In honor of Mother’s Day, here’s a reminder of why mothers are so incredible: Their children.
Children are amazing, believable, childlike, divine, energetic, fallible, gifts, here now, innocent, joyful, kind-hearted, lovable, magical, noble, open-minded, precious, questioning, resourceful, spontaneous, talented, unique, vulnerable, wonderful, xtraordinary, yearning, and zany!
Children are . . .
Amazing — Acknowledge them.
Believable — Trust their words.
Childlike — Allow them to be kids.
Divine — Honor them always.
Energetic — Nourish them with love.
Fallible — Embrace them.
Gifts — Treasure them every day.
Here Now — Be with them now.
Innocent — Celebrate with them.
Joyful — Appreciate their happiness.
Kind-Hearted — Learn from them.
Lovable — Cherish them in your heart.
Magical — Fly away with them.
Noble — Esteem them and follow them.
Open-Minded — Respect them always.
Precious — Value them for their worth.
Questioning — Encourage their inquiry.
Resourceful — Support their efforts.
Spontaneous — Enjoy the moment.
Talented — Believe in them always.
Unique — Affirm them with your words.
Vulnerable — Protect them in your arms.
Wonderful — Wonder with them.
Xtraordinary — Celebrate them.
Yearning — Notice their dreams.
Zany — Laugh with them again & again.
Children are amazing, believable, childlike, divine, energetic, fallible, gifts, here now, innocent, joyful, kind-hearted, lovable, magical, noble, open-minded, precious, questioning, resourceful, spontaneous, talented, unique, vulnerable, wonderful,… Share on XCharity Showcase
The mission of AdoptUSKids, a service of U.S. Children’s Bureau, is two-fold: 1. To raise public awareness about the need for foster and adoptive families for children in the public child welfare system and 2. To assist U.S. states, territories, and tribes to recruit and retain foster and adoptive families and connect them with children. For more information, go to or call 800-200-4005.