Free Hong Kong and the NBA

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Free Hong Kong and the NBA. Free Hong Kong from Chinese restrictions and threats. Free the NBA from hypocrisy!

And free LeBron James from his persistence in supporting the Chinese dictators rather than the Hong Kong freedom fighters.

Also, free the Uighurs from the concentration camps in China!

God bless Hong Kong. God bless the NBA. God bless LeBron James. God bless the Uighurs. God bless the Chinese dictators.

Free Hong Kong

Free Hong Kong and the NBA. Free Hong Kong from Chinese restrictions and threats. Free the NBA from hypocrisy! Share on X Free the Uighurs from the concentration camps in China! Share on X

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God bless Hong Kong. God bless the NBA. God bless LeBron James. God bless the Uighurs. God bless the Chinese dictators. #blessings Share on X
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