It’s Just Math: The 2.6 Million Vote Error

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The other day, several tweets about the 2020 election got my attention. Check them out:

With 212 Million registered voters and 66.2% voting, 140.344 M voted. Now if Trump got 74 M, that leaves only 66.344 M for Biden. These numbers don’t add up to what we are being told. Lies and more Lies! — Bill Binney tweet

In reply to Binney’s tweet, Bansi Sharma tweeted the following:

Stop fooling your followers with deceitful math.
That 66.2% is not percentage of “registered voters.” That is 66.2% of “voting-age population” which is 234 million. 66.2% of 234 million is 155 million, not 140 million.
74 million for Trump
81 million for Biden.
The math works.

Now, I knew that the math did not work because there were almost 2.5 million people who voted for the libertarians, the greens, and other candidates. So, I tweeted back to Sharma calling him on his oversight:

The math doesn’t work. You forgot to include the votes for Libertarians, Greens, and others. They received almost 2.5 million votes. Hmm, I wonder where those 2.5 million votes for Biden’s final total came from?
Stop fooling your followers by ignoring the facts!

Sharma tweeted back to me that it was simply a rounding error. Really?

How can 2.5 million people be a rounding error?!? He said the math works, but it doesn’t work.

We have a reported 155 million voters (66.2% of the voting age population of 234 million), but 157.6 million votes (74,111,419 votes for Trump, 81,009,468 votes for Biden, and 2,479,790 votes for other candidates).

That’s 2.6 million extra votes that came out of nowhere. They did not come from people who voted in the election. There were 2.6 million more votes counted than people who were actually recorded as having voted in the election! There was fraud, clear and simple.

2.6 million extra votes came out of nowhere. They did not come from people who voted in the election. There were 2.6 million more votes counted than people who were actually recorded as having voted in the election! There was fraud. Share on X

If we assume that those extra 2.6 million votes are the overnight added votes for Biden in Detroit, Philadelphia, Georgia, Las Vegas, Milwaukee, and Phoenix, we really do have a major case for electoral fraud. 2.6 million mysterious votes for Biden in six states, or about 433,000 votes per state.

That many unaccounted-for votes could easily change the direction of the 2020 presidential election!

Many people as well as the mainstream media and the social media mafia say there was no significant voter fraud in those six states, but isn’t 433,000 votes per contested state significant?

Is there a case for electoral fraud? Let me count the 2.6 million ways.

155 million voters (66.2% of the voting age population of 234 million), but 157.5 million votes (74 million for Trump, 81 million for Biden, 2.5 million votes for other candidates). Vote fraud? What do you think? Share on X

Download a free PDF of this book here: The 2020 Election Coup: How the Democrats and Their Allies Stole the 2020 Presidential Election by David Walker

Free download for the next 10 days — 390-page book full of details on how the Democrats and their allies stole the 2020 presidential election by completely wiping out a Trump landslide!

2.6 Million Votes Too Many

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