Jen Psaki, White House spokesperson

God bless Maria Sacchetti
God bless Jade Sacker
God bless Mike Sacks
God bless Samm Sacks
God bless Stephen Sackur
God bless McKenzie Sadeghi
God bless Arlette Saenz
God bless Ahsha Safai
God bless SAG-AFTRA
God bless Peter Sagal
God bless St. Louis Post-Dispatch
God bless Emily St. Martin
God bless Vivian Salama
God bless Sandra Salathe
God bless Dan Sales
God bless William Saleton
God bless Maria Elena Salinas
God bless
God bless Salt Lake Tribune
God bless Bill Sammon
God bless Ian Sams
God bless Terrence Samuels
God bless San Francisco Chronicle
God bless Boris Sanchez
God bless Yvonne Wingett Sanchez
God bless Symone Sanders
God bless David Sanger
God bless Margot Sanger-Katz
God bless Kalefa Sanneh
God bless Fabiola Santiago
God bless John Santucci
God bless Greg Sargent
God bless Ivana Saric
God bless Ash Sarkar
God bless Benjy Sarlin
God bless Charlie Savage
God bless Martin Savidge
God bless Peter Savodnik
God bless Diane Sawyer
God bless Kate Scanlon
God bless Kara Scannell
God bless Anthony Scaramucci
God bless Joe Scarborough
God bless Scott Schafer
God bless Michael Schaffer
God bless Tom Schaller
God bless Cliff Schector
God bless Adam Schefter
God bless Bill Scher
God bless Michael Scherer
God bless Rachel Schindler
God bless Marty Schladen
God bless Angie Schmidt
God bless Michael S. Schmidt
God bless Steve Schmidt
God bless Elena Schneider
God bless Jack Schneider
God bless Jessica Schneider
God bless Lindsay Schnell
God bless Michael Schnell
God bless Todd Schnitt
God bless Elena Schor
God bless Peter Schorsch
God bless Brian Schott
God bless Ben Schreckinger
God bless Jennifer Schuessler
God bless Daniel Schuman
God bless Nikki Schwab
God bless Casey Schwartz
God bless Michael Schwirtz
God bless Scientific American
God bless Jim Sciutto
God bless Nancy Scola
God bless Rachel Scott
God bless Suzanne Scott
God bless Dionne Searcy
God bless Sam Seder
God bless Aie Balagtas See
God bless Eric Segall
God bless Laurie Segall
God bless Grace Segers
God bless Jeff Seldin
God bless Rachel Self
God bless Lara Seligman
God bless Bakari Sellers
God bless Bob Sellers
God bless Semafor
God bless Jennifer Senior
God bless Gabrielle Settles
God bless Tina Sfondeles
God bless Lauren Sforza
God bless Kristina Sgueglia
God bless Noah Shachtman
God bless Jack Shafer
God bless SImmone Shah
God bless Rudabeh Shahbazi
God bless Zev Shalev
God bless Jacob Shamsian
God bless Brian Shapiro
God bless Eliza Shapiro
God bless Walter Shapiro
God bless Michael Shear
God bless Michael D. Sheer
God bless Michelle Shen
God bless Steven Shepard
God bless Alex Shephard
God bless Brittany Shepherd
God bless Gabriel Sherman
God bless Jake Sherman
God bless Disha Shetty
God bless Victor Shi
God bless Meredith Shiner
God bless David Shor
God bless Marc Short
God bless Emily Shugerman
God bless Matt Shuham
God bless Sabrina Siddiqui
God bless Jessica Sidman
God bless Ben Siegel
God bless Harry Siegel
God bless Tatiana Siegel
God bless Kurt Siegelin
God bless Christian Sierra
God bless Steve Silberman
God bless Nate Silver
God bless Robert Silverman
God bless Sara Simon
God bless Emilie Simons
God bless Joe Gabriel Simonson
God bless Glenn Simpson
God bless Monica Simpson
God bless Peter Singer
God bless Daleep Singh
God bless David Sirota
God bless Michael Sisak
God bless Amy Siskind
God bless Gerald Sisnette
God bless Gretchen Sisson
God bless Situation Room
God bless 60 Minutes
God bless Sky News
God bless Gram Slattery
God bless Brian Slodysko
God bless Michael Smerconish
God bless Jeanna Smialek
God bless Robert Smigel
God bless Vaclav Smil
God bless David Smiley
God bless Ben Smith
God bless David Smith
God bless Erika D. Smith
God bless Kate Smith
God bless Noah Smith
God bless Olivia Smith
God bless Shepard Smith
God bless Stephen A. Smith
God bless Julie Carr Smyth
God bless Tristan Snell
God bless Snopes
God bless Timothy Snyder
God bless Jacob Soboroff
God bless Aki Soga
God bless Andrew Solender
God bless Roger Sollenberger
God bless Will Sommer
God bless Felicia Sonmez
God bless Nika Soon-Shiong
God bless Patrick Soon-Shiong
God bless Andrew Ross Sorkin
God bless Lior Soroka
God bless Marianna Sotomayor
God bless South China Morning Post
God bless South Florida Sun Sentinel
God bless Elizabeth Spiers
God bless Sports Illustrated
God bless Spotlight PA
God bless Kiran Stacey
God bless Liam Stack
God bless Zach Stafford
God bless Lesley Stahl
God bless Alex Stamos
God bless Isaac Stanley-Becker
God bless Kate Starbird
God bless Tim Starks
God bless State of the Union
God bless Kelli Stavast
God bless Will Steakin
God bless Scott Stedman
God bless Christopher Steele
God bless Arlene Stein
God bless Chris Stein
God bless Jeff Stein
God bless Sam Stein
God bless Richard Stengel
God bless Brian Stelter
God bless George Stephanopoulos
God bless Bret Stephens
God bless D. Earl Stephens
God bless Zach Stephenson
God bless David Stern
God bless Howard Stern
God bless Mark Joseph Stern
God bless Marlow Stern
God bless David Sterrett
God bless Richard Stengel
God bless Stuart Stevens
God bless Jon Stewart
God bless Phil Stewart
God bless Chris Stirewalt
God Bless A.B. Stoddard
God bless Kimberly Atkins Stohr
God bless Sheryl Gay Stolberg
God bless Matt Stoller
God bless Andy Stone
God bless Madeleine Stone
God bless Mark Strassmann
God bless Ryan Struyk
God bless Elizabeth Stuart
God bless Style magazine
God bless Courtney Subramanian
God bless Richard Sudan
God bless Alan Suderman
God bless Asawin Suebsaeng
God bless Chris Suellentrop
God bless Jake Sullivan
God bless Margaret Sullivan
God bless Matt Sullivan
God bless Sean Sullivan
God bless A.G. Sulzberger
God bless Lena Sun
God bless Rececca Sun
God bless Jenn Suozzo
God bless Darlene Superville
God bless Jonathan Swan
God bless Neely Swanson
God bless Ken Sweet
God bless Ali Swenson
God bless Jim Swift
God bless Kara Swisher
God bless Charles Sykes

