Halls of Fame
The Mainstream Media: A Fact Check
It’s not against the law to be stupid—and being an idiot seems to be a requirement for today’s so-called journalists. That idiot requirement seems to also apply to many of the useless commentators featured on TV. — David Walker, author, Kamala Chameleon: Why Kamala Harris Is the Worst Presidential Candidate in American History Which of […]
Heroes for Our Time
Check out these ordinary people (and a few famous people) who are truly heroes for our time. — David Walker, author, Kamala Chameleon: Why Kamala Harris Is the Worst Presidential Candidate in American History Greg Abbott: But we are not taking it as a joke in Texas. We are going to step up and respond […]
The Big Government Suckers Hall of Fame
Check out the 1,001+ members of The Big Government Suckers Hall of Fame. As many have said, it’s not against the law to be stupid—and being an idiot seems to be a requirement for today’s members of the Deep State and the DC swamp. The entire DC swamp is made up of idiots or what […]
The Fake News Idiots Hall of Fame
Check out the 1,001 plus members of The Fake News Idiots Hall of Fame. As many have said, it’s not against the law to be stupid—and being an idiot seems to be a requirement for today’s so-called journalists doing their journalisming. That idiot requirement seems to also apply to many of the useless idiot commentators […]
The Capitals of Alabama
The story of modern Alabama began in 1519 when Alonso de Pineda sailed into Mobile Bay almost 100 years before Jamestown and Plymouth Rock. The territory and state of Alabama has had a number of towns and cities that have served as a capital. St. Stephens, Old St. Stephens Historical Park, 2056 Jim Long Road, […]
Wax Museums as Halls of Fame
This page features key wax museums that are essentially halls of fame in wax. The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum, 1601-03 E North Avenue, Baltimore MD 21213; 410-563-3404. Web: http://www.greatblacksinwax.org. Because it is a wax museum committed solely to the study and preservation of African American history, it is also among the most unique. Primarily, […]
Minorities Halls of Fame
This page features key halls of fame honoring the best minorities. The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum, 1601-03 E North Avenue, Baltimore MD 21213; 410-563-3404. Web: http://www.greatblacksinwax.org. Because it is a wax museum committed solely to the study and preservation of African American history, it is also among the most unique. Primarily, the presentation of […]
Regional and Local Halls of Fame
Here are a few of the halls of fame devoted to honoring the best people in various states, cities, and other localities. North Carolina Halls of Fame North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame, Boyd Room, Weymouth Center for Arts & Humanities, 555 E Connecticut Avenue, Southern Pines NC 28387; 910-692-6261. Web: http://www.weymouthcenter.org/nc-literary-hall-of-fame. — Honors authors who […]