God Bless You Revolution: Celebrities on God and Prayer

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Check out these wonderful quotes from various celebrities on God and prayer:

I always ask: “God, what did you want me to do?” But you got to be prepared for the answer. — Tim Allen, actor and comedian

Good habits can be fine things. If you say your prayers every night, there comes time when they grow more meaningful to you. — Marian Anderson, opera singer

Good habits can be fine things. If you say your prayers every night, there comes time when they grow more meaningful to you. — Marian Anderson, opera singer #prayer Share on X

First comes the sweat. Then comes the beauty if you’re very lucky and have said your prayers.  — George Balanchine, choreographer

The thing that keeps me grounded is knowing that I’m always protected and that God is in control of things. — Beyoncé, singer

The thing that keeps me grounded is knowing that I'm always protected and that God is in control of things. — Beyoncé, singer Share on X

My God is a God who wants me to have things. He wants me to bling. He wants me to be the hottest thing on the block. — Mary J. Bilge, singer

Prayer helped me with the loss of my wife to cancer. Now prayer helps me be a father, to be an actor, and to be a man. — Pierce Brosnan, actor

Prayer helped me with the loss of my wife to cancer. Now prayer helps me be a father, to be an actor, and to be a man. — Pierce Brosnan, actor Share on X

The world we live in is just a fraction of the universe. God is the longing, the searching, the seeing, the loving. I have learned that for myself, often in the most wondrous and mysterious ways. — Ellen Burstyn, actress

I hope that God gives me guidance and that he directs me to make good choices, and that he helps me with my family. — Steve Carell, actor

God gives us life and takes us away as he sees fit. — Johnny Cash, singer and actor

I’m an actress and a singer, and I’m also a Christian. I just want to be like Jesus. — Kristen Chenoweth, actress and singer

I'm an actress and a singer, and I'm also a Christian. I just want to be like Jesus. — Kristen Chenoweth, actress and singer Share on X

In music’s sweet harmony, I have all the proof I need of God. — Pat Conroy, novelist, Beach Music

Jesus is everything to me. — Stephen Curry, basketball player

I was raised with a strong belief in prayer. And that’s never really left me. I find it great to close your eyes, breathe, and just talk to the universe. It really comforts me. — Kevin Daniels, actor

I’m seeing the world from new perspectives all the time, and it has increased my love for people and has increased my love for God and it’s expanded my understanding of God in the most incredible way. — Sarah Drew, actress

He’s a personal God. He’s not this entity throwing thunderbolts at us. He wants to be invited into our lives. He wants to be welcomed into our hearts. He will transform us and love us beyond our wildest dreams. — Kathie Lee Gifford, TV host, singer and songwriter, author

Tom Hanks: On Belief in God: I think you’d be foolish NOT to believe in God.

I think you’d be foolish NOT to believe in God. — Tom Hanks, actor

You try to be a model of kindness and love and forgiveness to all those around you, because you have received kindness and love and forgiveness from God through Christ. That’s what Christianity is. — Patricia Heaton, actress

You try to be a model of kindness and love and forgiveness to all those around you, because you have received kindness and love and forgiveness from God through Christ. That's what Christianity is. — Patricia Heaton, actress Share on X

That’s where my strength comes from. It’s my foundation. I was raised in a Christian home and it prepared me to deal with life on my own. I pray a lot, and when I first moved to Nashville, that’s what kept me alive. — Faith Hill, singer

All good comes from God and so I want to honor him. — Kevin James, actor

I believe in God, family, truth between people, and the power of love. — Michael Landon, actor and producer

I believe in God, family, truth between people, and the power of love. — Michael Landon, actor and producer Share on X

Real men do live for Christ. — Chuck Norris, actor and producer

Did you know you can’t say Jesus in a sitcom? They told me that and I was like, “If you don’t want my God here, you don’t want me here either.” — Tyler Perry, actor, director, and producer

Did you know you can't say Jesus in a sitcom? They told me that and I was like, If you don't want my God here, you don't want me here either. — Tyler Perry, actor, director, and producer Share on X

