While most of the people quoted below were talking about separating children and parents who had illegally entered the United States, the emotions and the outrage should also apply to the thousands of babies who are forcibly torn from their mothers every day via abortion. How can we really condemn one behavior but accept the other?
Yes, the mothers might have agreed to be separated from their babies via abortion, but the babies certainly did not agree to be torn from their mothers’ bodies and killed. If you really believe that separating families at the border is wrong, then you should also be outraged at forcibly tearing children from their mothers’ wombs. Why are you silent about this incredible tragedy?
God bless the supporters of little children, both the born and the unborn, both domestic and foreign children. God bless the lovers of children. #familiesbelongtogether #keepfamiliestogether
God bless the supporters of little children, both the born and the unborn, both domestic and foreign children. God bless the lovers of children. #familiesbelongtogether #keepfamiliestogether Share on XThe death penalty only perpetuates a cycle of trauma. We have to end it once and for all. — ACLU tweet
Especially for babies. Abortion has to end once and for all. Protect the little children, both born and unborn.
Tearing children away from their parents is so evil, it’s the inciting incident in almost every movie we’ve ever cared about. — Samantha Bee, comedienne
And that is exactly why abortion is the most evil thing ever. It is literally tearing children out of their mothers. Real children. Children hungering to live. Children crying out for life. Children we should be standing up for. Absolutely.
Save those babies! — Black Lives Matters protester
If only he were talking about the 50 million Black babies that have died on the abortion table during the past 50 years.
I call on all of America not to sit comfortably and be bystanders to … the injustices of separation of families that are going on, of separating American children through our broken criminal justice system that has thousands of children right now, incarcerated in the United States of America, who haven’t even had a trial yet. I think we all should be not sitting comfortably, idly by, while these moral outrages are going on, and we should protest. — Cory Booker, U.S. senator
I call on all of America not to sit comfortably by while children are torn from their mothers’ wombs via abortion. We should clearly not be sitting idly by while this moral outrage is going on. We should protest with all our hearts.
For those who would use the Holy Scripture to justify tearing children from the arms of their mother… we put the record straight: Jesus said ‘Suffer the little children, forbid them NOT to come onto me’… Not make the little children suffer! — Bono, singer and songwriter
Speak out also about the children being forcibly torn from their mothers’ wombs. Please. Listen to the real Jesus, as you just quoted.
Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation, on being the nation that sends humanitarian relief to places devastated by natural disasters or famine or war. We pride ourselves on believing that people should be seen for the content of their character, not the color of their skin. We pride ourselves on acceptance. If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation … to stop separating parents and children in the first place. — Laura Bush, former first lady
We pride ourselves on being a moral nation except, alas, when it comes to abortion. Isn’t it time we returned to morality?
If the traditional pro-life movement is to regain credibility as something other than a tool of the Trump administration, it must speak out clearly and forcefully against harming innocent children as a means of deterring undocumented immigration. — Charles Camosy, professor
And, in turn, those speaking out against innocent children being taken from their parents must speak out clearly and forcefully against tearing children out of their mother’s wombs. That argument has to run both ways.
I’ve studied the Bible, both the Old and the New Testament. And what is being done using the name of religion is contrary to everything I was ever taught. Jesus said, “suffer the little children unto me.” He did not say, let the children suffer. So the test of any nation is how we treat the most vulnerable among us. — Hillary Clinton, presidential candidate
What is being done in the name of the law is contrary to what Jesus taught. Jesus would never have supported abortion. Never. Speak out also about the most vulnerable children being forcibly torn from their mothers’ wombs. Please.
Nursing infants ripped away from their mothers. … Everyone of us who has ever held a child in their arms, and every human being with a sense of compassion and decency should be outraged. — Hillary Clinton, presidential candidate
Every human being with even a little sense of compassion and decency should be truly outraged about children being ripped away from their mothers’ wombs. Abortion kills. Please speak out about abortion as well.