This issue isn’t about ideology. It’s about basic truth. Those trying to make this a left-right isue are being intentionally dishonest. This is about whether honest journalists are supposed to lend their credibility to someone who intentionally tried to ruin ours. — Chuck Todd, so-called honest journalist

God bless Alex Tabet
God bless Charles Sykesiroko Tabuchi
God bless Michael Tackett
God bless Matt Taibbi
God bless Haley Talbot
God bless Strobe Talbott
God bless Margaret Talev
God bless Max Tani
God bless Jim Tankersley
God bless Jake Tapper
God bless Target Smart
God bless Jessica Tarlov
God bless Brian Tart
God bless Kate Taylor
God bless Miles Taylor
God bless Teaching Tolerance
God bless TechDirt
God bless Teen Vogue magazine
God bless Ruy Teixera
God bless Kat Tenbarge
God bless Daniel Tenreiro
God bless Amanda Terkel
God bless The Texas Tribune
God bless Marc Thiessen
God bless This Week
God bless Holly Thomas
God bless Katie Thomas
God bless Peyton Thomas
God bless Pierre Thomas
God bless Shawna Thomas
God bless Alex Thompson
God bless Derek Thompson
God bless Krissah Thompson
God bless Stuart Thompson
God bless Paul Thornton
God bless Frank Thorp V
God bless Cui Tiankai
God bless Tiktok
God bless Zoe Tillman
God bless Craig Timberg
God bless Time magazine
God bless Trevor Timm
God bless Jonathan Tobin
God bless Lisa Tobin
God bless The Today Show
God bless Chuck Todd
God bless Michael Tomasky
God bless The Tonight Show
God bless Jeffrey Toobin
God bless Toronto Globe & Mail
God bless Toronto Star
God bless Touré
God bless Lauren Tousignant
God bless Town & Country magazine
God bless Michael Tracey
God bless Rebecca Traister
God bless Alayna Treene
God bless Lawrence Tribe
God bless Christiann Triebert
God bless Erika Trombley
God bless David Trone
God bless T.J. Trout
God bless Tevi Troy
God bless Olivia Troye
God bless Chris Truax
God bless Hanna Trudo
God bless True Blue Media
God bless Eric Tucker
God bless Zeynep Tufekci
God bless Sophia Tulp
God bless Karen Tumulty
God bless Joseph Tunney
God bless Katy Tur
God bless Julia Turner
God bless Nina Turner
God bless 20/20
God bless Amanda Tyler
God bless Michael Tyler

