Here are a few great tips on how to take care of yourself when you are going through a period of depression. Actually, these are great tips for taking care of yourself at any time, whether happy, sad, or in between.
Eat healthy delicious meals.
Sleep the same hours every night.
Play every day.
Exercise moderately and regularly.
Don’t drink in excess.
Avoid drugs.
Challenge yourself.
Limit your exposure to mass media.
Meditate every day.
Laugh. Culture a sense of humor.
Accept compliments.
Pay attention to small pleasures.
Avoid being absorbed in yourself.
Build a support system. Use it.
Stay away from destructive people.
Be proud of your accomplishments.
Avoid unstructured time.
For more tips about taking care of yourself when depressed, see
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Good Self-Care for Depression: Eat healthy delicious meals. Sleep the same hours every night. Play every day. Exercise moderately and regularly. Don’t drink in excess. Avoid drugs. Challenge yourself. Limit your exposure to mass media. Meditate daily. Share on X Good Self-Care for Depression: Laugh. Accept compliments. Pay attention to small pleasures. Avoid being absorbed in yourself. Build a support system. Use it. Stay away from destructive people. Be proud of your accomplishments. Avoid unstructured time. Share on X
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