Give me a break! What is more uncivil and cruel than taking children away? It should be met with resolve and strength. And if some of that comes across as a little uncivil, well, children’s lives are at stake; their futures are at stake. — Hillary Clinton, presidential candidate
Give us all a break! What is more uncivil and cruel than tearing children away via abortion? That is what should be met with resolve and strength. Children’s lives are truly at stake. Abortion kills!
I am ashamed of the way my country has acted with respect of those children. I am disgusted, I am horrified, I am embarrassed, I’m ashamed. — James Comey, former head of the FBI
I am disgusted. I am horrified. I am embarrassed. I am ashamed of the way my country has acted towards unborn children who only want to live. Let them live!
It’s heartbreaking to see the images and hear the sounds of the kids. Kids are the most vulnerable people in any society. I think that what’s happening is inhumane, it needs to stop. — Tim Cook, Apple CEO
Children, both born and unborn, are the most vulnerable people in our society. What’s happening with abortion is not only inhumane but heartless as well. It does need to stop!
Separating people with no plan when those children can’t even speak English—can you imagine the terror besides just being separated? So we have to do better. We’ve been about more. We can be about more and right now we are acting really small. — Kevin Costner, actor
Can you imagine the terror of being killed by your own mother and a heartless doctor? Right now we are acting really, really small.
Using 2,000 children—pulling them out of the arms of their parents—is as disgusting a process as I’ve ever seen, and it really says as a country we should take a look in the mirror, and, duhhh, are we still the United States of America? — Andrew Cuomo, New York governor
Using 900,000 children—tearing them out of the wombs of their mothers—is as disgusting a process as I’ve ever seen. As a country, we really should take a look in the mirror.
Real men should never support the killing of their children. — Obianuju Ekeocha, author of Target Africa
Real men and real feminists should never support the killing of their own children via abortion. Absolutely never.
Well, this is the United States of America. It isn’t Nazi Germany, and there’s a difference, and we don’t take children from their parents, until now. — Dianne Feinstein, U.S. senator
But we have been forcibly tearing children away from their mothers since 1973. Not just now. Awaken to the reality, senator.
I used to be pro-abortion, many, many years ago. I would have called myself pro-choice. But then when I had my daughter Melissa, I went the other way. … When I heard Melissa’s little heartbeat on the monitor, I said, “Well, wait a minute. Even if all there is is a heartbeat, that’s life, that’s life.” — José Feliciano, singer and songwriter
Sadly, José Feliciano is one of the few celebrities who speak truth to life—the life of a child in the womb. The heartbeat says it all!
I have heard that it’s fashionable, or at least usual, that when in the first months of pregnancy they do studies to see if the child is healthy or has something, the first offer is: let’s send it away. I say this with pain: In the last century the whole world was scandalized about what the Nazis did to purify the race. Today we do the same, but now with white gloves. — Pope Francis
It’s not just a question of killing children in the womb because they might be born unhealthy. It’s an absolute question of killing children ever. In the womb. Or out of the womb.
Children are being ripped from parents’ arms. I can’t think of anything more chilling, any more evil. — Luis Gutierrez, U.S. representative
I can’t think of anything more chilling, anything more evil, than children being ripped from their mothers’ wombs.
We are going to end up like Germany in WWII. We have to all stand up and do something. — Chelsea Handler, talk show host
And Germany did support the abortion of children, so we are already like them. Alas. You are right: We all have to stand up and do something. Please start now. Fight abortion now!
We talk about sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies. There can’t be anything more horrendous. — Jim Harbaugh, football coach
It is truly horrendous. As well as so sad.
The government should be in the business of keeping families together, not tearing families apart, not tearing children from their parents. — Kamala Harris, U.S. senator
The government should not be in the business at all of tearing children from their mothers’ wombs. Period. Stop abortion now!
Purposely separating children from their parents is immoral and un-American. — John Hickenlooper, Colorado governor
Purposely killing children in the womb is immoral and un-American. Absolutely.
He’s taking infant children hostage, wrenching them from the arms of their parents, traumatizing them perhaps for life. — Steny Hoyer, U.S. representative
Abortion wrenches children from the wombs of their mothers. It clearly traumatizes these children for life—all three seconds before they die and are tossed into waste containers. Please speak up about this terror.
