More of Mom’s Best Advice for Mother’s Day

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Here is more of mom’s best advice. Celebrate Mother’s Day with a great big THANK YOU!!!

Listen to your heart.
Make room for everyone.
Plant more seeds in your garden of love.
Life is an occasion. Rise to it!
Hold your head high.
Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
Live a life of integrity.
Never give up.
Dance with abandon.
If you feel pretty, you will be pretty.
Be proud of your heritage.
Take time to listen to the trees.
If you get scared, just pray.
Get up every time you get knocked down.
Plant things. Watch them grow!

Here is more of mom's best advice. Celebrate Mother's Day with a great big THANK YOU!!! #mom #mother #Mday #MothersDay Share on X

More of Moms Best Advice

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Mom’s Best Advice for Mother’s Day