Presidential Proclamation on Religious Liberty

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Proclamation on 850th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket

Here are a few key excerpts from President Trump’s proclamation on religious liberty

Our freedom from religious persecution is not a mere luxury or accident of history, but rather an essential element of our liberty. It is our priceless treasure and inheritance. And it was bought with the blood of martyrs. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

Our freedom from religious persecution is not a mere luxury or accident of history, but rather an essential element of our liberty. It is our priceless treasure and inheritance. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

As Americans, we were first united by our belief that rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God and that defending liberty is more important than life itself. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

As Americans, we were first united by our belief that ‘rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God’ and that defending liberty is more important than life itself. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

If we are to continue to be the land of the free, no government official, no governor, no bureaucrat, no judge, and no legislator must be allowed to decree what is orthodox in matters of religion or to require religious believers to violate their consciences.. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

If we are to continue to be the land of the free, no government official, no governor, no bureaucrat, no judge, and no legislator must be allowed to require religious believers to violate their consciences. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

No right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one’s religious convictions. … The people of America and the people of the world still cry out: “We want God.” — Donald Trump, U.S. president

No right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one’s religious convictions. ... The people of America and the people of the world still cry out: We want God. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

America stands with believers in every country who ask only for the freedom to live according to the faith that is within their own hearts. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

America stands with believers in every country who ask only for the freedom to live according to the faith that is within their own hearts. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

Every child—born and unborn—is a sacred gift from God. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

Every child—born and unborn—is a sacred gift from God. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

We have directed every Ambassador—and the over 13,000 United States Foreign Service officers and specialists—in more than 195 countries to promote, defend, and support religious freedom as a central pillar of American diplomacy. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

We have directed every Ambassador in more than 195 countries to promote, defend, and support religious freedom as a central pillar of American diplomacy. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

We pray for religious believers everywhere who suffer persecution for their faith. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

We pray for religious believers everywhere who suffer persecution for their faith. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

The crimes against people of faith must stop, prisoners of conscience must be released, laws restricting freedom of religion and belief must be repealed, and the vulnerable, the defenseless, and the oppressed must be protected. The tyranny and murder that shocked the conscience of the Middle Ages must never be allowed to happen again. As long as America stands, we will always defend religious liberty. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

The crimes against people of faith must stop, prisoners of conscience must be released, laws restricting freedom of religion must be repealed, and the vulnerable, the defenseless, and the oppressed must be protected. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

A society without religion cannot prosper. A nation without faith cannot endure—because justice, goodness, and peace cannot prevail without the grace of God. — Donald Trump, U.S. president

A society without religion cannot prosper. A nation without faith cannot endure—because justice, goodness, and peace cannot prevail without the grace of God. — Donald Trump, U.S. president Share on X

Donald Trump - On Religion and Liberty

Source: Note: The new administration will probably delete this incredible proclamation. Alas.

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