Now, a lot of regime media reporters are just plain evil, and a lot of them are pretty stupid. It’s not the geniuses who go into journalism. — Kurt Schlichter, action novelist

God bless Jordan Uhl
God bless Jazmine Ulloa
God bless Undercurrent
God bless University of Texas School of Journalism and Media
God bless Univision
God bless USA Today
God bless Cenk Uygur

God bless Siva Vaidhyanathan
God bless Peter Valdes-Dapena
God bless Jonah Valdez
God bless Vanessa Valdivia
God bless Nick Valencia
God bless Stephanie Valencia
God bless Jennifer Valentino-DeVries
God bless Mike Valerio
God bless Jordan Valinsky
God bless Peter Van Buren
God bless Jeff Van Gundy
God bless Scott Van Pelt
God bless Ta’Leah Van Sistine
God bless Joyce White Vance
God bless Ian Vandaelle
God bless Jim VanderHei
God bless Vanity Fair magazine
God bless Variety magazine
God bless Milana Vayntrub
God bless Maegan Vazquez
God bless Cecilia Vega
God bless Guad Venegas
God bless Natalie Venegas
God bless Maggie Vespa
God bless Emma Vigeland
God bless David Vigilante
God bless Ali Velshi
God bless Emily Venezky
God bless Clare Oumou Verbeten
God bless The Verge
God bless Nicole Via y Rada
God bless Vice
God bless Tommy Vietor
God bless Emma Vigeland
God bless Alexander Vindman
God bless Phyllis Vine
God bless Matt Viser
God bless Steve Vladeck
God bless Kenneth Vogel
God bless Kara Voght
God bless P.J. Vogt
God bless Vogue magazine
God bless Dustin Volz
God bless David Von Drehle
God bless Vox

