Independence: The New Nicole Shanahan Ad

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A new social media ad from Nicole Shanahan says that if you are cool with being lied to about your leader’s cognitive decline, and “support Orwellian totalitarianism, or are excited about Communist fiscal policy, Independence may not be right for you.”

As Nicole notes about her own journey:

I was completely misinformed about what MAGA is. The coming together of these two groups over the last week … has been really glorious. And they gave us the name MAHA, Make America Healthy Again. That was always the vision of this unity movement, this desire to heal the divide. Even though these are just two pockets … they’re two very powerful pockets, and to find common ground has been one of the most motivating, optimistic things I’ve seen in recent political time.

If you are cool with being lied to about your leader's cognitive decline, and support Orwellian totalitarianism, or are excited about Communist fiscal policy, Independence may not be right for you. Share on X

Independence Video Ad by Nicole Shanahan

David Walker, author, Kamala Chameleon: Why Kamala Harris Is the Worst Presidential Candidate in American History

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