snowy church GIF

Snowy Church GIF

Christmas Music Play List (Religious Music)

Click below to play this incredible list of Christmas religious music videos. I focused on music videos that actually sing about the birth of Jesus. Great music. During the holidays, or even during other parts of the year, play this Christmas play list every night or during the day when you leave the house. Even […]

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Snowy Church GIF

Happy Snowy Holidays: A Snowy Church GIF

Happy Snowy Holidays. Enjoy a snowy church GIF. And may you have a very blessed Christmas. Interesting tidbit: Eskimos do not have the most words for snow. Canadian Inuit have more than 50 words and Central Siberian Yupik have 40 words for snow. But the Scots have 421 words for snow! Internet Gifs and Memes […]

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