The issue right now is we have a president who makes it a practice to forcibly separate young children from their parents. — Indecline group
The true issue right now (and for a long time before now) is that we have groups who make it a practice to forcibly tear young children from their mothers’ wombs. This isn’t an immigration issue. This is a humanitarian crisis. Pay attention!
It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child. It will take an effort by the whole of our country to give children the protection and care they deserve. — Angelina Jolie, actress
Let’s hope America soon unites to protect unborn children and give them the care they truly, absolutely deserve.
If it’s true that the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice, let’s please help it bend a little faster, for the sake of these vulnerable children. — Mindy Kaling, actress
The arc of the moral universe will bend toward justice. It has to for the sake of the most vulnerable children: those in the womb unable to speak up for themselves.
Separating children from their parents is just wrong. … Let’s get it right. We’re America. We have a big heart. We love people. At the end of the day, we don’t want to create an image that we don’t care, because we really do. — John Kasich, Ohio governor
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what image we create if we allow abortion to continue. We do have a big heart. We love people. We should, of course, also love the children living in their mother’s womb.
Families are the backbone of society. A policy that pulls them apart rather than building them up is immoral and just plain wrong. — Dara Khosrowshahi, Uber CEO
Families are the backbone of society. And children are the heart of society. A policy such as abortion that tears them apart (and, by the way, kills them) is immoral and just plain wrong, wrong, wrong.
We believe that innocent children should not be separated from their parents. … We demand and expect better, and call on our readers to do the same. — Kid Lit children’s book authors
I look forward to the day when children’s book authors speak up for all children, especially those that can’t speak up for themselves.
Thousands of children have been taken away from their parents. — Jimmy Kimmel, talk show host
Actually, Jimmy, millions of children have been forcibly ripped from their mother’s wombs. Speak up about that, please.
To snatch children away from their families. This ugly, vile program that is harming children. — Sheila Jackson Lee, U.S. representative
Abortion is an ugly, vile program that is KILLING children.
I’m sick and tired of what has happened to our children, to our babies, taken from their mothers. … That’s not right! That’s not fair! — John Lewis, U.S. representative
I’m sick and tired of people conveniently justifying abortion as simply a matter of choice. Killing should never be simply a matter of choice. That’s not right!
I cried last night. When I heard those babies crying. Knowing that young children have been taken from their mothers. Some of these young children may never, ever see their mothers or fathers again. — John Lewis, U.S. representative
And I hope he cries every night for the 3,000 babies taken from their mothers every day via abortion. They will definitely never see their mothers, never see their fathers, never see the light of day. Yes, Mr. Lewis, it is time not only to cry about such killing but also to take right action.
Save our babies. History will not be kind to us as a nation and as a people if we continue to go down this road. — John Lewis, U.S. representative
History will judge us for allowing abortion to continue. For allowing over 55 million babies to be killed since 1973. And that number only counts American babies.
Note: Blacks are aborted at 3.6 times the rate of whites. Abortion is clearly racist. Sad.
As people of faith and conscience, we feel that it is important that we speak out clearly in defense of basic human rights at this time. — Lion’s Roar Buddhist teachers
I truly hope that includes speaking out against the horror of abortion and speaking up for the basic human right of children to be born rather than killed.
I could never give up protecting the most vulnerable human beings in the world simply to win an election. — Dan Lipinski, U.S. congressperson
The most vulnerable human beings are those just waiting to be born.
