Memes Gifs

Internet memes and fun Gifs

Happy Holiday GIF: Snowy Lane

Happy Snowy Holidays: A Snowy Lane

Happy Holiday GIF: Have a happy snowy holiday this year. Enjoy this snowy lane! Something interesting to ponder: Eskimos do not have the most words for snow. Canadian Inuit have more than 50 words and Central Siberian Yupik have 40 words for snow. But the Scots have 421 words for snow! Meme Resource Sites (for […]

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Country Farmhouse GIF

Happy Snowy Holidays: Country Farmhouse GIF

Happy Snowy Holidays: Country Farmhouse GIF Something interesting just for you: Eskimos do not have the most words for snow. Canadian Inuit have more than 50 words and Central Siberian Yupik have 40 words for snow. But the Scots have 421 words for snow! Internet Gifs and Memes Meme Resource Sites (for creating memes)

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Happy Holidays GIF

Happy Snowy Holidays: Snowfall in the Woods GIF

Happy Holidays. Enjoy this snowfall in the woods GIF. And a fascinating little fact to enjoy as well: Eskimos do not have the most words for snow. Canadian Inuit have more than 50 words and Central Siberian Yupik have 40 words for snow. But the Scots have 421 words for snow! Meme Resource Sites (for […]

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How Many Squares GIF?

Square GIF and Square Meme

This square GIF is an effective meme for getting people involved in your website. How many squares do you see in the following image? 4? 5? 6? 7? 9? or more? Internet Gifs and Memes Meme Resource Sites (for creating memes)

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Celebrate Friday with a cute dog

Celebrate Friday with a Cute Dog

The moment when you wake up and realize it’s Friday. Wonderful, fun, weekend-beginning Friday. TGIF. Happy Friday: Celebrate Friday with a Cute Dog! Internet Gifs and Memes Meme Resource Sites (for creating memes)

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Adorable Upside-Down Cat

Adorable Upside Down Cat

Adorable Upside Down Cat: Sometimes I pretend to be normal. But then it gets boring, so I go back to being me. Meme Resource Sites (for creating memes) Internet Gifs and Memes Check out these wonderful books about cats: How to Speak Cat Amazing Cats by Jenny Kellett Sorry I Barfed on Your Bed by […]

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George Carlin: On the Ten Commandments

George Carlin: On the Ten Commandments

The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse: You cannot post “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and “Thou shalt not lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment. – George Carlin, comedian  

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People Born in the 40s Are Cool

People Born in the 40s Are Cool

People born in the 40’s have lived in eight decades, two centuries, and two millenniums. We had the best music, the fastest cars, root beer malts, drive-in theaters, and happy days! We’re just cool. Internet Gifs and Memes Meme Resource Sites (for creating memes)

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Jesus was here: water into wine

Jesus Was Here: Water into Wine Meme

Here is a neat Internet meme: Jesus Was Here with a photo showcasing wine bottles below a sign that says water. Jesus’s first miracle was to change water into wine at the wedding at Cana. Internet Gifs and Memes Meme Resource Sites (for creating memes)

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7 Words You Can Never Say on MSNBC

In the great tradition of George Carlin’s seven words you can never say on television, here are the seven phrases you can never say on MSNBC – because the hosts and commentators have called these seven phrases racist. The racist seven: birth certificate, PGA Tour, American, welfare, law and order, Chicago, food stamps. Again, remember: […]

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