God bless Peter Wade
God bless Dominic Waghorn
God bless Alex Wagner
God bless Dan Wakeford
God bless Paul Waldman
God bless David Waldstreicher
God bless Wall Street Journal
God bless Hunter Walker
God bless Mark Walker
God bless Chris Wallace
God bless Mike Wallace
God bless Nicolle Wallace
God bless Benjamin Wallace-Wells
God bless David Wallace-Wells
God bless Joanne Wallenstein
God bless Kevin Walling
God bless Declan Walsh
God bless Joan Walsh
God bless Barbara Walters
God bless Clarissa Ward
God bless Jon Ward
God bless Claire Wardle
God bless Michael Warren
God bless Charlie Warzel
God bless Washington Examiner
God bless Washington Journal
God bless Washington Post
God bless Washington Week
God bless Dave Wasserman
God bless Erik Wasson
God bless Carlos Watson
God bless Ivan Watson
God bless Kathryn Watson
God bless Libby C. Watson
God bless Clint Watts
God bless Olivia Waxman
God bless WBUR radio
God bless David Wecht
God bless Jesse Wegman
God bless Peter Wehner
God bless David Weigel
God bless Will Welch
God bless David Weigel
God bless Jeff Weiner
God bless Natalie Weiner
God bless Gene Weingarten
God bless Bill Weir
God bless Drew Weisholtz
God bless Jonathan Weisman
God bless Joanna Weiss
God bless Michael Weiss
God bless Andrew Weissmann
God bless Nathaniel Weixel
God bless Matt Welch
God bless Kristen Welker
God bless Dylan Wells
God bless Erik Wemple
God bless Leana Wen
God bless Nikki Wentling
God bless C.J. Werleman
God bless Andy West
God bless Tyler Weyant
God bless Thomas Wheatley
God bless Moira Whelan
God bless Ben White
God bless Darren White
God bless Jeremy White
God bless Kaylee McGhee White
God bless Lawrence White
God bless Anna Wiener
God bless Wikipedia
God bless Ben Wikler
God bless Hannah Wiley
God bless Will Wilkinson
God bless Brian Williams
God bless Elliot Williams
God bless Juan Williams
God bless Katie Bo Williams
God bless Rob Williams
God bless Zoe WIlliams
God bless Kevin D. Williamson
God bless Jason Willick
God bless Derek Willis
God bless Haley Willis
God bless Larry Wilmore
God bless Frank Wilner
God bless Matthew Wilson
God bless Rick Wilson
God bless Lauren Windsor
God bless Jill Wine-Banks
God bless Michael Wines
God bless Oprah Winfrey
God bless Josh Wingrove
God bless Don Winslow
God bless Liz Winstead
God bless Tom Winter
God bless Richard Winton
God bless Valerie Wirtschafter
God bless Alana Wise
God bless Lindsay Wise
God bless Henry Wismayer
God bless Iain Withers
God bless Benjamin Wittes
God bless Lorraine Woellert
God bless Brandon Wolfe
God bless Carissa Wolfe
God bless Jan N. Wolfe
God bless Julie Wolfe
God bless Lauren Wolfe
God bless Eric Wolff
God bless Edward Wong
God bless Julia Carrie Wong
God bless Graeme Wood
God bless Bob Woodward
God bless Cleve Wootson
God bless Justin Worland
God bless World Federation of Advertisers
God bless WPLG radio
God bless Adam Wren
God bless Bruce C.T. Wright
God bless Robin Wright
God bless Brianna Wu
God bless Katherine Wu
God bless Nicholas Wu
God bless Shan Wu
God bless Matt Wuerker
God bless WURD Radio
God bless Tom Wright-Piersanti

God bless David Yaffe-Bellany
God bless Yahoo Finance
God bless Yahoo News
God bless Emily Yahr
God bless John Yang
God bless Gregory Yee
God bless Yes magazine
God bless Ed Yong
God bless Byron York
God bless Shalise Manza Young
God bless Young Turks
God bless Karen Yourish
God bless
God bless Szu Yu Chen
God bless Alan Yuhas
God bless Jo Yurcaba

God bless Brandy Zadrozny
God bless Dan Zak
God bless Lana Zak
God bless Fareed Zakaria
God bless Jordan Zakarin
God bless Melanie Zanona
God bless Matt Zapotosky
God bless Ali Zaslav
God bless Ginger Zee
God bless Cyd Zeigler
God bless Ellie Zeiler
God bless Julian Zelizer
God bless Josh Zembik
God bless Patricia Zengerle
God bless Sarah Zhang
God bless Carl Zimmer
God bless Herbie Ziskend
God bless Julia Zorthian
God bless Jeff Zucker
God bless Eve Zuckoff
God bless David Zurawik

The people in the mainstream media think they are your betters. They believe they are morally superior. They also believe that facts, contrary to John Adams, are not stubborn things but are, instead, “truths” that are infinitely malleable to conform to their needs. It’s important that, no matter what 2021 brings, we never lose track of the fact that, subject to a few exceptions, the people who mostly control public discourse are ill-informed, unintelligent, and morally bankrupt. — Andrea Widburg, editor, American Thinker

Stop calling left-wing propaganda media outlets “mainstream.” They’re not. That is not a true thing to say. So stop describing them as something no reasonable observer would say. It is malpractice. — Mollie Hemingway, senior editor, Federalist

The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance. — Carl Sagan, cosmologist

Whatever your politics are, if you’re in media and you don’t think new revelations about the most severe censorship of a newspaper’s story in big tech history isn’t a story worthy of covering, you aren’t a journalist, you’re a propagandist. — Clay Travis, editor in chief,

God bless all the media idiots, on both the left and the right.

Plus, God bless these 635+ imbeciles from the world of book publishing: (although a number of idiots signed this letter twice!)

And God bless these 600+ idiot book censors from the world of book publishing!:






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Good Morning from Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and Woodstock