New York Times

James Lovelock on Human Survival

Doomsday Predictions That Never Happened

Check out these doomsday predictions that did not come to pass (some in the past or present and a few in the future): In 1968, Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb, predicted that “In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.” […]

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Mainstream Media Idiots Hall of Fame

The Fake News Idiots Hall of Fame

Check out the 1,001 plus members of The Fake News Idiots Hall of Fame. As many have said, it’s not against the law to be stupid—and being an idiot seems to be a requirement for today’s so-called journalists doing their journalisming. That idiot requirement seems to also apply to many of the useless idiot commentators […]

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Media Censorship of Ideas

Corporate Idiots Hall of Shame

Too many media, associations, and companies are now among the worst offenders when it comes to supporting free speech. Too many of them are now free speech deniers, over and over again. That’s a sad way to promote truth, love, and kindness. Sadly, here are 617 (thus far) groups, brands, corporations, and companies that have […]

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