What Is Truth?

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In a small Indian village, not far from Mexico City, on a starry bright winter’s night, a child was born.

Her mother died in childbirth; her father named her Sorrow.

She grew up a happy child. All her life she was glad. Then one day a wise man asked her how, with the name of Sorrow, she had lived her life of joy.

She answered simply, “When my mother died, I heard her spirit whisper, ‘No sorrow lasts. Only joy is everlasting.’ But the others, they only heard the word sorrow.”

What Is Truth? by Gail Berry

Short story by Gail Berry

Gail Berry is also the author of Little Fox and the Golden Hawk and Crazy Horse. Both books are available via Amazon.com.

More short stories: http://www.myincrediblewebsite.com/short-stories

What Is Truth? - No sorrow lasts. Only joy is everlasting. #joy #truth Share on X
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