The Obama Scandals: An Incomplete List

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Check out this incomplete list of scandals involving the Barack Obama presidency. Contrary to Obama’s claim that We’re probably the first administration in modern history that hasn’t had a major scandal in the White House, there were and still are dozens of major scandals. Here is an incomplete list of Obama-related scandals (including a few from Clinton and Biden during and after Obama’s presidency):

AP Phone Records Scandal (2012)
Benghazi Terrorist Attack Cover-Up (2012)
Bergdahl Swap (2014)
The Biden/Bankman-Fried Scandal (2022)
Clinton Foundation Scam (2009 to 2016)
Crimean Invasion and Annexation (2014)
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Cover-Up (2010)
FISA Abuse Scandal (2016 to 2017)
GSA Parties Scandal (2012)
Hillary Clinton’s Secret Email Server (2016)
Hunter Biden China Scandal (2013 to 2017)
Hunter Biden Ukraine Scandal (2014 to 2016)
Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign (2015 to 2016)
Iran Ransom Payment (2016)
Iraq Pullout and Rise of ISIS (2009 to 2011)
IRS Targeting Scandal (2013)
Joe Biden: You Ain’t Black Scandal (2020)
Joe Biden’s Mental Acuity (2020 to 2022)
Justice Department Slush Fund Scandal (2017)
The Nothingburger Flynn Scandal (2020)
NSA PRISM Surveillance (2013)
Obamagate (2020)
Operation Fast and Furious (2009 to 2011)
Pigford Scandal (2010)
QuidProJoe (2015 to 2020)
The Russian Hoax (2017 to 2019)
Secret Service Hooker Scandal (2012)
Solyndra Crony Capitalism (2010)
Strzok-Page Emails (2016)
Susan Rice’s Cover My Ass Email (2017)
Uranium One Scandal (2010)
VA Death-List Scandal (2014)

It was this roast of Donald Trump by Barack Obama that led to Trump running and winning in 2016. He who laughs last, laughs best.

Download a free PDF of this book here: The 2020 Election Coup: How the Democrats and Their Allies Stole the 2020 Presidential Election by David Walker — 390-page book full of details on how the Democrats and their allies stole the 2020 presidential election by completely wiping out a Trump landslide!

Contrary to Obama's claim that We’re probably the first administration in modern history that hasn’t had a major scandal in the White House, there were and still are dozens of major Obama-related scandals. Share on X

Obama-Biden Era Scandals during the Obama presidency

If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black. — Joe Biden

Quid Pro Joe scandal featuring Joe Biden

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