It restored my faith in God. Not that it needed to restored but it really redefined it. — Chris Pratt, actor

Love. Families need a spiritual bond with one another and with God. God is the only way you’re going to make it in life, the glue that holds everything together. — Dennis Quaid, actor

Love. Families need a spiritual bond with one another and with God. God is the only way you're going to make it in life, the glue that holds everything together. — Dennis Quaid, actor Share on X

God is Love!!! — Rihanna, singer and actress

God is not going to help you cut your grass. He’s going to help you cut His grass. He’ll give you the lawnmower and the fertilizer and teach you to take care of His grass, not yours. — John Schneider, actor

I have long since returned to my church. I have never forgotten that even though I turned my back on God, in my greatest time of need, he came to find me. — Martin Sheen, actor

I have long since returned to my church. I have never forgotten that even though I turned my back on God, in my greatest time of need, he came to find me. — Martin Sheen, actor Share on X

Get your mind right. That speaks to meditation and prayer. All of our movements are prayers. Every statement we make and every thought we have is a prayer. And what are we praying for? We are praying to lift people up. Because if you start to move to a cycle of giving, then you will be O.K. — Russell Simmons, hip-hop music executive and creator of Phat Farm fashions

God is love and God is my beauty and I am so compassionate about my relationship with God. — Jessica Simpson, singer and actress

God is love and God is my beauty and I am so compassionate about my relationship with God. — Jessica Simpson, singer and actress Share on X

You don’t have to be Jewish to be a friend of Steven Spielberg. You don’t have to be a Muslim to be a friend of Muhammad Ali. And you don’t have to be a Scientologist to be a friend of Tom Cruise. I am a Christian. — Will Smith, actor and rapper

The more I go to church and the more I turn myself over to the process of believing in Jesus and listening to His Word and having Him guide my hand, I feel as though the pressure is off me now. — Sylvester Stallone

The more I go to church and the more I turn myself over to the process of believing in Jesus and listening to His Word and having Him guide my hand, I feel as though the pressure is off me now. — Sylvester Stallone Share on X

I have a great deal of faith in faith; if you believe something strongly enough, it becomes true for you. I would like to believe that my father is right here with me in this room and that he’s my guardian angel, that there’s life after death—because if there isn’t, why are we here? — Patrick Swayze, actor

The real power behind whatever success I have now was something I found within myself—something that’s in all of us, I think, a little piece of God just waiting to be discovered. — Tina Turner, singer

If I can convince others that there is a God and that they need to know Him, then I have done my job. — Carrie Underwood, singer

If I can convince others that there is a God and that they need to know Him, then I have done my job. — Carrie Underwood, singer Share on X

I pray to be a good servant to God, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a brother and uncle, a good neighbor, a good leader to those who look up to me, and a good follower to those that are serving God and doing the right thing. — Mark Wahlberg, actor

I pray to be a good servant to God, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a brother and uncle, a good neighbor, a good leader to those who look up to me, and a good follower to those that are serving God and doing the right thing. — Mark Wahlberg, actor

I made a commitment to completely cut out drinking and anything that might hamper me from getting my mind and body together. And the floodgates of goodness have opened upon me, spiritually and financially. — Denzel Washington, actor

I made a commitment to completely cut out drinking and anything that might hamper me from getting my mind and body together. And the floodgates of goodness have opened upon me, spiritually and financially. — Denzel Washington, actor Share on X

Music is God’s little reminder that there’s something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, everywhere, even the stars. — Robin Williams, actor and comedian

I act as if everything depends upon me and pray as if everything depends upon God. — Oprah Winfrey, talk show host and network creator

If we love God then we know truly that it is our love that will make all things matter, when we make love great again. — Stevie Wonder, singer and songwriter

If we love God then we know truly that it is our love that will make all things matter, when we make love great again. — Stevie Wonder, singer #God #love Share on X

Check out these wonderful quotes from various celebrities on God and prayer. #prayer #God Share on X I think you'd be foolish NOT to believe in God. — Tom Hanks #God Share on X
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