God Bless the Censors: All of Them

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God bless the Internet, organizational, individual, and government censors who are working hard to intimidate people and ideas that don’t match their idea of good, bad, love, hate, right, wrong, truth, and lies. Censorship, in any guise, is always wrong, always always wrong.

There is no place for hate. There is no place for censorship. There is no place for condemnations. There is a real need for more free speech.

There is no place for hate. There is no place for censorship. There is no place for condemnations. There is a real need for more free speech. Share on X

The Internet Censors: There is no place for hate. There is no place for censorship. There is no place for condemnations. There is a real need for more free speech.

God bless Facebook.

God bless Mark Zuckerberg.

God bless Google.

God bless YouTube.

God bless the Southern Law Poverty Center.

God bless George Soros.

God bless Yvette Falarca.

God bless Floyd Lee Corkin.

God bless Paypal.

W.E.B. Du Bois on Reading Meaning

God bless Lauren Kirchner.

God bless ProPublica.

God bless Twitter.

God bless Instagram.

God bless Media Matters.

God bless the Open Society Foundation.

God bless real net neutrality.

God bless SoundCloud.

God bless Amazon.

The Internet Censors

God bless the Washington Post.

God bless Jennifer Delton.

God bless the Antifa gang.

God bless the Associated Press.

God bless the New York Times.

God bless MSNBC.

God bless CNN.

God bless Germany.

God bless Heiko Maas, German justice minister.

Lessons in Kindness from Ellen DeGeneres

God bless the German Federal Office for Security in Information Technology.

God bless the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.

God bless Anette Kahane.

God bless Sweden.

God bless the Swedish media.

God bless Alice Bah Kuhnke, minister of Culture and Democracy, Sweden.

God bless faceless bureaucratic censors.

God bless the University of California at Berkeley.

God bless Akash Nigam.

God bless the Blend messaging app.

God bless GoDaddy.

God bless Cloudfare (again and again).

God bless ESPN.

God bless Roxanne Jones.

God bless the city of Berkeley, California.

God bless Michael Harriot.

God bless the U.S. 9th District Court.

God bless Apple.

The Internet Censors

God bless Bart Knijnenburg: Violent or nonviolent. This needs to stop, by any means necessary. Use violence to stop free speech!?!

God bless Airbnb.

God bless Uber.

God bless Eventbrite.

God bless Nook.

God bless Robin Biro.

God bless the Orpheum Theater Group.

God bless Valerie Plame Wilson.

Aaron Colin on Free Speech

God bless Mark Hamill.

God bless the Alphabet corporation.

God bless New America Foundation.

God bless Jacquline Barrie.

God bless Let Clothes Be Clothes.

God bless math teacher Lyn Orletsky.

God bless Cornell University.

God bless U.S. District Court judge William Orrick.

God bless Danny Zuker.

Hillary Clinton Voodoo

God bless Planned Parenthood.

God bless OkCupid.

God bless California Democrats (53% of California Democrats oppose the First Amendment right of freedom of speech and assembly — University of California at Berkeley poll).

God bless Louis C.K.

God bless Hillary Clinton (I was tempted to make voodoo dolls of certain members of the press and Congress and stick them full of pins. — Hillary Clinton).

God bless the government of China.

God bless Aleta Ledendecker of Freedom from Religion Foundation.

God bless Steve Schmidt.

God bless the UK Electoral Commission.

God bless college students. 51% of college students agreed with this statement: A student group opposed to the speaker disrupts the speech by loudly and repeatedly shouting so that the audience cannot hear the speaker. Do you agree or disagree that the student group’s actions are acceptable? (Brookings Institution)

God bless Black Lives Matter protesters.

God bless Texas State University president Austin Lane.

God bless University of Michigan student protesters.

God bless University of Oregon student protesters.

God bless Loyola Marymount student protesters.

God bless the Biloxi School District, the latest to censor To Kill a Mockingbird.

There is no place for hate. There is no place for censorship. There is no place for condemnations. There is a real need for more free speech. Share on X

The Internet Censors

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