Reading the news about the separation of children from their families, I can’t help but think about my own children. I cannot fathom a world where they would be ripped from my arms, taken to a place no better than a prison far from home. I feel we will never forget this moment in time. Bearing witness to these atrocities and that’s what they are, I can say for sure, remaining silent is not an option. … Supporting one another in these troubled times, we can remain on the right side of history: the side where children are safe and in their parents arms. Act now, call now, speak now, LOVE now. #familiesbelongtogether #lovenothate — Jennifer Lopez, actress and singer
I, too, cannot fathom a world where children are ripped from the wombs of their mothers and then taken to a waste can and dumped. This is a true atrocity, not fake news and photos. Act now, call now, speak now, love now. Families do belong together. #familiesbelongtogether #lovenothate
We are the ones telling our stories, so we have to be telling the stories of the invisible so they can be visible. — Diego Luna actor
And the most invisible of all? The unborn. Especially the unborn ripped from their mothers’ wombs. We must tell their story now because so few people are willing to stand up for their rights as people.
This is about our humanity. This is about the code of conduct we as Americans want to live by. — Debra Messing, actress
This truly is about our humanity and our love. Let’s celebrate our children from the minute they are conceived and not just when they happen to cross a border.
How dare you spend your evening here eating dinner as you’re complicit in the separation and deportation of over 10,000 children separated from their parents? … Do you hear the babies crying? … No human being is illegal! — Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America
How can you eat dinner on any day when over 125,000 babies are killed worldwide EVERY day? Do you hear the babies dying? No baby should die!
Stop the inhumane and criminal action of separating migrant families, taking into account the best interests of children and privileging respect for human rights. — Mexican congress
And what country lets these children and families come through without any support, food, or lodging? Hmmm. And will this same congress also call for the end of abortion, in the best interests of children and respect for human rights? More empty words. More empty platitudes.
This policy is monstrous and morally repugnant, and it is being done in our name. — Seth Meyers, talk show host
Abortion is monstrous and morally repugnant, and it is being done in all our names.
We urge the administration to change its policy and Congress to pass legislation ensuring children are no longer separated from their families. — Microsoft statement
I’m looking forward to the day that Congress passes legislation ensuring children are no longer ripped from their mothers’ wombs. I’m also looking forward to the day that Microsoft releases a supporting statement on that!
The fight for humanity is on. — Alyssa Milano, actress
The fight for spiritual humanity is on. What side will you be on? Love or murder?
At a certain point it’s just wrong, and the law can be morally wrong and that’s where we have to draw the line as humans. — Isabela Moner, actress
Abortion has always been wrong. The law is morally wrong. It’s here where we have to draw the line as humans — to fight for those humans without any voice. The unborn. It’s time to draw the line.
Babies being separated from their mothers. This administration is behaving like a bunch of thugs and gangsters. — Jerry Nadler, U.S. representative
Since 1973, we have all been behaving like a bunch of thugs, gangsters, and killers.
A sure fire way to stop being compared to Nazis is to stop acting like them. — Kumail Nanjiani, actor
Oh, gosh, I hope this means he’s going to be speaking out against abortion, since the Nazis supported abortion.
What we are simply saying is we don’t want 2-year-olds torn from the arms of their mothers and crying. — Ana Navarro, political commentator
What we are simply saying is we don’t want children killed in the womb, torn from their mothers’ wombs and dying.
The nation’s library community is appalled that innocent children would face such emotional trauma and would be locked in mass facilities and separated from their families. There is no legitimate policy or moral basis for this unconscionable action. — Jim Neal, president, American Library Association
I look forward to the day that librarians speak out again the killing of innocent children via abortion. There is absolutely no moral basis for this unconscionable action.
To watch those families broken apart in real time puts to us a very simple question: are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms, or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together? — Barack Obama, U.S. president
Are we really a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their mothers’ wombs? Or are we a nation that values families and truly works to keep them together? Do we really support families and children? Or do we simply mouth niceties but behave abhorrently?
Abolish the death penalty. — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, U.S. representative
Yes, absolutely, especially on babies in the womb. Absolutely abolish THAT death penalty.
ICE is operating exactly as designed when it rips screaming children from parents. That’s exactly why we must abolish it. We MUST have the moral and political courage to #abolishICE. Weak half-measures do nothing. This is a defining moment of our time—the time to act is now. — Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, U.S. representative
Planned Parenthood is operating exactly as designed when it rips silent children from their mothers’ wombs. This is a defining moment of our time—the time to act is now. Abolish abortion. Abolish Planned Parenthood, the baby-killing machine.
