Which of these hip college towns have you visited? You can check them off on the Hip College Towns Bingo card below.
Amherst, Massachusetts
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Austin, Texas
Berkeley, California
Boulder, Colorado
Bozeman, Montana
Clemson, South Carolina
Columbia, Missouri
Columbus, Ohio
Durham, North Carolina
Eugene, Oregon
Gainesville, Florida
Iowa City, Iowa
Ithaca, New York
Lawrence, Kansas
Lincoln, Nebraska
Madison, Wisconsin
New Haven, Connecticut
Normal, Illinois
Oxford, Mississippi
Princeton, New Jersey
South Bend, Indiana
State College, Pennsylvania
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Tempe, Arizona
I’ve visited many of these hip college towns, but I have not been in Amherst, Massachusetts; Clemson, South Carolina; Durham, North Carolina; Gainesville, Florida; Ithaca, New York; New Haven, Connecticut; Oxford, Mississippi; and State College, Pennsylvania.
And, thus, I don’t make bingo in any direction: not horizontal, not vertical, and neither of the slants. I guess I’m not very hip!
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