Despite some people’s distorted view of reality, Adam Schiff is not one of the greatest orators of all time, far from it. Here are six reasons why Adam Schiff is not even close to being a great orator:
Illogical—His logic is almost always flawed. He would have flunked a college logic course, but sadly there’s no evidence he ever took such a class. He can’t seem to distinguish between a fact, an opinion, and a second-hand guess.
Liar—By any objective standard, Adam Schiff lies and exaggerates more than Donald Trump, by a wide margin when measured by lies per minute. His biggest lie? His fake phone transcript he swore was true.
Repetition—A great orator would never repeat, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat. But that is what Schiff did during the impeachment trial. He has a great belief that repetition somehow makes a falsehood true. Hint: Repetition makes nothing true. Only real solid truth makes something true.
Alaska Giveaway—As Schiff wildly imagines, President Trump could give the state of Alaska to the Russians. Really? How? There are so many obstacles to such a move. Besides Trump would never give away one of his red states. True dat!
Twitching—His little beagle eyes that twitch and twitch whenever he’s lying. A lot of twitching.
Case Proven—Schiff says that Democrats clearly proved their case against Trump. Really? Then why all the on-going demands for more witnesses? And more documents? And even more witnesses?
Download a free PDF of this book here: The 2020 Election Coup: How the Democrats and Their Allies Stole the 2020 Presidential Election by David Walker
Free download for the next 10 days — 390-page book full of details on how the Democrats and their allies stole the 2020 presidential election by completely wiping out a Trump landslide!
Have These People Lost Their Minds?
Here are just a few of the people who obviously have lost their sense of balance, justice, accuracy, kindness, level-headedness, and clear objectivity. What has happened to their eyes, their ears, and their minds? Sad.
This is the most brilliant legal presentation I have heard. None comes close. The tone, the facts, the anticipated defenses. I am in awe. — Jennifer Rubin, Never Trumper
Stray thought watching Adam Schiff: some of the Dem prez candidates are impressive, but their Congressional leadership is awesome. On this front, at least, the party is doing something right. — Paul Krugman, economist
Best lawyer I’ve ever seen in Congress. — Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC talking head
Schiff followed by Trump’s two lawyers is like watching Cristiano Ronaldo followed by two U.S. high school players. — Will Doolittle tweet
Well, there are certain speakers who were quite compelling. … But when Schiff talks, they listen. — Chuck Schumer, U.S. senator
I’ve been here a long time. That was just about the best speech I have ever heard. — Chuck Schumer, U.S. senator
I am deeply impressed with Schiff and Pelosi. Honorable, highly intelligent, committed to the country, thoughtful. Makes me wish I lived in their districts. — Invincible Summer tweet
Schiff’s I Have a Scheme speech definitely one for the history books! — Ned Freed tweet
Adam Schiff is not only the Best Lawyer ever in Congress. He may be the Best Congressperson Ever!! and that is saying something with the likes of Nancy Pelosi and so many others!! — Dan Pereira
America & History will ALWAYS remember Adam Schiff as the Fighter & Moral Compass for US Democracy! Your Closing Arguments were again Breathtaking! — Dan Pereira
Genius on display! — Ramona Jordan tweet
I was envisioning him as a future Supreme Court Justice! Could you imagine Schiff and Garland! Impressive, intelligent men for sure. — @MerylMerylrc tweet
Adam Schiff is so impressive. His knowledge of the law… his passion… his articulateness. His sincerity! He speaks the truth and would make a great president. — Barbra Streisand, singer and actress
Adam Schiff will be remembered as a true patriot, great prosecutor and orator. — @rcarr57 tweet
Blown away by Adam now and as chair of Intelligence Committee. He is POTUS material—I want CA to share him with the rest of us. Smart, knowledgeable, oratory skills, high integrity and passionate. Love to listen to him. — Ellen Eberly tweet
He is amazing! How McConnell couldn’t be moved by his words is beyond me. Thank God for Adam Schiff! — @vmac515 tweet
I could listen to him all day. And I have. He’s the absolute best! — Patricia Ghiglino tweet
Schiff has come closer to saving us than Mueller, Rosenstein, Kelly. He’s giving us his all. He is a hero and a patriot. — @viewsfordays tweet
Schiff probably is going to be carved into Mt. Rushmore, & his speech will replace both the Bible & the Constitution as the principal text studied by scholars, students and aspiring gurus. — Glenn Greenwald tweet
Download a free PDF of this book here: The 2020 Election Coup: How the Democrats and Their Allies Stole the 2020 Presidential Election by David Walker
Free download for the next 10 days — 390-page book full of details on how the Democrats and their allies stole the 2020 presidential election by completely wiping out a Trump landslide!