What I can’t understand, what is most terrifying about the sounds & images coming out of the internment camps, is how anyone can see these children & not be morally outraged. — Ken Olin, actor
And, I hope, Ken is equally outraged about the children ripped from the wombs of their mothers.
The president is either not knowing, not caring, delusional, in denial about his own policies being outside the circle of civilized human behavior. — Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house
And Pelosi is not knowing, not caring, delusional, and in denial that her policies on abortion are outside the circle of civilized human behavior. As a so-called Catholic, she should know better.
My whole message is about children. Anybody who hurts children, I’m a lioness. Watch out. — Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house
I fervently pray that she means this about unborn children as well as born children. Sadly, she has never applied her so-called love of children to the unborn. Her loss. And the unborn’s loss.
On this celebration of this great country’s Independence, let us not forget that there are thousands of little babies that have been ripped from the safety every child deserves, ripped by impulse with absolutely no plan or wherewithal to reunite them. — Ron Perlman, actor
Actually it’s millions of little babies that have been ripped from the safety every child in the womb deserves. Ripped by impulse with absolutely no chance to reunite them with their mothers. These babies are killed.
We are scared that, deep down, other people in this country are hearing these children crying for their parents and feeling nothing. — Mishel Prada, actor
It’s great to feel for children who are crying. It’s even greater to feel for the children who are never allowed to utter a cry as they are being murdered. Abortion is cruel beyond measure. Cry for these children!
Ending the barbaric and inhumane practice of government-sanctioned murder is a commonsense step that you can and must take to save lives. — Ayana Pressley, U.S. representative
I agree! #StopAbortionNow No more government-sanctioned or government-supported murder of babies, whether born or unborn.
It’s devastating to see what’s going on at our border with the U.S., children being separated from their parents, families being torn apart by the stupid. — Vicente Fox Quesada, Mexican president
It’s devastating to see babies ripped from their mothers by the stupid and uncaring. It’s also devastating to see what little effort Mexico makes to help those people other than shoving them up to our borders. Good work, Mexico. Thanks for all you do!
Ripping children away from their parents is fascism pure and simple. — Rob Reiner, actor
Ripping children away from their mothers’ wombs is fascism pure and simple. Speak up more clearly, Mr. Reiner.
I’m not a Christian. But I try to live by the teachings of Jesus. There is nothing more morally profound than treating people as you would like to be treated. There is nothing less moral than taking babies from their mothers. — Rob Reiner, actor
There is absolutely nothing less moral than ripping children out of their mothers’ wombs. Nothing. Abortion is evil.
Don’t ever give into dehumanizing rhetoric about caravans and immigrants. This is where that leads. Every child has a dignity that must be cherished. — Ben Rhodes, political advisor
Every child really does have a dignity that must be cherished. Never dehumanize an unborn baby. Unborn babies must be cherished. They must be protected. We must no longer allow people to kill them simply for convenience.
End immediately the policy of separating accompanied minors from their parents. This practice is cruel and contrary to American values. — Chuck Robbins, Cisco CEO
Abortion is also cruel. And it is also contrary to American values. Let’s get this right!
The idea of tearing little children from the arms of their parents, putting them into detention cages, and then making a big deal about an executive order … is literally beyond belief. — Bernie Sanders, U.S. senator and presidential candidate
The idea of tearing little children from the wombs of their mothers, killing them, and tossing their bodies into waste containers — that’s what is literally beyond belief.
We need Trump now to make it clear that the United States of America is not a nation which tears children from their parents. — Bernie Sanders, U.S. senator
We need to make it clear that the United States of American is not a nation that tears children from their mothers’ wombs. Plain and simple. Start there with the true innocents. Then you can justify getting offended about other separations.
We must abolish the death penalty—period. — Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senator
And we must also abolish abortion in our country. We must abolish the death penalty, especially for babies about to be born! Period!
Family separation is wicked. It is harmful to kids and absolutely should NOT be the default U.S. policy. Americans are better than this. — Ben Sasse, U.S. senator
Abortion is wicked. It should NOT be the default U.S. policy. Americans are better than this.
