Romance in 501 Words Or Less

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Romance in 501 Words Or Less: All you need to know about love, romance, relationships, sex, and living happily ever after.

All you need to know about love, romance, relationships, sex, and attraction for couples in 501 words or less. You will fall in love all over again with the person you most love today!

Romance in 501 Words or Less Bookstagram: All you need to know about love, romance, relationships, sex, and attraction for couples in 501 words or less. You will fall in love all over again with the person you most love today! #romance #bookstagram

Kiss her every day before she goes to work.
Hug him every day before he goes to work.
Take one minute to be intimate with each other before you leave your home.
One minute.
You have the time.

Leave love notes for your love one scattered around the house.
At least one note each day.

So begins this fun and wise advice guide for those who want more romance and love in their lives!

Romance in 501 Words or Less Kindle ebook — $2.99 —

Romance in 501 Words or Less PDF — $2.99 – Click on the Buy Now link below . . .

Romance in 501 Words or Less: Leave love notes for your love one scattered around the house. At least one note each day. Share on X

Romance in 501 Words or Less: Kiss her every day before she goes to work. Hug him every day before he goes to work. Take one minute to be intimate with each other before you leave your home. One minute. You have the time. Share on X

Romance in 501 Words or Less by John Kremer

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