Believe: The Short Story

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One night the turtle said to his friend the frog: “Would you like to fly with me through the stars tonight to meet the moon?”

The frog, who thought the turtle a silly kidder, replied, “Turtle, I don’t believe anyone can fly, much less a fellow who carries a shell such as yours.”

“Well, come with me tonight and see for yourself,” replied the turtle.

The frog, thinking to catch his friend in a tall tale, said that he would go.

That night, the frog crawled up on the turtle’s back and, sure enough, they flew up through the stars to meet the moon.

And do you know the most wondrous part of the whole adventure? Friend frog never again questioned another friend’s truth.

Believe, a short story by Gail Berry

Short story by Gail Berry

Gail Berry is also the author of Little Fox and the Golden Hawk and Crazy Horse. Both books are available via

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Believe - This is a heart-warming short story written by Gail Berry. Check out all her short stories. Share on X

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