God Bless My World

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God bless the world.

God bless the entire world.

God Bless My World!

Take responsibility for the whole world — not in any heavy-handed way, not in any laborious dutiful way, and certainly not in any cocky way. Just do it with God’s help. Let God do the heavy lifting.

God Bless My World!

Watch what happens when you bless the world with God’s blessings. The world will change. People will change. And it doesn’t require a lot of time to get these results. You will see changes in less than a week.

God Bless My World!

Don’t set any expectations. Let God set the actual blessings. Just bless the world. Just that simple.

God Bless My World!

God Bless My World

Don't set any expectations. Let God set the actual blessings. Just bless the world. Just that simple. Share on X
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