This child separation policy is connected to the worst abuse of humanity in our history. It is connected by the same evil that separated families during slavery and dislocated tribes and broke up Native American families. It is immoral and must be repudiated. — Steve Schmidt, political strategist
Abortion, the killing of babies, is actually the worst abuse of humanity in our history. It is immoral and must be repudiated.
This state-sponsored child abuse must stop. Pure evil. — Adam Scott, dancer and poet
This state-sponsored killing of babies must stop. Pure evil.
We have heard people in high positions in the American government blaspheme in the name of God and country that it is a moral thing to assault the children amongst us. — Bruce Springsteen, singer and songwriter
It is not a moral thing to assault the children among us, including the unborn. Speak up, Bruce, about the most devastated children of all, the unborn who are killed via abortion. Don’t shrink from the truth. We need those of you in high positions of celebrity to speak out for the unborn who cannot protect themselves.
It needs all of us leaning on it, nudging it in the right direction day after day. You gotta keep, keep leaning. — Bruce Springsteen, singer and songwriter
The moral arc of the universe needs lots of leaners, nudging it in the right direction day after day. If you believe in the sanctity of life, you gotta keep on leaning.
Children should not be separated from their parents. — Ben Stiller, actor
And should not be killed by their parents either. Yup.
The sight of so many politicians scurrying around to protect abortion is truly sad. Self-professed Catholic pols who do so should be ashamed of themselves. Note well: Support of abortion is contrary to God’s will, a betrayal of the faith, and a cause of scandal. — Thomas J. Tobin, Catholic bishop
Finally, someone speaking the truth.
I can’t imagine what the families living through this are enduring. Obviously, this is not the way we do things in Canada. — Justin Trudeau, Canadian prime minister
Ah, but with abortion, it is exactly what you do. I can’t imagine what babies dying through abortion are enduring. They can feel pain. They can feel hurt. They can die for no reason at all.
I think anybody with a heart would feel very strongly about it, we don’t want families separated. — Donald Trump, U.S. president
Anyone with a heart should feel very strongly about abortion. They should not accept it. They should abhor it.
Americans do not like the idea of snatching children out of the arms of their parents. … This is wrong. This is unconscionable. We can’t keep doing this to children. — Maxine Waters, U.S. representative
Absolutely. Abortion is wrong. Abortion is unconscionable. We really can’t keep doing this to children.
Babies torn from their parents. Can’t stand it! — Oprah Winfrey, billionaire talk show host, actress, and network owner
Babies torn from their mothers. I absolutely can’t stand that. You, too, Oprah?
These images of parents and children being separated is horrifying. Cruel and immoral and deplorable. — Reese Witherspoon, actress
The images of aborted babies is horrifying. Cruel and immoral and deplorable.
According to the World Health Organization, there are somewhere between 40 million and 50 million abortions carried out every year in the world. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day.
Since 1973, roughly 55 million induced abortions have been performed in the United States.
Abortion accounted for nearly a third of all U.S. deaths in 2009 (32.1 percent). It also made up 61.1% of African-American deaths (Open Journal of Preventive Medicine). Blacks are aborted at 3.6 times the rate of whites. Abortion is clearly racist. Sad.
52% of all African-American pregnancies end in abortion. Abortion is the most common operation performed on women, yet it is also “the least regulated medical procedure” and is often “completely ignored by health regulation enforcement” (Source: Rev. Clenard Childress Jr.).
Over 1,000,000 children were forcibly torn from their mothers in 2019. And that’s in the United States alone! Shame on us.
Fight abortion now. It’s not only forcibly tearing babies from their mothers. It’s actually killing those babies! Stand up for life! Stand up now!
In 2018, Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez insisted that pro-life candidates have no place in the modern Democratic Party. Sad. Who champions life? That’s one of the reasons I’m running for the Democratic nomination for U.S. President in 2020.
On-Going Abortion News: https://www.myincrediblewebsite.com/on-going-abortion-news