Top 10 Real Reasons to Vote for Democrats

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Which of these 10 reasons are you using as a reason to vote for Democrats?

  1. So I can marry whoever you want – like my schnauzer!
  2. Why should oil companies get 4% profit while governments only get 15% tax?
  3. Because Nancy Pelosi can do a better job of spending my money than I can.
  4. Well, freedom of speech is fine as long as no one offends me. Come on, man!
  5. Because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun. 9-1-1 will protect me. I’m sure the sympathetic social workers will show up in time to save me.
  6. We have to keep death row inmates alive and well while we slaughter babies about to be born. That makes so much sense!
  7. Illegal aliens have a right to millions of dollars. Billionaires can pay for that.
  8. Businesses should break even at best. Any profits AOC can invest better than filthy business owners.
  9. Because judges need to rewrite the U.S. Constitution so fringe kooks can get their expansive agendas past other voters.
  10. It’s better to pay billions for oil from people who hate us than to drill our own.
Which of these 10 reasons are you using as a reason to vote for Democrats? #democrats #voting Share on X

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Democrats

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