A 12-Week Retrospective on Biden’s Presidency, Part 67
by David Walker
This is retrospective entry #67 in my Locals Community: The People Speak. There are dozens of more entries, with three to six new entries every day in this community.
If you find this entry interesting and thought-provoking, please check out the community here: https://thepeoplespeak.locals.com.
How fast is Congress gonna want to change Section 230 one President Trump has his own social media site? — Mini AOC
Who is excited for President Trump’s Social Media platform?! — Brigitte Gabriel, founder, Act for America
Don’t worry, guys! Jen Psaki says the State Department is publishing ads on Facebook and Instagram telling people in Central America to not come to the United States. Oh, and there are radio ads and even “a comic book and animated show.” That’ll show ’em! — Curtis Houck, managing editor, NewsBusters
It’s been 130+ days since the 2020 Presidential Election and @GovKemp still hasn’t discontinued use of Dominion Voting Machines. If I run for Governor and am elected, I’ll take immediate steps to do it on DAY ONE. — Vernon Jones, state legislator
Our case against Gov. Newsom will be heard by the Court of Appeal on April 20. Newsom is appealing the Superior Court’s ruling that he abused his emergency powers. — Kevin Kiley, state legislator
These photos were taken within the last few days. There are eight pods with eight cells each in the facility. At any given moment there are an average of 3,000 people in custody here. The illegal immigrants are separated by age or physical size depending on room. … Fifty were COVID positive in these cells over the last few days. There have been multiple sexual assaults, normal assaults and daily medical emergencies. — James O’Keefe, founder, Project Veritas
It should be borne in mind that the first step taken by any potential authoritarian or dictatorial regime is to gain control of communications, particularly the delivery of news. It is fair to conclude, therefore, that one-party control of the press and media is a threat to a viable democracy. It may even give rise to countervailing extremism. — Laurence Silberman, judge
The state, the government, the president … they will never scare me into backing down. I will never kneel down and kiss that ring. I will fight as long as I’ve got to fight. I will fight as hard as I have to fight. — Matt Strickland, restaurant owner
Elect a clown, expect a circus. This isn’t that complicated, folks. — David Webb, radio host
This was actually one of our tamer entries, both in topics and in expression. Check in free to The People Speaks Locals Community, follow the community, and subscribe (free or paid for more content).