

First off, I want to thank the man above. Without God, this wouldn't be possible at all. To be given a gift to play football at the highest level, it's a blessing, an honor. — Justin Jefferson, NFL wide receiver

Justin Jefferson: With God All Things Are Possible

First off, I want to thank the man above. Without God, this wouldn’t be possible at all. To be given a gift to play football at the highest level, it’s a blessing, an honor. — Justin Jefferson, NFL wide receiver

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J K Rowling on Responsibility: There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction. The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, the responsibility lies with you.

J K Rowling: On Responsibility

There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction. The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, the responsibility lies with you. — J.K. Rowling, novelist

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Anthony Hopkins on Time

Anthony Hopkins: Stop Treating Yourself Like an Afterthought

None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an afterthought.     Eat the delicious food.     Walk in the sunshine.     Jump in the ocean. Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart like hidden treasure.     Be silly.     Be kind. […]

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A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. — Irish Proverb

Irish Proverb: A Good Laugh Cures Anything

A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. — Irish Proverb

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Tim Scott U.S. Senator, on Faith, Victory, and Prayer

Tim Scott: On Faith, Victory, and Prayer

We should turn back to faith, patriotism, and individual responsibility. We should stop choosing victimhood and start choosing victory. We should stop kneeling in protest and start kneeling in prayer. — Tim Scott, U.S. Senator Tim Scott, U.S. senator: https://www.scott.senate.gov

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This is a difficult time for our country, but do not lose heart or lose hope because, by the time we celebrate next Thanksgiving, our nation will be well on its way to being stronger, safer, more prosperous, and greater than ever before. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

Donald Trump: On Never Losing Hope

This is a difficult time for our country, but do not lose heart or lose hope because, by the time we celebrate next Thanksgiving, our nation will be well on its way to being stronger, safer, more prosperous, and greater than ever before. — Donald Trump, U.S. president All of these mistakes that Joe Biden […]

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Be fearless and be bold because God is with you. Listen to God and be bold. — Kaya Jones, singer, The Pussycat Dolls

Kaya Jones: God Is with You

Be fearless and be bold because God is with you. Listen to God and be bold. — Kaya Jones, singer, The Pussycat Dolls

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Neal McDonough on God First, Me Second

Neal McDonough: God First, Me Second

For me, it’s family first, me second. God first, me second. And when you’re run by those rules, things are a lot easier. You’re not as tempted to do stupid things. … We all make mistakes every single day. But it’s how we get up the next day and kind of dust it off that […]

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There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle. – Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra on Having a Place in the Universe

There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle. — Deepak Chopra, author

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This is a wonderful day; I have never seen this one before. — Maya Angelou

A Wonderful Day

This is a wonderful day; I have never seen this one before. — Maya Angelou

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