I just love the way that rednecks look at the world. Check out these two incredible solutions to daily difficulties: The Redneck Weather Forecasting Tool and The Redneck Doorbell.
The Redneck Weather Forecasting Tool
If the rope is wet, it is raining.
If the rope is moving, it is windy.
If the rope is hot, it is sunny.
If the rope is cool, it is cloudy.
If the rope is stiff, it is very cold.
If the rope is white, it is snowing.
If the rope is gone, take cover five minutes ago!
The Redneck Doorbell
The Redneck Doorbell: Press button. We’ll hear ya!
I just love the way that rednecks look at the world. Check out these two incredible solutions to daily difficulties: The Redneck Weather Forecasting Tool and The Redneck Doorbell. #rednecks Share on X