We Pray for Those Who Died in Afghanistan

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Let us pray.

Today we pray for all the people who have died and will die from the violence and terror now taking place in Afghanistan.

We pray for the women who have been beaten, raped, disfigured, or killed in Afghanistan.

We pray for the American soldiers who have given their lives or limbs in the service of a greater good.

We pray for the Afghans who are being killed or terrorized by the Taliban rule.

We pray for all the people at the Kabul airport. We pray that they get home safely.

We pray for all the stranded Americans who may end up dead or as hostages to a cruel regime.

We pray for the American leaders who have made so many mistakes during this time.

We pray for the souls and lives of the victims of Taliban terror, killings, and misrule.

God bless all of them.

We pray for all the stranded Americans who may end up dead or as hostages to a cruel regime. #prayer #PrayerForAmericans #PrayerForAfghanistan Share on X

We Pray for the People of Afghanistan

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