Neal McDonough: God First, Me Second

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For me, it’s family first, me second. God first, me second. And when you’re run by those rules, things are a lot easier. You’re not as tempted to do stupid things. … We all make mistakes every single day. But it’s how we get up the next day and kind of dust it off that dictates what kind of person you are. — Neal McDonough, actor

For me, it’s family first, me second. God first, me second. And when you’re run by those rules, things are a lot easier. You’re not as tempted to do stupid things. We all make mistakes every single day. But it’s how we get up the next day and kind of dust it off that dictates what kind of person you are. — Neal McDonough, actor

It’s family first, me second. God first, me second. And when you’re run by those rules, things are a lot easier. You’re not as tempted to do stupid things. It’s how you dust it off that dictates what kind of person you are. — Neal McDonough Share on X
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