President Trump entertained 1.1 Million supporters at events from Labor Day till the election. Joe Biden entertained less than 2,000! Trump’s events this year were even bigger than 2016 and he contracted COVID which kept him home for a couple weeks. Trump absolutely crushed Biden in rallies – it was as if Biden knew he didn’t need to campaign. President Trump had boat parades, car parades, horse parades, truck parades and more—these random events were not sanctioned by the campaign—they just happened. — Joe Hoft, TheGatewayPundit
I will leave it to others to prove that the election was rigged. My case is simple: the court should require the election officials to show that they followed, not only the law, but the rules of fairness, to a degree that the public can trust. If they cannot, if they were sloppy or careless, then the election is irreversibly tainted with reasonable suspicion. — Robert Arvay, American Thinker
Download a free PDF of this book here: The 2020 Election Coup: How the Democrats and Their Allies Stole the 2020 Presidential Election by David Walker
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