Ellen DeGeneres: Lessons in Kindness

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Here are 9 lessons from Ellen DeGeneres on how to be kind. It’s always good to be kind.

1. Just be nice. “If you can see that while we’re all different, our basic needs are the same—we all want love, safety, and understanding—then it’s easy to be kind.” — Ellen DeGeneres

Lessons in Kindness from Ellen DeGeneres

Our basic needs are the same—we all want love, safety, and understanding. — Ellen DeGeneres #bekind Share on X

2. Stay true to yourself. “There will be times in your life when people will tell you that you have to change to be successful. Don’t do it.” — Ellen DeGeneres

People will tell you that you have to change to be successful. Don't do it. — Ellen DeGeneres #staytrue Share on X

3. Never let bullies win. “My motto is: I do my best. You can be with me or not.” — Ellen DeGeneres

My motto is: I do my best. You can be with me or not. — Ellen DeGeneres #bekind Share on X

4. Find a way to forgive. “Anger and aggression weaken you, because they take so much energy to hold in place. But kindness is a strength that makes you more serene.” — Ellen DeGeneres

Kindness is a strength that makes you more serene. — Ellen DeGeneres #bekind Share on X

5. Set a good example. “We’re like a family. We love each other and make each other laugh every day.” — Ellen DeGeneres

We're like a family. We love each other and make each other laugh every day. — Ellen DeGeneres Share on X

6. Make time for those you love. “What I love you really means is I understand you.” — Ellen DeGeneres

What I love you really means is I understand you. — Ellen DeGeneres #bekind Share on X

7. Live your passions. “It was hard for me to find clothes that expressed who I was.” — Ellen DeGeneres … So she created them.

It was hard for me to find clothes that expressed who I was. — Ellen DeGeneres ... So she created them. Share on X

8. Do what scares you. “I think it’s good to not be too comfortable. It’s good to keep growing.” — Ellen DeGeneres

I think it's good to not be too comfortable. It's good to keep growing. — Ellen DeGeneres Share on X

9. Love who you are. “I’m kind. I’m a good person to work with and for. … I just try to be the best person I can be.” — Ellen DeGeneres

I'm kind. I'm a good person to work with. I try to be the best person I can be. - Ellen DeGeneres Share on X Here are 9 lessons from Ellen DeGeneres on how to be kind. It's always good to be kind. Share on X

Source: An interview with Ellen DeGeneres in the September 2017 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine.

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