Peggy Noonan: On Miracles

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I believe in miracles. The way I see it, life isn’t flat and thin and “realistic”; it’s rich and full of mystery and surprise. I think miracles exist in part as gifts and in part as clues that there is something beyond the flat world we see. I also think they happen every day, from the baby’s perfect shoulder in the sonogram to saints performing wonders. — Peggy Noonan, presidential speechwriter

Peggy Noonan on Miracles

Miracles are real. Miracles are all around us. Today. Yesterday. Tomorrow. Every day. — John Kremer

I believe in miracles. The way I see it, life isn’t flat and thin and realistic; it’s rich and full of mystery and surprise. I think miracles exist in part as gifts. — Peggy Noonan Share on X Miracles happen every day, from the baby’s perfect shoulder in the sonogram to saints performing wonders. — Peggy Noonan Share on X Miracles are real. Miracles are all around us. Today. Yesterday. Tomorrow. Every day. — John Kremer #miracles Share on X
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