15 Ways to Spread More Kindness

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Here are a few ways to spread more kindness to the people around you:

  • Tell a frazzled parent at a store that they are doing a great job.
  • Offer to take a friend’s children to the movies or to a park for the afternoon.
  • Visit a rest home to listen to the stories of residents.
  • Forgive someone.
  • Place patio furniture in your front lawn and talk to the people who walk buy. Do it once a week or more.
  • Adopt a stray. Or pay for someone else to adopt a stray.
  • Leave cookies for your mail person, other delivery people, or your hairdresser.
  • Write a letter to a loved one.
  • Hide a few dollars around a dollar store. Place at least a few of those dollars in the children’s section.
  • Tell a stranger that you really lover her shoes, her smile, or her dress.
  • Leave a larger than normal tip for your barber, your waitress, your nurse, your Uber driver.
  • Offer a word of encouragement to someone in your social media feed. Praise them. Celebrate them.
  • Put coins in expired or about-to-expire meters.
  • Sign up for a new activity. Pay for someone else to join you in the activity.
  • Cook a meal for a new neighbor or for someone who needs a shoulder to cry on.

Spread More Kindness to Those Around You

Here are a few ways to spread more kindness to the people around you: Tell a frazzled parent at a store that they are doing a great job. Offer to take a friend’s children to the movies or to a park for the afternoon. Forgive someone. #kindness Share on X
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